/* DATA DESCRIPTION: Citation: Gabriel, Imogen; Plunkett, Gill; Abbott, Peter M; Behrens, Melanie; Burke, Andrea; Chellman, Nathan J; Cook, Eliza; Fleitmann, Dominik; Hörhold, Maria; Hutchison, William; McConnell, Joseph R; Óladóttir, Bergrún A; Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes; Sliwinski, Jakub T; Sugden, Patrick; Twarloh, Birthe (2024): Raw trace element data obtained by LA-ICP-MS for analysed tephra across 751-763 CE from B19 and TUNU2013 ice cores (Greenland) [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.967063, In: Gabriel, I et al. (2024): Geochemical composition of identified volcanic events from B19, TUNU2013, and RECAP Greenland ice cores and correlating proximal material [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.967050 Abstract: Raw Trace element data of analysed ice core samples from B19 [78.00°N/36.40°W] and TUNU2013 [78.04°N/33.88°W] ice cores (Greenland) across the period 751-763 CE. Trace element data was obtained by LA-ICP-MS at the University of St Andrews, UK using a beam diameter of 20µm, laser energy of 3.5 J cm-2 (4 Hz repetition rate), 30-s ablation time and 20-s background measurement. Keyword(s): Geochemistry; Greenland; Ice core; Iceland; Tephra Related to: Gabriel, Imogen; Plunkett, Gill; Abbott, Peter M; Behrens, Melanie; Burke, Andrea; Chellman, Nathan J; Cook, Eliza; Fleitmann, Dominik; Hörhold, Maria; Hutchison, William; McConnell, Joseph R; Óladóttir, Bergrún A; Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes; Sliwinski, Jakub T; Sugden, Patrick; Twarloh, Birthe; Sigl, Michael (2024): Decadal-to-centennial increases of volcanic aerosols from Iceland challenge the concept of a Medieval Quiet Period. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 194, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01350-6 Funding: European Research Council (ERC), grant/award no. 610055: Arctic Sea Ice and Greenland Ice Sheet Sensitivity (URI: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/610055) European Research Council (ERC), grant/award no. 820047: Timing of Holocene volcanic eruptions and their radiative aerosol forcing (THERA) (URI: doi:10.3030/820047) Coverage: MEDIAN LATITUDE: 78.015300 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -35.138900 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 78.000600 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -36.397800 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 78.030000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -33.880000 DATE/TIME START: 1993-01-01T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1993-01-01T00:00:00 MINIMUM DEPTH, ice/snow: 148.820 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, ice/snow: 158.180 m Event(s): ngt19C93.2 (B19) * LATITUDE: 78.000600 * LONGITUDE: -36.397800 * DATE/TIME: 1993-01-01T00:00:00 * ELEVATION: 2234.0 m * Recovery: 150.4 * LOCATION: Greenland * CAMPAIGN: NorthGreenlandTraverse * BASIS: Sampling/drilling from ice * METHOD/DEVICE: Ice drill (ICEDRILL) Tunu13 (TUNU2013) (URI: https://icecores.org/inventory/tunu) * LATITUDE: 78.030000 * LONGITUDE: -33.880000 * ELEVATION: 2100.0 m * LOCATION: Greenland * METHOD/DEVICE: Ice drill (ICEDRILL) * COMMENT: Drilling year: 2013 Parameter(s): Event label (Event) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * COMMENT: Ice Core Latitude of event (Latitude) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * COMMENT: Ice Core Longitude of event (Longitude) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * COMMENT: Ice Core DEPTH, ice/snow [m] (Depth ice/snow) * GEOCODE * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) Depth, ice/snow, top/minimum [m] (Depth ice/snow top) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) Depth, ice/snow, bottom/maximum [m] (Depth ice/snow bot) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) Sample ID (Sample ID) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) Rubidium [mg/kg] (Rb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Strontium [mg/kg] (Sr) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Yttrium [mg/kg] (Y) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Zirconium [mg/kg] (Zr) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Niobium [mg/kg] (Nb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Barium [mg/kg] (Ba) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Lanthanum [mg/kg] (La) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Cerium [mg/kg] (Ce) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Praseodymium [mg/kg] (Pr) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Neodymium [mg/kg] (Nd) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Samarium [mg/kg] (Sm) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Europium [mg/kg] (Eu) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Gadolinium [mg/kg] (Gd) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Terbium [mg/kg] (Tb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Dysprosium [mg/kg] (Dy) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Holmium [mg/kg] (Ho) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Erbium [mg/kg] (Er) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Thulium [mg/kg] (Tm) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Ytterbium [mg/kg] (Yb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Lutetium [mg/kg] (Lu) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Hafnium [mg/kg] (Hf) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Tantalum [mg/kg] (Ta) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Lead [mg/kg] (Pb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Thorium [mg/kg] (Th) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Uranium [mg/kg] (U) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Tephra correlative (Tephra cor) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) Date (Date) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * COMMENT: Analysis Date Laboratory (Lab) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (URI: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Status: Curation Level: Enhanced curation (URI: https://wiki.pangaea.de/wiki/Curation_levels) Size: 1665 data points */ Event Latitude Longitude Depth ice/snow [m] Depth ice/snow top [m] Depth ice/snow bot [m] Sample ID Rb [mg/kg] Sr [mg/kg] Y [mg/kg] Zr [mg/kg] Nb [mg/kg] Ba [mg/kg] La [mg/kg] Ce [mg/kg] Pr [mg/kg] Nd [mg/kg] Sm [mg/kg] Eu [mg/kg] Gd [mg/kg] Tb [mg/kg] Dy [mg/kg] Ho [mg/kg] Er [mg/kg] Tm [mg/kg] Yb [mg/kg] Lu [mg/kg] Hf [mg/kg] Ta [mg/kg] Pb [mg/kg] Th [mg/kg] U [mg/kg] Tephra cor Date Lab ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 149.835 149.790 149.880 B19_149.88m_753CE(2) 3.79 160.91 44.64 157.95 16.81 89.75 13.64 31.11 4.48 20.95 5.61 1.96 8.24 1.36 8.75 1.68 5.05 0.72 4.36 0.77 4.21 0.91 2.30 1.24 0.47 Grimsvotn 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 149.555 149.510 149.600 B19_149.6m_757CE(1) 4.73 432.53 32.36 227.32 30.12 