/* DATA DESCRIPTION: Citation: Gabriel, Imogen; Plunkett, Gill; Abbott, Peter M; Behrens, Melanie; Burke, Andrea; Chellman, Nathan J; Cook, Eliza; Fleitmann, Dominik; Hörhold, Maria; Hutchison, William; McConnell, Joseph R; Óladóttir, Bergrún A; Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes; Sliwinski, Jakub T; Sugden, Patrick; Twarloh, Birthe (2024): Secondary standards for trace element analyses for the geochemical composition of analysed tephra between 751 and 763 CE from B19, TUNU2013, and RECAP (Greenland ice cores) and correlating proximal material from Iceland [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.967066, In: Gabriel, I et al. (2024): Geochemical composition of identified volcanic events from B19, TUNU2013, and RECAP Greenland ice cores and correlating proximal material [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.967050 Abstract: Secondary Standards of Old Crow, Sheep Track, ML3B, NIST610, and T1G for Trace element glass analyses obtained across the period 751-763 CE. Analyses were obtained by LA-ICP-MS at the University of St Andrews, UK. Keyword(s): Geochemistry; Greenland; Ice core; Iceland; Tephra Related to: Gabriel, Imogen; Plunkett, Gill; Abbott, Peter M; Behrens, Melanie; Burke, Andrea; Chellman, Nathan J; Cook, Eliza; Fleitmann, Dominik; Hörhold, Maria; Hutchison, William; McConnell, Joseph R; Óladóttir, Bergrún A; Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes; Sliwinski, Jakub T; Sugden, Patrick; Twarloh, Birthe; Sigl, Michael (2024): Decadal-to-centennial increases of volcanic aerosols from Iceland challenge the concept of a Medieval Quiet Period. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 194, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01350-6 Funding: European Research Council (ERC), grant/award no. 610055: Arctic Sea Ice and Greenland Ice Sheet Sensitivity (URI: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/610055) European Research Council (ERC), grant/award no. 820047: Timing of Holocene volcanic eruptions and their radiative aerosol forcing (THERA) (URI: doi:10.3030/820047) Parameter(s): Standard (Standard) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) Identification (ID) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * COMMENT: Analysis ID Rubidium [mg/kg] (Rb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Strontium [mg/kg] (Sr) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Yttrium [mg/kg] (Y) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Zirconium [mg/kg] (Zr) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Niobium [mg/kg] (Nb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Caesium [mg/kg] (Cs) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Barium [mg/kg] (Ba) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Lanthanum [mg/kg] (La) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Cerium [mg/kg] (Ce) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Praseodymium [mg/kg] (Pr) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Neodymium [mg/kg] (Nd) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Samarium [mg/kg] (Sm) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Europium [mg/kg] (Eu) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Gadolinium [mg/kg] (Gd) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Terbium [mg/kg] (Tb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Dysprosium [mg/kg] (Dy) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Holmium [mg/kg] (Ho) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Erbium [mg/kg] (Er) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Thulium [mg/kg] (Tm) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Ytterbium [mg/kg] (Yb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Lutetium [mg/kg] (Lu) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Hafnium [mg/kg] (Hf) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Tantalum [mg/kg] (Ta) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Lead [mg/kg] (Pb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Thorium [mg/kg] (Th) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Uranium [mg/kg] (U) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * METHOD/DEVICE: LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer * COMMENT: ppm Beam size [µm] (Beam size) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * COMMENT: Beam Diameter Energy, laser [J/cm**2] (E laser) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) Repetition rate [Hz] (Repet rate) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) Time, background measurement [s] (T bkg meas) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) Time, ablation [s] (T abb) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) Date (Date) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) * COMMENT: Analysis Date Laboratory (Lab) * PI: Gabriel, Imogen (imogen.gabriel@unibe.ch) License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (URI: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Status: Curation Level: Enhanced curation (URI: https://wiki.pangaea.de/wiki/Curation_levels) Size: 3710 data points */ Standard ID Rb [mg/kg] Sr [mg/kg] Y [mg/kg] Zr [mg/kg] Nb [mg/kg] Cs [mg/kg] Ba [mg/kg] La [mg/kg] Ce [mg/kg] Pr [mg/kg] Nd [mg/kg] Sm [mg/kg] Eu [mg/kg] Gd [mg/kg] Tb [mg/kg] Dy [mg/kg] Ho [mg/kg] Er [mg/kg] Tm [mg/kg] Yb [mg/kg] Lu [mg/kg] Hf [mg/kg] Ta [mg/kg] Pb [mg/kg] Th [mg/kg] U [mg/kg] Beam size [µm] E laser [J/cm**2] Repet rate [Hz] T bkg meas [s] T abb [s] Date Lab NIST610 NIST610 - 1 423.80 513.86 468.89 446.90 464.34 368.75 444.24 439.16 453.76 447.13 428.40 455.04 446.97 451.72 438.08 431.39 450.57 457.02 434.47 452.83 439.57 435.94 448.90 423.15 456.58 460.01 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 2 427.49 513.26 458.25 448.28 459.87 364.43 451.24 439.77 453.32 449.61 426.12 448.99 445.99 447.17 436.61 441.37 447.93 454.83 436.43 441.14 438.05 436.82 443.06 429.24 458.19 463.49 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 3 426.06 513.59 460.12 449.70 469.43 367.35 459.13 443.56 450.34 444.58 426.87 452.69 450.86 446.37 434.81 440.51 447.50 452.06 433.96 449.54 438.41 431.95 448.44 425.76 458.49 460.85 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 4 423.32 515.27 461.86 447.34 466.86 363.55 453.42 438.39 451.38 448.74 437.34 448.74 444.17 453.03 435.65 432.38 446.30 454.40 431.11 449.70 437.46 434.17 443.55 426.48 452.37 461.48 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 5 432.56 521.66 461.75 446.60 465.26 365.48 450.47 439.86 454.58 445.58 431.49 453.35 446.48 454.56 436.97 442.46 449.75 455.51 439.74 462.13 445.64 437.87 445.20 428.67 460.65 462.77 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 6 422.31 520.65 464.71 447.93 466.64 369.94 454.64 441.65 454.14 450.67 432.07 453.54 447.32 444.42 440.21 430.23 451.17 457.86 441.96 453.68 435.16 436.99 448.29 424.89 457.28 459.83 