
Marshall, David Evelyn (2024). Revelation (Submitted). In: Yale Dictionary of the Qur'an. Yale University Press

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Although there is no direct Qur’anic equivalent to the concept of “revelation”, which can be seen as an imposition from Christian theology, it is used here, as in much Western scholarship, as a convenient umbrella term denoting the many-stranded theme of God’s communication with humankind. The Qur’an repeatedly affirms that God has communicated with humankind in various ways, above all via prophets and messengers of the past and now via the prophet-messenger (traditionally, Muhammad) who is the Qur’an’s immediate addressee and whose task is to transmit the Qur’an. The Qur’an also comments constantly on the conflict between how believers and unbelievers respond to it. This article describes outstanding features of the Qur’anic territory around this nexus of the affirmation and contestation of the Qur’an as revelation.

Item Type:

Book Section (Encyclopedia Article)


01 Faculty of Theology > Institute of Old Catholic Theology
01 Faculty of Theology > Institute of Old Catholic Theology > Systematic Theology, Ecumenical Theology, Practical Theology

UniBE Contributor:

Marshall, David Evelyn


200 Religion > 230 Christianity & Christian theology
200 Religion > 280 Christian denominations


Yale University Press




David Evelyn Marshall

Date Deposited:

29 Mar 2023 11:35

Last Modified:

29 Mar 2023 23:28


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