174.99 24.23 56.46 7.24 34.34 7.01 2.38 7.56 0.99 7.23 1.21 3.71 0.47 2.92 0.39 5.93 1.88 1.84 2.21 0.65 Katla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(7) 4.69 401.26 35.42 234.21 32.57 172.55 26.16 59.81 8.06 34.79 8.48 2.69 8.91 1.23 6.85 1.31 3.92 0.55 2.24 0.32 6.87 1.94 4.86 2.71 0.65 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(8) 6.40 410.91 36.18 239.66 34.07 187.93 26.58 60.14 8.44 36.34 7.92 3.23 9.60 1.05 6.79 1.46 3.24 0.52 3.17 0.39 6.31 2.10 85.13 2.28 0.76 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(9) 6.73 401.82 33.80 226.06 32.14 184.44 24.93 59.98 7.96 34.85 7.77 3.12 7.95 1.22 6.45 1.33 3.78 0.45 2.31 0.25 5.88 2.03 195.26 2.28 0.78 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(19) 6.39 384.73 33.02 218.74 31.22 195.22 24.18 56.84 7.28 29.87 6.84 2.52 8.08 0.93 7.30 1.35 1.91 0.39 2.16 0.31 5.99 1.83 452.56 2.13 0.54 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(20) 4.55 413.28 36.19 233.53 33.15 175.72 26.91 60.61 7.93 34.25 9.07 2.83 9.26 1.41 8.29 1.31 3.77 0.56 3.17 0.37 6.47 2.07 21.33 2.22 0.61 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(21) 4.77 410.18 36.20 238.65 33.64 182.98 26.33 60.70 7.94 37.70 9.27 2.87 10.19 1.27 7.43 1.43 3.86 0.48 2.87 0.40 6.29 2.07 7.79 2.30 0.65 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(22) 4.52 420.92 37.13 240.50 33.65 176.27 26.76 59.77 8.55 37.68 9.38 2.64 9.07 1.16 7.66 1.43 3.62 0.39 2.84 0.41 5.80 1.98 35.23 2.53 0.75 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(23) 7.42 397.38 34.54 222.74 32.28 172.98 25.71 55.56 8.20 31.19 9.71 2.96 7.04 1.21 7.87 1.25 3.38 0.46 2.13 0.31 5.96 1.86 169.61 1.56 0.72 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(24) 5.32 408.54 37.03 238.90 32.31 181.65 26.87 60.82 8.44 33.96 9.00 2.95 7.79 1.23 8.99 1.09 3.52 0.43 2.69 0.50 5.08 1.88 103.33 1.94 0.62 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(26) 5.28 403.03 35.04 232.19 33.25 186.40 25.91 60.36 8.06 36.86 8.07 3.04 8.87 1.18 7.30 1.40 2.77 0.31 2.63 0.34 6.07 2.08 561.49 2.07 0.83 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(27) 7.04 414.08 35.96 236.66 33.04 173.27 26.53 59.56 8.08 35.96 7.24 3.03 9.37 1.14 7.94 1.29 3.68 0.40 2.77 0.53 6.37 2.07 163.36 2.39 0.68 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(28) 12.39 379.14 32.71 224.66 32.27 197.32 23.78 59.52 7.55 36.41 7.45 2.61 6.86 1.07 6.19 1.16 3.45 0.37 2.19 0.40 4.87 2.08 714.41 2.66 0.60 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(29) 5.43 410.76 35.79 234.32 32.48 186.39 25.77 59.14 7.69 35.39 8.74 2.66 8.85 1.24 6.74 1.05 3.55 0.58 2.77 0.46 5.45 2.32 70.19 2.33 0.65 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(30) 8.72 404.48 35.32 233.80 32.46 180.79 24.89 60.25 7.78 34.88 8.75 2.76 7.84 1.00 6.54 1.58 2.53 0.35 2.49 0.33 5.70 2.07 188.96 2.34 0.78 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(31) 6.61 409.26 33.91 231.59 31.90 180.64 27.22 58.01 7.38 34.89 8.62 2.56 8.95 1.31 7.36 1.25 3.88 0.51 2.80 0.32 5.43 2.08 107.94 2.68 0.77 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(34) 7.05 398.95 34.56 229.09 31.78 185.11 25.51 57.87 7.63 36.10 8.07 3.08 8.09 1.04 6.22 1.66 3.08 0.31 2.78 0.46 5.96 2.17 201.11 2.01 0.79 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ngt19C93.2 78.0006 -36.3978 148.820 148.760 148.880 B19_148.88m_762CE(38) 5.22 407.84 36.26 231.82 31.50 180.88 25.81 59.56 7.93 36.48 7.96 2.71 7.90 1.19 7.65 1.38 3.49 0.48 3.00 0.36 5.59 1.92 