Bildungsgrenzen im Spiegel der Panel-Studie TREE

Meyer, Thomas (2016). Bildungsgrenzen im Spiegel der Panel-Studie TREE Bern: TREE

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The contribution explores today's educational boundaries as they manifest themselves in general statistical data on the one hand and, on the other hand, the data and analyses of TREE. Spanning an observation period of almost 15 years between the end of compulsory school and young adult-hood, TREE provides excellent empirical grounds for the long-term analysis of various education-related boundaries - including their mechanisms and their effects. This contribution will deal with the following types of boundaries:
-External boundaries of the education system: analyses of the TREE data reflect the substantial extension of this type of boundary, manifesting itself in terms of educational careers or pathways lasting ever longer, not only owing to an ever growing proportion of youths enrolling in tertiary level education programmes, but also due to the increasing importance of activities termed life-long learning.
With regard to school-to-work transition (i.e. at the boundary between education and labour market systems), Switzerland's education system with its predominance of dual VET is viewed as a "success story" both domestically and internationally. TREE analyses confirm this story to a large part, but also show precarious transitions and evidence of substantial discrepancies between young people's educational credentials and labour market demands.
-Internal boundaries within the education system: While the international discourse in education policy has come to advocate open, permeable education systems allowing for mobility and "second chances" throughout the entire educational career, TREE results show how the heavily tracked, segmented and segregated Swiss education system provokes an unnecessarily large number of discontinuous educational pathways and premature dropout;
-Social boundaries: Many TREE results underline to what extent "ascriptive" individual characteristics such as gender, social origin or migration background influence education and labour market careers at all stages.

Item Type:

Report (Report)


03 Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences > Social Sciences > Institute of Sociology

UniBE Contributor:

Meyer, Thomas (A)


300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology




[1036] Transitions from Education to Employment (TREE) Official URL




Sandra Hupka-Brunner

Date Deposited:

23 Oct 2019 14:58

Last Modified:

27 Jun 2024 09:43

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