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 7 424.09 513.95 462.10 449.34 463.60 365.02 458.82 436.65 454.65 445.13 431.00 457.38 444.38 444.94 436.98 438.71 448.78 453.96 432.94 448.57 439.08 431.53 447.06 425.16 456.93 461.15 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 8 431.70 517.54 462.15 448.38 466.29 366.72 457.83 442.84 455.70 454.00 431.01 464.28 451.63 453.35 442.15 441.45 453.35 455.77 437.67 455.23 442.91 441.78 448.86 437.84 460.93 463.50 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 9 425.54 517.66 458.75 444.45 461.46 364.66 452.02 440.02 449.71 447.55 429.34 456.62 450.86 449.25 435.79 436.44 449.74 457.31 434.64 444.85 438.56 431.56 441.13 419.98 451.25 459.11 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 10 421.68 516.07 465.50 452.97 466.93 365.37 451.97 440.67 455.72 447.76 425.35 452.21 444.40 453.29 438.35 433.80 449.98 452.21 436.07 448.72 436.70 436.01 447.84 429.49 462.46 462.72 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 11 422.40 512.81 459.98 445.90 468.33 362.61 444.91 438.95 456.80 451.68 427.81 444.60 444.59 444.52 433.87 435.09 444.50 455.05 431.72 444.01 435.24 429.14 445.34 421.81 453.96 462.93 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 12 424.64 515.89 463.41 450.80 459.39 364.93 444.44 439.23 444.60 441.16 424.88 448.69 442.48 447.71 436.49 436.90 445.52 453.52 431.39 450.81 436.78 440.42 442.33 425.89 454.70 458.75 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 13 422.71 517.04 459.43 448.47 462.99 363.91 452.97 440.02 451.51 444.95 431.97 454.30 448.33 446.60 434.61 440.00 447.12 452.83 435.93 450.06 441.03 435.32 446.65 425.04 454.08 458.08 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 14 420.23 513.32 466.16 447.01 464.32 367.97 451.19 440.66 454.39 446.77 432.20 448.53 447.93 446.09 437.15 439.99 452.57 462.48 437.68 449.70 436.76 435.62 446.29 427.59 462.98 455.70 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 15 435.17 510.34 460.22 448.18 468.12 370.73 454.28 439.97 454.97 449.09 435.57 454.99 449.00 457.34 437.76 432.34 449.23 454.31 434.72 452.09 443.13 433.88 448.90 427.98 459.45 466.16 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 1 425.14 515.62 457.62 447.55 464.27 368.27 450.67 440.00 455.09 448.98 428.28 450.41 449.98 448.30 436.68 436.94 447.44 453.08 433.76 448.43 438.86 434.21 445.33 429.01 456.99 461.50 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 2 426.11 520.45 471.12 456.06 465.33 365.23 458.48 444.09 450.41 446.24 435.11 458.66 448.23 450.40 438.57 436.82 451.44 459.07 438.12 449.82 443.26 441.19 448.99 423.36 458.16 460.86 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 3 427.12 509.60 456.47 438.82 464.38 363.38 451.76 437.07 450.99 448.64 425.06 453.00 447.81 447.40 434.15 437.60 450.75 450.51 432.31 447.86 439.03 429.51 445.67 426.71 455.57 464.86 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 4 426.22 518.77 469.01 452.40 468.45 369.71 452.50 441.17 455.29 449.72 426.51 450.21 445.60 453.81 438.68 437.29 452.51 459.91 438.22 458.53 439.17 437.74 444.47 423.85 460.05 460.04 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 5 424.15 513.31 456.51 445.66 465.95 365.23 442.97 438.68 451.28 447.43 431.28 451.99 442.86 446.19 435.28 434.91 440.75 450.72 432.33 442.99 433.90 432.05 445.05 425.30 453.92 460.44 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 6 423.74 512.79 462.61 447.16 457.87 363.00 449.30 439.06 