The highly local nature of biodiversity is an asset

Zabel, Astrid; Allheilig, Gaby (March 2022). The highly local nature of biodiversity is an asset. In: CDE Spotlight. Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern

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Item Type:



10 Strategic Research Centers > Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

UniBE Contributor:

Zabel von Felten, Astrid Mirjam, Allheilig, Gaby


Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern


[803] Cluster: Land Resources
[1728] Environmental policies for ecological infrastructures in rural landscapes




Melchior Peter Nussbaumer

Date Deposited:

14 Feb 2023 12:42

Last Modified:

15 Feb 2023 13:06

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Additional Information:

More than a third of Switzerland’s plant, animal, and fungal species are endangered. The Confederation, cantons, and municipalities have stepped in with various instruments to halt species loss – so far, with limited success. Is this simply due to policy failure? CDE scientist Astrid Zabel explains why biodiversity goals often fail to materialize, and which instruments can promote species conservation.
Über ein Drittel der Pflanzen-, Tier- und Pilzarten der Schweiz sind bedroht. Mit verschiedenen Instrumenten versuchen Bund, Kantone und Gemeinden den Artenschwund zu stoppen – bislang ohne namhaften Erfolg. Ist es einfach Politikversagen? CDE-Wissenschaftlerin Astrid Zabel über die Gründe, warum sich Biodiversitätsziele oft nicht einstellen, und zur Frage, welche Instrumente den Artenschutz fördern können.


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