Discourses of Gender, Religion, and National Security in the Legal Mediation of Citizenship: A Case Study from India

Dixit, Anukriti; Samar, Samar (2024). Discourses of Gender, Religion, and National Security in the Legal Mediation of Citizenship: A Case Study from India (In Press). In: Sharma, Sonya; Llewellyn, Dawn; Hawthorne, Sîan (eds.) The Bloomsbury handbook of religion, gender and sexuality. Bloomsbury handbooks. Bloomsbury

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The topic of this article was chosen in a moment of defiance to research cultures prevalent in an increasingly neoliberal world—where “politics” is separated from “economics” and both these spheres made impossible to reach, from a critical studies perspective, by forces larger than ourselves. As an article co-authored by writers who realize the growing religious unrest in our countries and in the modern world, we felt it was necessary to illustrate how discourses of religion are contorted and overlapped with discussions of “national security,” in a bid to create an enemy and a form of threat that is wholly predicated on populist imaginaries. We are scholars who have had increasingly tenuous relationships with epistemically unjust narratives of nationalism while at the same time realizing that we have the financially privileged status to not be the “subject” of our own research projects. Instead, we highlight the misery and violence of unjust laws played out on women’s bodies by looking
at a body different to us. However, the irony of this “outward projection” of our insecurities is not lost on us, for in such regimes of suspicious surveillance, each of us is scrutinized. We write this chapter in the hope that the micropolitics of self-surveillance and compliance does not completely colonize our life-worlds.

Item Type:

Book Section (Book Chapter)


09 Interdisciplinary Units > Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ICFG)

UniBE Contributor:

Dixit, Anukriti


300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology




Bloomsbury handbooks






Anukriti Dixit

Date Deposited:

22 Apr 2024 16:04

Last Modified:

22 Apr 2024 16:04

Uncontrolled Keywords:

Religion, citizenship, security, gender



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