453.09 446.40 431.02 455.13 444.68 446.40 436.70 439.37 449.31 456.29 434.58 450.25 437.07 434.78 447.22 423.18 458.01 463.54 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 7 427.41 518.28 461.56 450.66 467.15 365.91 454.11 441.63 456.42 452.43 424.04 454.50 447.72 451.87 438.37 434.53 446.40 458.58 437.19 458.26 441.15 436.85 446.46 425.02 458.97 459.59 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 8 429.02 514.01 465.72 450.23 468.57 371.31 451.37 439.47 452.57 447.68 438.44 450.84 449.51 447.81 436.05 439.53 453.68 455.11 436.13 450.11 443.53 437.05 446.28 432.70 457.49 463.63 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 9 420.61 508.13 460.00 444.93 462.98 361.71 450.98 435.68 448.16 446.35 424.70 454.11 443.76 446.77 436.65 432.81 447.84 452.02 431.31 442.14 433.19 430.66 441.43 420.70 454.19 456.48 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK NIST610 NIST610 - 10 430.19 521.78 461.36 448.88 465.85 370.88 457.13 444.62 457.29 449.04 431.86 452.16 451.31 450.27 437.31 437.56 450.36 457.07 436.19 455.49 442.27 436.22 448.55 429.19 459.64 464.39 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 1 5.99 284.55 21.28 113.92 7.45 0.05 71.09 8.24 20.08 2.82 14.93 5.15 1.62 4.63 0.73 4.04 0.79 2.55 0.26 1.65 0.25 2.90 0.40 1.26 0.52 0.45 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 2 5.27 290.66 21.74 115.15 7.62 0.09 74.84 8.72 20.87 2.78 14.12 4.86 1.47 3.99 0.80 4.51 0.78 2.43 0.29 1.46 0.31 3.61 0.49 1.40 0.52 0.40 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 3 5.99 293.65 21.57 115.07 7.74 0.13 75.11 8.41 20.53 3.18 14.43 4.39 1.53 4.95 0.76 4.46 1.01 2.29 0.28 1.76 0.21 3.06 0.42 1.33 0.47 0.38 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 4 5.35 287.54 21.73 114.19 7.52 0.07 76.30 7.91 20.73 3.02 14.68 3.77 1.43 4.50 0.60 5.00 0.82 2.22 0.27 1.81 0.24 3.13 0.39 1.30 0.42 0.41 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 5 5.70 293.50 20.86 113.75 7.79 0.11 75.21 7.95 21.02 2.92 15.85 4.64 1.39 4.71 0.74 4.27 0.92 2.08 0.29 1.94 0.25 2.52 0.51 1.29 0.43 0.48 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 6 5.56 295.89 20.96 114.24 7.67 0.08 73.83 8.13 21.69 3.02 15.71 3.45 1.54 4.52 0.70 4.31 0.83 2.11 0.35 1.64 0.33 3.02 0.50 1.38 0.51 0.43 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 7 5.59 291.61 22.43 116.15 7.39 0.18 71.41 7.71 20.90 2.80 15.00 4.18 1.57 5.04 0.64 5.24 0.88 2.78 0.22 1.82 0.20 2.73 0.40 1.10 0.55 0.39 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 8 5.35 292.10 21.90 114.43 7.46 0.13 77.19 8.17 20.73 3.24 15.21 5.20 1.33 5.40 0.77 4.61 0.82 2.39 0.22 2.21 0.23 3.36 0.46 1.42 0.55 0.37 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 9 5.61 285.82 22.01 113.24 7.44 0.12 77.11 7.88 20.28 3.25 14.48 4.37 1.73 4.26 0.70 4.95 0.78 2.39 0.27 1.62 0.23 3.17 0.41 1.25 0.53 0.40 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 10 5.41 284.45 22.58 114.24 7.00 0.04 71.38 8.20 21.05 3.10 14.29 4.66 1.33 5.58 0.66 4.46 0.76 2.19 0.31 1.66 0.28 2.92 0.53 1.32 0.53 0.34 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 11 5.34 284.57 21.47 113.26 7.06 0.08 71.08 7.90 19.99 2.90 15.67 4.41 1.84 4.61 0.72 4.21 0.82 2.41 0.31 2.02 0.24 3.33 0.46 1.13 0.63 0.50 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 12 5.40 287.83 21.69 116.23 7.54 0.27 73.12 8.32 21.59 2.85 15.91 4.20 1.58 4.78 0.76 5.38 0.93 2.28 0.34 1.94 0.31 2.90 0.48 1.47 0.48 0.53 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 1 5.66 280.43 21.74 112.41 7.08 0.19 72.29 7.75 20.91 3.02 15.96 4.67 1.57 4.57 0.69 4.42 0.86 2.40 0.28 1.87 0.26 3.10 0.40 1.27 0.43 0.40 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 2 5.60 284.15 21.49 112.25 7.47 0.20 75.49 8.14 20.39 3.00 13.87 3.78 1.58 5.22 0.68 4.24 0.89 2.54 0.26 1.80 0.24 3.26 0.44 1.25 0.53 0.40 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 3 5.38 286.33 21.13 115.29 7.05 0.14 71.05 8.32 21.28 2.98 14.94 4.17 1.54 5.17 0.65 4.09 0.77 2.24 0.29 1.71 0.28 3.20 0.42 1.23 0.48 0.47 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 4 5.75 288.03 21.50 113.88 7.41 0.17 75.33 8.18 21.18 3.07 14.68 4.39 1.24 5.22 0.71 4.23 0.85 1.94 0.27 1.52 0.36 3.52 0.56 1.33 0.38 0.45 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 5 5.34 287.23 21.96 115.12 7.27 0.12 72.96 8.71 21.41 2.82 14.64 4.68 1.52 5.99 0.71 4.35 1.02 2.20 0.32 1.48 0.25 3.22 0.42 1.54 0.57 0.48 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 6 5.50 293.40 21.67 116.04 7.82 0.12 76.48 8.49 21.25 3.05 14.52 4.18 1.64 4.61 0.72 4.68 0.87 2.12 0.25 1.34 0.27 2.65 0.42 1.45 0.38 0.42 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 7 5.90 288.51 22.16 115.31 7.64 0.15 74.94 8.17 20.50 3.21 15.09 3.98 1.61 4.35 0.78 4.36 0.75 2.13 0.30 1.98 0.26 2.78 0.47 1.30 0.45 0.41 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 8 5.87 292.28 22.23 112.13 7.09 0.07 70.96 8.25 20.86 3.18 15.59 3.96 1.47 4.00 0.83 4.65 0.84 2.15 0.26 2.05 0.22 2.76 0.51 1.37 0.42 0.44 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 9 5.28 292.69 22.33 116.11 7.45 0.21 72.29 8.55 20.60 2.93 15.36 4.34 1.73 3.67 0.67 5.10 0.86 2.47 0.22 1.53 0.24 3.35 0.44 1.42 0.50 0.54 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK ML3B ML3B - 10 5.78 288.83 21.18 112.76 7.40 0.32 75.77 8.08 20.74 3.11 14.75 4.29 1.29 5.23 0.76 4.68 0.87 2.49 0.26 1.86 0.25 3.15 0.43 1.32 0.54 0.45 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 1 90.04 118.85 28.03 220.15 8.90 3.80 882.55 22.42 46.30 5.68 20.27 5.21 0.77 4.41 0.68 4.25 1.01 2.82 0.50 3.40 0.57 6.45 0.55 11.75 8.89 3.97 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 2 91.71 119.49 28.43 222.10 8.87 4.03 879.40 22.29 45.44 5.71 22.10 6.46 0.74 4.07 0.75 4.94 0.89 3.42 0.38 3.30 0.54 6.51 0.56 12.83 9.31 4.01 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 3 92.08 120.90 28.42 223.53 9.12 3.95 906.04 21.51 45.12 5.38 22.11 5.96 0.83 4.85 0.61 4.43 0.93 3.26 0.54 3.63 0.53 5.94 0.64 12.78 8.73 3.88 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 4 90.99 119.37 27.89 217.70 8.39 4.06 852.44 21.05 44.74 5.69 20.59 4.74 0.59 4.52 0.60 4.33 1.09 3.29 0.44 3.25 0.46 5.96 0.66 11.93 8.10 3.54 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 5 91.62 121.08 27.40 216.83 8.94 3.75 900.13 22.12 46.03 5.93 23.15 5.17 0.72 4.65 0.71 4.92 1.05 3.15 0.47 3.10 0.63 6.24 0.60 13.15 9.18 3.75 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 6 89.57 114.83 26.74 215.06 8.47 3.67 883.39 21.66 43.56 5.83 22.12 5.06 0.63 4.14 0.74 4.67 1.12 2.44 0.51 2.98 0.39 5.75 0.63 11.87 7.65 3.57 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 7 91.88 115.77 27.76 215.38 8.90 4.00 889.54 20.86 45.47 5.52 21.08 4.28 1.14 4.80 0.62 4.53 0.88 3.09 0.56 3.31 0.36 5.87 0.62 16.65 8.17 3.60 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 8 99.48 114.71 27.57 220.44 9.78 4.16 881.49 21.96 45.46 5.38 21.34 3.87 0.77 3.37 0.85 