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Andres Morrissey, Franz (16 March 2022). Flüchtlinge müssen stundenlang anstehen (Interview mit Michael Bucher). Bund
Andres Morrissey, Franz (16 March 2022). Flüchtlinge müssen stundenlang anstehen (Interview mit Michael Bucher). Berner Zeitung Berner Zeitung BZ
Andres Morrissey, Franz (10 February 2022). Creating Music (Unpublished). In: The Unholy Trinity Symposium. Käfigturm, Bern. 10 February 2023.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (4 February 2022). The Immortal Memory (Unpublished). In: Robert Burns Night. French Church, Bern. 4 February 2023.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (25 January 2022). The Immortal Memory (Unpublished). In: Robert Burns Night. Chateau de Salavaux. 25 January 2023.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Brown Adam with Franz Andres Morrissey. In: Handed Down (Podcast).
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Curating Music: What is perpetuated and why (Submitted). In: The Unholy Trinity. University of Manchester Press
Hugentobler, Manuela Annette; Müller, Markus; Andres Morrissey, Franz (April 2020). Private funding and its dangers to academia: an experience in Switzerland. IAU horizons, 25(1), pp. 40-41. Internat. Universities Bureau
Andres Morrissey, Franz (14 December 2018). Performing Gender in Shakespeare’s Comedies (Unpublished). In: Residential Intensive Seminar. Landguet Niederwangen. 14.-15.12.2018.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (23 July 2018). "Poverty Knocks" Songs of Work, Workers and Inequality from Three Centuries (Unpublished). In: MA Summer School. Universität Bielefeld, Deutschland. 23.-27.07.2018.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (25 April 2018). 19th Century Songs of Poverty and Social Comment (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture presented in Lecture "Victorian Britain". Universität Bern, Schweiz. 25.04.2018.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (January 2017). Robert Burns and the Scottish folk song cannon (Unpublished). In: Immortal Memory of Burns Celebrations. Bärtschihus Gümligen. January 2017.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2017). Songs als Sprachlernresource für Englischlehrkräfte (Unpublished). In: Workshop für Englischlehrkräfte. Scuola Media, Bellinzona.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (20 December 2016). Songs and Stories: researching song histories as language training (Unpublished). In: BSD (Berufsfachschule des Detailhandels) Workshop. Bern, Switzerland. 20.12.2016.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (28 November 2016). Amateurtheater in Englisch [Radiointerview]. In: Radio RaBe.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (25 November 2016). Taking the Shilling: Songs of World War I (Unpublished). In: Annual general meeting of SATE (Swiss Teachers of English). Wettingen, Switzerland. 2511.2016.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (25 November 2016). Songs in the Language Classroom (Unpublished). In: Swiss Association of Teachers of English, Workshop. Wettingen, Switzerland. 25.11.2016.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (7 September 2016). Anyone can Learn Strategies to Break Conventional Patterns (Unpublished). In: TEDx Bern. Bern, Switzerland. 07.09.2016.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (14 May 2016). Interview about Traditional Ballad Performance. Radio Bern (RaBe)
Andres Morrissey, Franz (4 April 2016). Interview about the Etymology of Intriguing English Idioms. In: Talk Radio Europe, Spain.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (21 March 2016). Interview about Shakespeare's Sayings as English Idioms. In: BBC Radio Oxford.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (18 March 2016). Interview about the Etymology of Intriguing English Idioms. In: BBC 5 Live.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (3 March 2016). Songs and Sociolinguistics: two approaches (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung CSLS. University of Bern. 03.03.2016.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (7 September 2015). Using songs as practice resource in ELT. In: Speech. Liceo di Bellinzona. 07.09.2015.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2015). Morrissey's Morgenshow. NZZ Campus, 11, pp. 62-63. NZZ
Andres Morrissey, Franz; Sweers, Britta (2025). ’The Way to Put an End to War’: War and Song (Submitted). In: Music and the State. Jackson: University of Mississippi Press