41.63 2.38 0.71 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(1) 5.88 405.25 34.33 233.03 32.96 176.84 24.68 56.68 7.99 35.14 9.70 3.10 8.79 1.02 7.52 1.37 3.23 0.44 2.42 0.32 5.86 1.98 524.98 2.27 0.74 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(2) 5.16 412.53 35.34 235.22 32.95 180.31 26.10 59.12 7.62 35.66 8.86 3.24 9.17 1.37 6.73 1.41 3.18 0.46 2.55 0.34 6.30 2.21 311.36 2.54 0.78 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(3) 7.37 402.95 33.07 244.08 32.27 180.67 23.79 56.75 7.24 32.99 8.96 1.90 7.69 1.26 6.90 1.15 3.44 0.39 2.73 0.40 6.53 1.70 1164.96 2.08 0.78 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(4) 5.78 417.68 36.60 232.47 33.13 178.04 26.65 58.57 8.11 35.27 9.83 2.88 9.38 1.28 8.03 1.37 3.71 0.53 3.16 0.37 6.25 2.01 40.70 2.21 0.69 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(6) 5.61 413.25 37.68 249.88 33.68 187.80 27.82 60.81 8.24 36.86 8.93 2.77 8.71 1.45 7.74 1.60 3.67 0.50 2.73 0.37 6.67 2.09 466.57 2.49 0.60 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(7) 5.28 411.69 35.68 238.01 33.94 182.01 27.03 58.69 7.59 35.03 7.32 3.14 9.25 1.14 7.98 1.48 3.76 0.45 3.03 0.32 5.50 2.16 461.99 2.48 0.63 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(8) 4.16 417.40 33.33 230.79 32.14 184.79 25.77 57.67 8.43 34.02 8.28 2.91 8.47 1.18 7.17 1.37 3.46 0.51 2.10 0.53 5.59 2.10 508.87 2.37 0.58 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(9) 4.59 405.16 33.26 224.31 32.26 179.07 25.35 59.66 8.31 33.69 8.59 3.07 8.25 1.14 7.66 1.21 3.83 0.55 2.26 0.50 5.45 1.88 356.98 2.40 0.76 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(10) 4.86 413.48 35.34 239.57 31.98 183.93 25.33 58.91 7.86 34.94 7.54 2.81 8.46 1.23 7.29 1.29 2.90 0.48 3.06 0.37 5.73 1.94 666.76 2.38 0.75 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(11) 4.34 406.08 34.79 241.69 32.98 178.52 25.63 58.33 8.14 36.75 8.54 2.79 8.58 1.14 7.51 1.15 3.65 0.47 2.86 0.47 6.10 2.34 1178.84 2.47 0.81 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(12) 5.14 414.20 35.53 234.54 33.01 173.71 25.32 59.10 8.15 36.57 8.12 3.16 8.59 1.31 7.16 1.41 4.29 0.46 2.95 0.39 6.69 2.13 339.58 2.30 0.60 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(13) 5.56 410.79 35.48 239.12 33.07 173.50 26.47 59.35 8.20 35.76 9.23 2.78 8.85 1.17 7.69 1.25 3.58 0.47 2.94 0.43 6.09 2.01 276.55 2.34 0.66 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(14) 4.89 418.38 36.49 242.15 33.41 182.74 26.69 62.21 8.42 34.66 10.61 3.05 8.57 1.32 7.88 1.27 3.47 0.42 2.64 0.44 5.73 2.18 693.89 2.25 0.54 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(15) 9.29 397.41 34.22 235.31 31.55 166.35 25.56 57.78 7.95 35.15 6.17 3.46 10.57 1.42 8.35 1.56 3.88 0.41 2.56 0.49 6.38 2.18 794.48 2.09 0.70 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(16) 9.46 388.52 34.92 232.49 31.55 174.45 22.80 56.37 7.20 24.20 9.65 1.97 0.66 5.92 1.05 2.10 1.46 4.82 1.70 2771.71 1.61 0.61 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(17) 4.35 419.84 34.77 240.65 32.63 178.40 26.73 60.41 8.44 34.84 8.88 2.54 7.79 1.28 6.96 1.21 4.27 0.51 2.42 0.43 6.04 1.91 511.29 2.44 0.74 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(18) 6.72 405.00 33.91 242.92 32.98 172.69 25.47 58.20 8.42 34.18 8.04 3.03 8.52 1.04 6.94 1.14 3.98 0.39 2.61 0.30 6.07 2.43 1178.70 2.37 0.55 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(20) 7.70 418.98 33.68 243.43 32.40 181.68 27.20 59.72 8.10 36.71 9.39 2.86 9.05 1.19 7.83 1.49 3.89 