4.20 1.15 2.67 0.49 3.63 0.47 6.36 0.53 13.50 9.03 3.78 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 9 92.33 118.96 27.56 224.14 8.86 3.93 913.71 22.34 47.33 5.52 21.23 3.79 0.57 4.94 0.71 6.06 1.02 3.41 0.45 3.16 0.46 6.49 0.56 11.78 8.19 3.85 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 10 89.93 116.60 26.85 214.44 8.79 4.15 879.35 20.97 44.37 5.41 19.93 4.43 0.84 3.03 0.55 4.63 1.08 3.65 0.40 3.65 0.42 5.76 0.46 13.14 8.43 3.93 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 11 109.81 106.40 23.95 198.04 8.91 4.87 908.15 20.45 45.67 5.01 22.74 4.02 0.49 2.80 0.61 3.51 0.82 2.37 0.29 3.30 0.51 6.08 0.27 15.11 8.28 4.14 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 12 90.70 117.35 27.10 220.06 8.89 3.59 905.15 21.96 45.68 5.09 21.28 4.36 0.62 4.69 0.77 4.97 0.96 2.76 0.45 2.40 0.44 5.68 0.68 12.25 8.70 3.79 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 13 93.69 134.76 36.56 224.75 8.86 3.93 948.34 29.28 57.06 7.28 29.61 6.45 1.33 6.09 0.99 6.58 1.27 3.41 0.69 4.69 0.53 6.26 0.58 15.91 10.04 4.05 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 14 88.71 114.48 28.23 215.98 8.37 3.53 867.06 21.16 45.59 5.42 22.17 4.79 1.00 4.37 0.71 4.61 0.96 2.56 0.35 2.61 0.48 5.50 0.60 11.97 8.35 3.60 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK OldCrow OldCrow - 15 91.74 117.51 29.07 223.79 8.37 3.88 912.15 22.49 45.69 5.63 22.71 4.81 0.70 5.06 0.52 3.78 0.92 2.67 0.33 3.24 0.51 6.97 0.58 10.60 8.82 3.92 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 1 28.60 456.31 11.42 112.49 5.95 1.80 280.36 11.14 23.58 2.71 12.54 2.61 0.82 2.75 0.42 2.48 0.44 0.92 0.22 1.01 0.17 3.11 0.42 8.75 2.13 0.99 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 2 28.03 463.17 11.43 113.92 5.88 1.83 289.29 10.95 23.82 3.07 12.48 3.03 0.88 2.48 0.29 1.57 0.48 1.21 0.14 0.73 0.15 3.33 0.35 9.60 2.02 0.98 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 3 28.43 470.51 11.69 116.09 6.11 1.80 295.33 11.14 24.51 2.85 12.01 2.32 0.86 1.92 0.29 2.08 0.42 0.90 0.09 1.49 0.14 3.09 0.38 8.55 2.23 0.83 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 4 28.04 462.43 11.44 113.22 5.76 1.63 280.76 11.05 24.86 2.95 11.93 2.85 0.95 1.85 0.33 2.09 0.50 1.23 0.19 1.01 0.13 2.89 0.33 9.29 2.18 0.97 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 5 29.36 465.61 10.84 114.97 6.03 1.50 282.76 11.52 24.10 2.75 13.72 2.77 0.81 2.59 0.34 2.03 0.49 1.38 0.14 1.02 0.18 2.96 0.37 8.83 2.08 1.08 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 6 28.71 466.64 11.23 111.46 6.11 1.72 287.49 10.69 23.61 3.12 13.21 2.27 0.98 2.91 0.34 2.20 0.41 1.09 0.17 0.94 0.15 3.34 0.32 8.41 2.24 0.99 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 7 28.32 467.99 11.20 112.88 6.09 1.80 286.35 11.37 24.20 2.96 11.20 2.13 0.84 2.27 0.33 2.62 0.37 0.93 0.20 1.36 0.20 3.50 0.35 9.12 2.11 1.03 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 8 28.68 467.72 10.83 116.03 6.14 1.83 286.25 11.57 24.37 2.70 11.52 2.73 1.02 2.29 0.34 2.27 0.33 0.72 0.21 0.80 0.11 3.00 0.44 8.77 2.21 0.81 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 9 28.68 461.65 11.06 111.31 6.12 1.62 288.05 11.10 23.87 2.77 11.71 2.74 1.03 1.96 0.41 2.24 0.42 1.08 0.18 1.01 0.11 3.05 0.32 9.16 2.19 0.90 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 10 27.81 463.66 10.91 114.21 5.86 1.43 290.74 11.39 23.07 3.13 12.59 2.89 1.01 2.16 0.27 1.90 0.43 1.30 0.15 0.78 0.09 3.32 0.33 9.09 2.21 1.10 