Id | 712 |
Grant Value | UNSPECIFIED |
Commencement Date / Completion Date | April 2013 - March 2017 |
Funders | [103] European Commission FP7 |
URI | |
Publications |
Abler, Daniel; Büchler, Philippe
(September 2016).
Evaluation of a mechanically-coupled reaction-diffusion model for macroscopic brain tumor growth (Unpublished).
14th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE).
Tel Aviv, Israel.
Stamatakos, Georgios; Kolokotroni, Eleni; Abler, Daniel; Georgiadi, Eleni; Dionysiou, Dimitra; Büchler, Philippe; Antonopoulos, Markos; Solie, Lien; Tousert, Nikolaos; Bnà, Simone; Testi, Debora; Van Gool, Stefaan; Bohle, Rainer; Graf, Norbert (2016). Important Aspects of the Large Scale Integrating EU-US Project CHIC on Advancing In Silico Oncology. In: Hoekstra, A. G. (ed.) Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) conference 2016 (pp. 319-322). University of Amsterdam Abler, Daniel; Büchler, Philippe (September 2016). Mechanically-coupled Reaction-Diffusion model of Glioma Growth. In: Hoekstra, A. G. (ed.) Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) Conference 2016 (pp. 23-26). University of Amsterdam Kistler, Michael; Niklaus, Roman; Abler, Daniel; Büchler, Philippe (August 2016). CHIC-CDR: A repository for managing multi-modality clinical data and its application to in-silico oncology. In: International Conference on Pediatric Oncology and Clinical Pediatrics. Toronto, CA. 11.-13.08.2016. Abler, Daniel; Büchler, Philippe (July 2016). Mechanically coupled Reaction-Diffusion Model of Macroscopic Brain Tumour Growth. In: European Society of Biomechanics 2016. Lyon, FR. 10.-13.07.2016. Abler, Daniel; Büchler, Philippe (June 2016). Component Model for Macroscopic Tumour Biomechanics (Unpublished). In: LATSIS SYMPOSIUM ETH ZURICH: PERSONALIZED MEDICINE -- CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Zurich, CH. 27.-29.06.2016. Abler, Daniel; Büchler, Philippe (2018). Evaluation of a Mechanically Coupled Reaction-Diffusion Model for Macroscopic Brain Tumor Growth. In: Gefen, Amit; Weihs, Daphne (eds.) Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium CMBBE, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2016 (pp. 57-64). Cham: Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-3-319-59764-5_7 Abler, Daniel; Rockne, Russell; Büchler, Philippe (2017). TMIC-09. Towards a framework for predictive mathematical modeling of the biomechanical forces causing brain tumor mass-effect. Neuro-Oncology, 19(suppl_6), vi245-vi245. Oxford University Press 10.1093/neuonc/nox168.999 Abler, Daniel; Büchler, Philippe (August 2017). Computational Study of the Influence of Biomechanical Forces On the Shape of GBM. In: AAPM Annual Meeting 2017. Denver, CO, USA. Jul 30 - Aug 03 2017. |
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