Survey among WATSU practitioners

International survey among practitioners of WATSU to validate results of a systematic review on fields of application, indication, and effects of passive hydrotherapy WATSU. National pilot in Switzerland.

Commencement Date / Completion Date2018 - 2020
Contributors Agnes Schitter (Co-Investigator)
Lorenz Radlinger (Co-Investigator)
Peter Frei (Principle Investigator)
Nico Kurpiers (Co-Investigator)
Johannes Fleckenstein (Principle Investigator)
Funders [UNSPECIFIED] IKIM, Universität Bern
[UNSPECIFIED] Berner Fachhochschule, Gesundheit
[UNSPECIFIED] Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Universität Hildesheim
KeywordsPsychosomatic medicine Aquatic therapy Aquatic bodywork Relaxation Pain management
Publications Schitter, Agnes Maria; Fosbrooke, Vera; Lögler, Silja; Fleckenstein, Johannes; Radlinger, Lorenz; Kurpiers, Nico; Frei, Peter (2018). Fields of application, indication, and effects of passive hydrotherapy WATSU. A survey among swiss Practitioners. (Unpublished). In: Day of BioMedical Research 2018. Bern. 7.11.2018.

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