Viral Plasticity Underlying Tropism And Pathogenesis/ Innate Immune Evasion Of Emerging Viruses

Commencement Date / Completion DateUNSPECIFIED - UNSPECIFIED
Publications van der Hoek, Lia; Verschoor, Ernst; Beer, Martin; Höper, Dirk; Wernike, Kerstin; Van Ranst, Marc; Matthijnssens, Jelle; Maes, Piet; Sastre, Patricia; Rueda, Paloma; Drexler, Jan Felix; Barr, John; Edwards, Thomas; Millner, Paul; Vermeij, Paul; de Groof, Ad; Thiel, Volker; Dijkman, Ronald; Suter, Franziska Marta; Leib, Stephen; ... (2018). Host switching pathogens, infectious outbreaks and zoonosis: A Marie Skłodowska-Curie innovative training network (HONOURs). Virus research, 257, pp. 120-124. Elsevier 10.1016/j.virusres.2018.09.002
Lenz, Nicole; Engler, Olivier; Grandgirard, Denis; Leib, Stephen L.; Ackermann-Gäumann, Rahel (2018). Evaluation of antivirals against tick-borne encephalitis virus in organotypic brain slices of rat cerebellum. PLoS ONE, 13(10), e0205294. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0205294

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