Ein Autor von ›hypertropher Virilität‹. Geschlecht in der Musil-Rezeption der 1920er und 1930er Jahre

Boss, Ulrich (2014). Ein Autor von ›hypertropher Virilität‹. Geschlecht in der Musil-Rezeption der 1920er und 1930er Jahre. Musil-Forum - Studien zur Literatur der klassischen Moderne, 33, pp. 125-141. De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110366457.125

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Adopting "The Man Without Qualities" as a decisively masculine novel, contemporary literary criticism passed on a trope with which reviewers such as Alfred Döblin, Robert Müller and Franz Blei had already characterised Musil’s earlier texts. The reviews of the novel are therefore typical of how evaluations in terms of originality in the literary-critical and poetological debates of the 20s and 30s were regularly translated into the established gender hierarchy. The need to make such judgements can be seen as much as the symptom of a modern consciousness of crisis in masculinity as the hyper-athletics of the novel’s hero himself and the pitiful figure cut by the other men in "The Man Without Qualities".

Item Type:

Journal Article (Original Article)


06 Faculty of Humanities > Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies > Institute of Germanic Languages

UniBE Contributor:

Boss, Ulrich


400 Language > 430 German & related languages
800 Literature, rhetoric & criticism > 830 German & related literatures




De Gruyter




Ulrich Boss

Date Deposited:

21 Apr 2015 15:53

Last Modified:

05 Dec 2022 14:45

Publisher DOI:




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