0.39 2.58 0.48 7.28 1.90 535.70 2.26 0.62 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(21) 4.61 413.84 36.32 240.00 33.70 185.51 27.32 60.37 8.08 38.43 7.61 2.90 8.36 1.17 7.35 1.37 4.27 0.38 2.59 0.31 6.12 2.11 322.83 2.44 0.81 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(22) 7.15 404.62 34.71 271.56 35.83 186.32 25.27 57.17 8.00 36.83 7.58 2.43 8.65 1.08 5.91 1.15 2.74 0.55 1.85 0.41 6.50 2.35 2246.36 2.44 0.52 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(23) 5.91 404.02 34.23 250.66 33.36 175.87 24.73 59.00 7.53 38.38 9.90 2.50 7.85 1.19 8.09 1.23 3.59 0.27 2.92 0.29 6.23 2.18 1086.11 3.03 0.59 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(24) 4.51 420.83 37.48 240.25 33.47 190.05 26.70 62.65 8.42 38.59 9.38 2.45 9.36 1.41 7.89 1.38 4.17 0.46 3.05 0.38 6.58 1.96 127.90 2.27 0.78 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(25) 5.39 414.37 37.11 245.16 33.39 179.16 27.40 60.88 7.84 36.08 8.98 3.26 9.09 1.50 8.96 1.25 3.68 0.48 2.92 0.42 6.30 2.18 148.34 2.51 0.68 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(28) 3.29 416.16 34.86 240.45 32.96 185.43 25.41 62.23 8.21 34.86 8.38 3.13 8.87 1.43 6.99 1.47 3.85 0.44 2.77 0.49 5.93 2.12 131.36 1.94 0.91 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(29) 4.98 412.70 36.39 244.13 33.15 184.21 26.30 59.23 8.18 34.91 8.82 2.76 8.24 1.17 7.85 1.49 3.79 0.47 2.78 0.27 6.38 2.05 605.52 2.36 0.73 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(30) 3.64 415.04 35.84 240.69 33.94 180.26 25.88 60.23 7.91 35.78 7.51 3.23 9.24 1.35 7.32 1.59 4.04 0.46 3.23 0.46 6.47 2.05 958.28 2.15 0.67 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(31) 5.10 416.23 37.04 245.95 33.35 188.87 26.02 61.45 8.10 35.58 8.51 2.95 8.62 1.30 8.44 1.26 3.81 0.45 3.21 0.42 6.10 2.24 323.28 2.43 0.89 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(32) 5.23 420.15 36.48 246.24 32.52 185.98 26.81 62.02 8.03 36.59 9.86 2.83 8.76 1.42 6.94 1.45 4.20 0.49 2.89 0.36 6.06 2.14 209.74 2.44 0.71 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(33) 25.72 388.88 26.67 203.90 36.75 176.29 21.68 54.03 7.87 28.08 8.28 0.59 4.52 1.02 1.96 5.34 0.87 3479.93 2.20 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(34) 5.29 418.31 35.77 243.92 33.27 180.47 26.62 60.63 8.15 34.44 7.51 2.70 8.55 1.34 7.53 1.46 2.57 0.48 2.94 0.37 6.00 2.23 258.82 2.31 0.69 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(35) 8.76 394.82 35.19 248.39 32.89 175.90 26.40 59.40 6.72 30.66 9.04 2.24 7.81 1.36 8.73 1.34 2.84 0.24 2.97 0.23 5.80 1.80 945.24 2.47 0.69 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(36) 6.76 400.93 34.47 234.25 31.61 190.90 26.52 59.48 8.16 32.61 8.22 2.31 8.04 1.05 7.18 1.28 3.48 0.43 2.27 0.29 5.45 2.02 615.86 2.18 0.65 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(37) 4.87 421.38 36.09 237.48 33.85 183.02 26.47 61.83 8.02 36.08 9.37 2.70 8.91 1.33 8.39 1.33 3.72 0.46 2.56 0.43 5.72 2.11 132.00 2.47 0.61 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(38) 5.17 425.22 37.22 257.77 34.43 179.95 27.15 60.21 8.21 35.51 8.28 3.13 8.47 1.23 7.12 1.29 3.09 0.44 3.07 0.27 5.14 2.13 921.45 2.61 0.61 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK Tunu13 78.0300 -33.8800 158.180 158.165 158.195 TUNU2013_158.2m_762CE(39) 10.40 401.61 32.96 238.24 33.75 189.23 25.01 58.21 7.92 31.63 9.58 2.78 10.01 1.02 7.05 1.37 2.84 0.33 1.76 0.28 5.48 2.05 2063.89 2.19 0.61 Hrafnkatla 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK