Climate history of the Indo-Pacific region and subsurface biosphere of Lake Towuti: The Swiss contribution to the ICDP Towuti Drilling Project (drilling part)

Commencement Date / Completion DateUNSPECIFIED - UNSPECIFIED
Publications Morlock, Marina Alexandra; Vogel, Hendrik; Nigg, Valentin; Ordoñez, Luis; Hasberg, Ascelina K.M.; Melles, Martin; Russell, James M.; Bijaksana, Satria (2018). Climatic and tectonic controls on source-to-sink processes in the tropical, ultramafic catchment of Lake Towuti, Indonesia. Journal of Paleolimnology, 61(3), pp. 279-295. Springer 10.1007/s10933-018-0059-3

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