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 11 28.90 463.49 11.02 114.71 5.78 1.66 290.82 11.32 23.18 3.05 12.51 2.96 0.87 2.61 0.41 2.21 0.41 1.35 0.18 1.45 0.12 3.09 0.36 9.67 2.26 1.15 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 12 28.07 469.41 10.97 115.85 5.86 1.55 287.44 10.85 23.64 2.89 11.77 2.36 1.23 2.49 0.32 1.97 0.33 1.23 0.14 0.87 0.19 3.13 0.45 8.80 2.23 0.92 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 1 28.66 457.89 10.30 112.70 5.91 1.39 284.16 11.07 24.12 2.91 12.36 3.07 0.88 2.13 0.29 2.60 0.38 1.17 0.16 0.74 0.11 3.44 0.35 9.61 2.27 1.02 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 2 28.20 464.71 11.05 114.33 5.88 1.64 283.01 11.16 24.28 2.83 11.42 2.74 0.79 2.69 0.39 2.25 0.34 1.23 0.18 0.80 0.17 2.57 0.46 9.65 2.23 0.91 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 3 29.22 464.06 11.10 114.79 5.94 1.63 279.97 11.71 24.10 2.87 10.90 2.78 0.87 2.34 0.30 1.90 0.46 1.13 0.12 1.09 0.08 2.87 0.46 9.71 2.03 0.86 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 4 28.53 465.83 11.26 115.95 6.00 1.78 281.02 11.66 24.29 2.76 12.38 2.71 1.09 2.45 0.38 2.15 0.36 1.18 0.14 0.54 0.12 3.06 0.34 9.72 2.38 0.87 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 5 28.74 468.27 10.72 116.41 6.28 1.46 282.97 11.42 24.39 2.86 11.68 2.94 0.95 2.33 0.36 2.30 0.38 1.10 0.14 1.41 0.17 2.87 0.33 10.45 2.29 0.99 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 6 29.19 466.06 10.78 113.30 5.86 1.59 292.47 11.79 25.33 3.15 10.68 2.61 0.94 3.47 0.41 1.97 0.49 1.30 0.18 1.05 0.17 2.98 0.35 9.73 1.95 0.86 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 7 28.64 467.84 10.93 115.57 6.27 1.64 294.59 11.37 23.85 3.13 11.35 2.43 0.81 2.33 0.33 1.99 0.41 1.24 0.15 0.73 0.17 2.97 0.53 10.72 2.02 1.00 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 8 28.10 473.24 10.55 112.83 6.25 1.65 296.96 11.32 24.89 2.93 11.53 2.34 0.82 1.88 0.38 1.62 0.34 0.74 0.13 1.14 0.16 3.03 0.35 8.67 2.04 0.88 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 9 30.01 467.68 10.88 116.17 5.79 1.92 295.73 10.89 24.21 3.21 12.21 2.42 0.82 2.29 0.44 1.32 0.50 1.41 0.15 0.81 0.09 3.08 0.38 9.51 2.11 1.05 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK STHS STHS - 10 27.46 466.73 11.24 113.92 6.12 1.69 296.05 11.00 24.10 2.75 9.83 2.33 0.93 2.05 0.36 2.05 0.43 1.41 0.17 1.22 0.16 3.01 0.44 9.46 2.12 0.98 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 1 78.88 270.12 22.45 137.22 7.55 2.81 372.54 66.98 113.97 11.64 38.17 5.91 1.15 4.50 0.69 4.22 0.90 2.50 0.44 2.22 0.42 3.57 0.40 12.66 29.52 1.53 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 2 79.97 270.48 23.14 135.17 7.73 2.57 374.37 67.45 118.52 11.47 40.00 6.40 1.03 5.61 0.70 4.59 0.88 2.45 0.27 2.26 0.35 3.42 0.39 11.64 30.58 1.80 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 3 78.23 269.29 23.04 137.45 7.36 2.51 380.53 66.03 116.12 11.35 38.94 5.97 0.90 4.79 0.65 3.88 0.93 2.16 0.36 2.38 0.38 3.64 0.36 13.17 29.09 1.74 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 4 78.07 267.54 23.00 134.61 7.65 2.73 373.60 67.14 117.74 11.77 40.57 6.21 1.13 5.48 0.61 4.20 0.95 2.43 0.35 1.88 0.33 3.57 0.34 12.52 31.48 1.76 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 5 78.85 273.01 23.64 135.36 7.46 2.96 381.33 67.01 119.75 11.02 39.11 5.71 1.05 4.83 0.83 3.69 0.86 2.36 0.37 2.08 0.33 3.74 0.39 11.84 29.40 1.75 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 6 75.62 269.49 22.93 132.45 7.61 