The effects of different types of leisure-time and transport-related physical activity on mental health in adolescents - a systematic review : search strategies and protocol link

Lenze, Lars; Schmid, Julia; Benzing, Valentin; Frahsa, Annika (2024). The effects of different types of leisure-time and transport-related physical activity on mental health in adolescents - a systematic review : search strategies and protocol link (Unpublished) Bern: University of Bern, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine

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Mental health problems are common among adolescents (e.g. Sacco et al., 2022). One way to strengthen mental health and well-being is through exercise and sport (e.g. Buecker et al., 2021). In order to understand this relationship, quantitative characteristics (frequency, intensity, etc.) of exercise and sport have long been at the centre of attention, with the importance of qualitative and contextual characteristics (e.g. type of activity) increasingly coming into focus (e.g. Vella et al., 2023).
However, it has not yet been conclusively clarified which type of activity can promote which areas of mental health and well-being in adolescents. This is exactly where this review comes in by expanding our understanding to include this differentiated perspective.

[Mentale Gesundheitsprobleme sind bei Jugendlichen weit verbreitet (z.B. Sacco et al., 2022). Eine Möglichkeit zur Stärkung der mentalen Gesundheit und des Wohlbefindens bietet Bewegung und Sport (z.B. Buecker et al., 2021). Um diesen Zusammenhang zu verstehen, standen lange quantitative Merkmale (Häufigkeit, Intensität etc.) von Bewegung und Sport im Zentrum, wobei die Wichtigkeit von qualitativen und kontextuellen Merkmalen (z.B. Aktivitätsart) immer mehr in den Fokus rücken (z.B. Vella et al., 2023).
Jedoch ist noch nicht abschliessend geklärt, welche Art von Aktivität welche Bereiche von mentaler Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden bei Jugendlichen fördern kann. Genau hier setzt diese Review an, indem das Verständnis um diese differenzierte Perspektive erweitert wird.]

Item Type:

Working Paper


04 Faculty of Medicine > Pre-clinic Human Medicine > Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)
07 Faculty of Human Sciences > Institute of Sport Science (ISPW)

UniBE Contributor:

Lenze, Lars Michael, Schmid, Julia Maria, Benzing, Valentin Johannes, Frahsa, Annika


700 Arts > 790 Sports, games & entertainment


University of Bern, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine




Beatrice Minder Wyssmann

Date Deposited:

17 May 2024 16:56

Last Modified:

27 Jun 2024 08:39

Additional Information:

The search strategies were designed by Beatrice Minder from the Public Health & Primary Care Library, University Library of Bern, and peer-reviewed by Tania Rivero from the Medical Library, University Library of Bern.




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