Andres Morrissey, Franz (16 September 2022). Untitled presentation (Unpublished). In: In-Service L2 teacher training day on Creative Writing. Liceo Locarno. 16 September.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Leben im Stöckli mit ukrainischen Flüchtlingen [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Radio Bern.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Journeys of Slavery [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Readings and performances with Coro Sem Fronteiras. Paulus-Kirche Basel. 17 June
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Journeys of Slavery [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Readings and performances with Coro Sem Fronteiras. Galotti Zürich. 19 June
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Journeys of Slavery [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Readings and performances with Coro Sem Fronteiras. Remise Theater Bern. 1 & 2 July 2022
Hagmann, Lea; Andres Morrissey, Franz (2020). Multiple Authenticities of Folk Songs. In: Claviez, Thomas; Imesch, Kornelia; Sweers, Britta (eds.) Critique of Authenticity (pp. 183-206). Wilmington: Vernon Press
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2020). Plucky Tommies, Angelic Nurses and the Others: Identity constructions in hegemonic and antihegemonic discourse of First World War songs. In: Andres, Julia; Rozema, Brian; Schröder, Anne (eds.) (Dis-)Harmony: Amplifying voices in polyphone cultural production. BEAST - The Bielefeld Engish and American Studies: Vol. 8 (pp. 9-33). Bielefeld: Aisthesis
Watts, Richard; Andres Morrissey, Franz (2019). Language, the Singer and the Song: the sociolinguistics of folk song performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781316285657
Andres Morrissey, Franz; Watts, Richard (2019). Song performance as language contact: ideologies of language variety, genre and style. In: Neuenschwander, Chris; Tresch, Laura (eds.) Through the Lens of Ideology: Debates on Language Contact. Amsterdam: Benjamins
Watts, Richard; Andres Morrissey, Franz (2019). Language the Singer and the Song: The sociolinguistics of folk song performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hugentobler, Manuela Annette; Müller, Markus; Andres Morrissey, Franz (2017). Private funding and its dangers to academia: an experience in Switzerland. European Journal of Higher Education, 7(2), pp. 203-213. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/21568235.2016.1275975
Andres Morrissey, Franz (4 February 2017). Die Rolle des Folk und Blues in der persönlichen Entwicklung [Radiointerview von Bruce Caldwell]. In: Radio RaBe.
Hugentobler, Manuela Annette; Andres Morrissey, Franz; Müller, Markus (2017). Academic Freedom in Switzerland: Concerns regarding the endangered academic freedom of universities. European Journal of Higher Education, pp. 1-11. Taylor & Francis
Andres Morrissey, Franz (1 December 2016). English words in German: a linguistic cliffhanger [Interview by Thomas Stephens]. SWI swissinfo.ch
Andres Morrissey, Franz; Hagmann, Lea (19 November 2016). Multiple Authenticities of Folk Song Performance (Unpublished). In: Theories and Practice of Authenticity in Global Cultural Production. University of Bern, Switzerland. 16.-19.11.2016.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (22 March 2016). Why I love red herrings, skeletons and taking the mickey. The Guardian
Andres Morrissey, Franz; Watts, Richard (11 November 2015). Standardisation and Destandardisation in Folk Performances (Unpublished). In: Communication in the Country of Babel: Language ideological Debates and Contact Varieties. University of Bern. 11.-12.11.2015.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (3 July 2015). Use of Songs in the Language Classroom (Unpublished). In: Speech. Bielefeld University. 03.07.2015.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2 July 2015). Taking the Shilling: Songs of World War 1 (Unpublished). In: Speech. Bielefeld University. 02.07.2015.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (1 July 2015). Aspects of Sociolinguistics of Folk Performance (Unpublished). In: Speech. Bielefeld University. 01.07.2015.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (1 July 2015). Hard Times Come Again No More: American Songs of Protest (Unpublished). In: Speech. Bielefeld University. 01.07.2015.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (21 April 2015). The Sociolinguistics of Folk Song Performance (Unpublished). In: BeLing Colloquium, CSLS. University of Bern. 21.04.2015.
Andres Morrissey, Franz (2015). Pens and Swords: Creative writing and poetry in post-conflict and displacement settings. In: Rellstab, Daniel H.; Schlote, Christiane (eds.) Representantions of War, Migration and Refugeehood; Interdisziplinary prespectives. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature: Vol. 33 (pp. 233-248). New York and London: Routledge