Id | 424 |
Grant Value | UNSPECIFIED |
Commencement Date / Completion Date | 2012 - 2015 |
Contributors | Julie Zähringer (Principle Investigator) |
Funders |
[UNSPECIFIED] Médiascope
Keywords | CDEProject |
Publications |
Hett, Cornelia; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Messerli, Peter; Eckert, Sandra; Huafang, Chen; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich
Landscape mosaics maps as a basis for spatial assessment and negotiation of ecosystem services and their trade-offs at the meso-scale: Examples from Laos, Madagascar and China.
6th Annual International ESP Conference 2013. Making ecosystem services count!.
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Hett, Cornelia; Eckert, Sandra; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter (2013). Ecosystem service trade-offs and stakeholder claims - a meso-scale study from a Madagascar biodiversity hotspot. In: 6th Annual international ESP conference 2013. Making ecosystem services count!. Indonesien. 26.-30.08.2013. Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Hett, Cornelia; Eckert, Sandra; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter (2013). Paysages, acteurs et services environnementaux au nord-est de Madagascar – une analyse éco-régionale (Unpublished). In: La biodiversité et les populations dans le contexte du changement climatique. Antananarivo, Madagaskar. 10.-11.12.2013. Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Hett, Cornelia; Eckert, Sandra; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter (2014). Shifting cultivation dynamics within an ecosystem service hotspot of pronounced global interest – a first step towards negotiating trade-offs in North-East Madagascar. Proceedings of the Global Land Project 2nd Open Science Meeting, Berlin, March 19-21, 2014, pp. 196-197. Zähringer, Julie; Eckert, Sandra; Messerli, Peter (2015). Revealing regional deforestation dynamics in north-eastern Madagascar - Insights from multi-temporal land cover change analysis. Land, 4(2), pp. 454-474. MDPI 10.3390/land4020454 Amin, Ariane; Zähringer, Julie; Schwilch, Gudrun; Koné, Inza (2015). People, protected areas and ecosystem services: a qualitative and quantitative analysis of local people's perception and preferences in Côte d'Ivoire. Natural resources forum, 39(2), pp. 97-109. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/1477-8947.12069 Urech, Zora Lea; Zähringer, Julie; Rickenbach, Olivia; Sorg, Jean-Pierre; Felber, Hans Rudolf (2015). Understanding deforestation and forest fragmentation from a livelihood perspective. Madagascar Conservation & Development, 10(2), pp. 67-76. Institute and Museum of Anthropology, University of Zurich 10.4314/mcd.v10i2.5 Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Hett, Cornelia; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter (2016). Beyond deforestation monitoring in conservation hotspots: Analysing landscape mosaic dynamics in north-eastern Madagascar. Applied geography, 68, pp. 9-19. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeog.2015.12.009 Bull, J.W.; Jobstvogt, N.; Böhnke-Henrichs, A.; Mascarenhas, A.; Sitas, N.; Baulcomb, C.; Lambini, C.K.; Rawlings, M.; Baral, H.; Zähringer, Julie; Carter-Silk, E.; Balzan, M.V.; Kenter, J.O.; Häyhä, T.; Petz, K.; Koss, P. (2016). Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework. Ecosystem services, 17, pp. 99-111. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecoser.2015.11.012 Zähringer, Julie (2016). Landscape dynamics and ecosystem service benefits in the biodiversity hotspot of north-eastern Madagascar. Generating knowledge for navigating conservation-development trade-offs (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, Switzerland, Faculty of Science) Zähringer, Julie G.; Schwilch, Gudrun; Andriamihaja, O. Ravaka; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter (2017). Remote sensing combined with social-ecological data: The importance of diverse land uses for ecosystem service provision in north-eastern Madagascar. Ecosystem services, 25, pp. 140-152. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.04.004 |
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