One for the money, two for the show: What are the actor‐based incentives for public‐private partnerships for innovation?

Ilgenstein, Sabrina A. (2021). One for the money, two for the show: What are the actor‐based incentives for public‐private partnerships for innovation? European Policy Analysis, 8(1), pp. 87-108. Policy Studies Organization 10.1002/epa2.1131

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This paper aims to identify the processes that lead to the establishment of public-private partnerships (PPPs) with a focus on the financial and policy incentives of the actors involved. To this end, it applies the Multiple Streams Framework to a qualitative case study to answer the following research question: are actors of PPPs for innovation motivated due to financial incentives or can they be policy driven? Although the fiscal context plays an important role in our case, the study shows that policy goals, such as providing infrastructure or public services and promoting innovation can be the main drivers for establishing a PPP. These findings offer a theoretical and practical contribution to analyze PPPs as a phenomenon. First, we establish a theoretical framework of possible incentives for actors in PPPs and, secondly, provide new insights into the PPP discussion in the public administration literature.

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)


11 Centers of Competence > KPM Center for Public Management

UniBE Contributor:

Ilgenstein, Sabrina Alexa


300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology > 350 Public administration & military science




Policy Studies Organization




Sabrina Alexa Ilgenstein

Date Deposited:

02 Dec 2021 13:29

Last Modified:

05 Dec 2022 15:53

Publisher DOI:





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