2.49 368.54 66.38 118.31 11.77 37.57 5.29 1.10 5.01 0.71 3.91 0.84 2.25 0.38 1.88 0.38 3.17 0.43 12.77 30.63 1.72 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 7 77.03 263.65 22.81 135.25 7.35 2.73 370.12 66.06 116.47 11.90 40.52 6.81 0.95 4.65 0.76 4.28 0.87 2.71 0.35 2.45 0.45 4.02 0.37 12.69 30.87 1.75 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 8 77.22 269.00 22.25 135.66 7.69 2.50 373.69 66.69 117.80 11.68 37.77 7.22 0.97 4.45 0.65 4.28 0.81 2.23 0.36 2.37 0.33 3.56 0.32 11.92 30.42 1.55 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 9 75.13 266.17 22.87 133.18 7.54 2.55 372.60 66.26 116.85 11.07 36.75 6.89 0.92 5.58 0.69 3.83 0.90 1.97 0.32 2.24 0.38 3.39 0.49 12.83 30.82 2.00 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 10 76.46 269.32 22.65 133.68 7.40 2.54 368.60 66.76 118.07 11.98 39.30 6.63 1.31 6.34 0.74 4.34 0.65 2.11 0.42 2.02 0.25 3.78 0.46 12.83 31.59 1.98 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 11 74.80 272.66 22.82 135.82 7.99 2.60 377.02 67.83 119.36 11.72 38.58 6.31 1.18 4.75 0.71 4.04 0.80 2.44 0.31 2.23 0.39 3.61 0.44 13.49 31.94 1.78 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 12 76.15 269.27 23.51 134.19 7.68 2.54 372.69 66.80 116.60 11.55 40.39 6.18 1.11 4.25 0.80 4.39 0.89 2.75 0.39 2.49 0.31 3.62 0.35 12.91 30.94 1.78 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-25 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 1 75.27 266.97 22.70 129.21 7.30 2.64 354.05 67.06 114.30 11.21 37.75 6.33 1.07 5.04 0.72 4.44 0.67 1.97 0.32 1.79 0.35 3.78 0.39 11.91 30.55 1.74 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 2 75.65 267.92 22.90 133.28 7.56 2.25 374.76 66.06 118.16 11.82 38.99 6.12 1.22 4.62 0.72 3.51 0.90 2.59 0.33 2.61 0.37 4.28 0.38 13.10 29.93 1.72 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 3 75.68 265.79 22.31 135.65 7.60 2.73 368.57 68.52 119.61 11.80 38.75 6.56 1.05 5.09 0.71 4.64 0.94 2.34 0.35 2.60 0.28 3.79 0.34 13.46 30.02 1.90 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 4 76.62 267.14 22.92 136.38 7.91 2.49 389.98 68.64 120.18 11.69 37.95 5.80 1.24 4.49 0.66 4.35 0.82 2.59 0.40 2.21 0.30 3.56 0.43 12.89 31.52 1.72 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 5 76.77 273.17 23.50 137.10 8.20 2.57 373.36 69.37 120.64 11.74 40.29 6.58 1.25 4.60 0.65 4.21 0.80 2.20 0.36 1.88 0.32 3.72 0.44 12.43 30.48 1.60 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 6 77.64 268.14 23.82 134.13 7.85 2.52 371.32 68.38 120.38 11.38 38.87 6.02 1.13 5.36 0.67 4.18 0.80 2.23 0.31 2.52 0.24 4.06 0.39 12.39 31.87 2.18 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 7 76.45 269.81 23.26 136.83 7.51 2.47 388.02 69.51 116.85 11.07 38.49 6.77 1.17 5.25 0.66 3.93 0.93 2.48 0.30 2.44 0.35 3.48 0.39 12.68 31.32 1.96 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 8 76.76 270.43 22.85 138.85 8.03 2.66 367.03 68.70 117.67 11.52 38.47 6.06 1.10 5.05 0.63 3.77 0.91 2.80 0.32 1.82 0.36 3.66 0.30 12.49 31.14 1.78 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 9 76.62 271.67 23.62 135.96 7.73 2.58 367.19 67.93 119.75 11.84 38.77 6.17 1.27 5.26 0.81 3.95 0.86 2.08 0.36 2.09 0.38 3.54 0.36 12.40 31.36 1.83 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK T1G T1G - 10 75.59 273.44 22.84 136.10 8.28 2.28 378.63 66.90 114.46 11.67 38.26 6.63 0.99 3.89 0.74 4.14 0.78 2.34 0.39 2.15 0.38 3.31 0.39 12.23 30.37 1.75 20 3.5 4 20 30 2022-07-26 University of St Andrews, UK