Ices, frosts and clouds on Mars observed by CaSSIS during the first months of TGO’s primary science mission

Pommerol, A.; Thomas, N.; Yoldi, Z.; Roloff, V.; Almeida, M.; Becerra, P.; Tulyakov, S.; Tornabene, L.; Seelos, F.; Bapst, J.; Hansen, C.J.; Portyankina, G.; Lucchetti, A.; Pajola, M.; Douté, S.; Patel, M.; Cremonese, G. (2018). Ices, frosts and clouds on Mars observed by CaSSIS during the first months of TGO’s primary science mission. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2018. Berlin. 16. - 21. September 2018.

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The CaSSIS (Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging
System) [1] of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO)
has already acquired numerous images of Mars that
show seasonal and diurnal ices and frosts at the
surface as well as clouds and fog in the atmosphere.
Simulations of the CaSSIS signal in all four colour
filters from laboratory measurements with analogues
and data from other missions will be helpful to
interpret these new observations

Item Type:

Conference or Workshop Item (Abstract)


08 Faculty of Science > Physics Institute > Space Research and Planetary Sciences
08 Faculty of Science > Physics Institute
08 Faculty of Science > Physics Institute > NCCR PlanetS

UniBE Contributor:

Pommerol, Antoine, Thomas, Nicolas, Yoldi Martínez d. M., Zuriñe, Roloff, Victoria Ann, Miguel, Almeida, Becerra Valdes, Patricio


500 Science > 520 Astronomy
600 Technology > 620 Engineering




Dora Ursula Zimmerer

Date Deposited:

30 Aug 2018 13:54

Last Modified:

02 Mar 2023 23:31

Additional Information:

EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 12, EPSC2018-272, 2018




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