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Sutter, Malaika; Behluli, Sofie (7 December 2023). Revealing and Filling Gaps through Ekphrasis (Guest Lecture) (Unpublished). In: “Lücken – Wie schreibe ich Kunstgeschichte?”. Department of Art History, University of Bern.
Behluli, Sofie; Sutter, Malaika (7 December 2023). Revealing and Filling Gaps through Ekphrasis (Unpublished). In: Fricke, Beate (ed.) Lecture Series Lücken – Wie schreibe ich Kunstgeschichte?. University of Bern. 07.12.2023.
Behluli, Sofie (27 October 2023). Apathy and Intermediality in US-American Literature (Unpublished). In: International Conference Literature and Politics: Intermedial Perspectives. University of Bern. 26.10-28.10.2023.
Behluli, Sofie; Boulila, Stefanie (13 September 2023). Science vs. Activism – Workshop II (Unpublished). In: Swiss Young Academy 2nd Workshop on Science vs. Activism. Bern. 13.09.2023.
Behluli, Sofie (6 September 2023). Funding Opportunities (Unpublished). In: Retreat for the Walter Benjamin Kolleg Research Platform Media and Aesthetics. Bern. 06.09.2023.
Behluli, Sofie; Egli, Florian (17 June 2023). Annual Swiss Young Academy Retreat (Unpublished). In: Annual Retreat for the Swiss Young Academy. Bern. 16.06-17.06.2023.
Behluli, Sofie; Sutter, Malaika (26 May 2023). Contemporary Reading Practices (Unpublished). In: SANAS Symposium Reading Reading: Contemporary Reading Practices. University of Bern. 26.05.2023.
Behluli, Sofie; Boulila, Stefanie; Kessler, Sabrina Heike (24 March 2023). Science vs. Activism - Workshop I (Unpublished). In: Swiss Young Academy 1st Workshop on Science vs. Activism. Bern. 24.03.2023.
Behluli, Sofie; Rippl, Gabriele (2023). Ekphrasis. Contemporary literary criticism, 521, pp. 1-9. Gale
Behluli, Sofie; Rippl, Gabriele (2023). Ekphrasis and Art Writing (Submitted). In: Handbook of Interdisciplinarity: Paradigms and Practices in Literary and Cultural Studies. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter
Behluli, Sofie; Rippl, Gabriele (2023). Art – Life – Planet: Ekphrasis Today (In Press). In: Routledge Companion to Literature and Art (pp. 241-250). Routledge
Behluli, Sofie; Rippl, Gabriele (2023). Ekphrasis: Intermedial and Anglophone Perspectives. In: Bruhn, Jørgen; López-Varela, Asunción; de Paiva Vieira, Miriam (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality (pp. 1-25). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 10.1007/978-3-030-91263-5_64-1
Behluli, Sofie (2023). The Ekphrastic Novel: Value, Form, Affect and Scale (Submitted). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Behluli, Sofie (18 November 2022). “Apathetic Storytelling? Disaffection in Ottessa Moshfegh’s Fiction” (Unpublished). In: SANAS Conference: Who Tells Your Story?. University of Fribourg. 18-19 November 2022.
Behluli, Sofie (1 September 2022). “Between Lives, Between Media: Visual Art in Olivia Laing’s The Lonely City (2016)” (Unpublished). In: 6th International Society for Intermedial Studies Conference In Between and Across: New Directions, Mappings and Contact Zones. Trinity College, Dublin. 1-3 September 2022.
Behluli, Sofie (25 June 2022). “Lonely Descriptions of Art and Life: Olivia Laing’s The Lonely City (2016).” (Unpublished). In: Workshop Life Writing, Creativity, and the Social. University of Bielefeld, Germany. 24-25 June 2022.
Behluli, Sofie (2022). On Literary Apathy: Forms of Dis/Affection in My Year of Rest and Relaxation (2018). Anglia - journal of English philology / Zeitschrift für englische Philologie, 140(3/4), pp. 607-633. De Gruyter 10.1515/ang-2022-0032
Behluli, Sofie (2022). Ulla Haselstein, Gertrude Steins literarische Portraits, Konstanz: Konstanz University Press, 2019. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 70(4), pp. 471-473. De Gruyter 10.1515/zaa-2022-2079
Behluli, Sofie (2022). Scholarship Report for the Swiss Friends of Oxford University oxfordfriends.ch
Behluli, Sofie (7 October 2021). Entangled Lives: The Use of Visual Art in Contemporary Life Narratives (Unpublished). In: Text and Image in Modern English Literature (Lecture series by Prof. Julia Straub). University of Fribourg. 07.10.2021.
Behluli, Sofie (16 September 2021). Framing a Life as a Painting: Sackville’s Painter to the King (2018) and Cumming’s The Vanishing Man (2016) (Unpublished). In: Biofiction as World Literature: Conference on Biofiction as World Literature. Leuven, Belgium. 15-18.09.2021.
Behluli, Sofie (14 May 2021). A Difficult Intercultural Encounter: Installation Art in Claire Messud’s The Woman Upstairs (2013) (Unpublished). In: Migrations and Contacts (SAUTE Conference). University of Zurich. 14.-15.05.2021.
Behluli, Sofie (2021). Women Writing Novels on Art: Ekphrasis in Twenty-First Century Fiction. (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Oxford, New College)
Behluli, Sofie (2021). Framing Lives as Paintings. Women: A Cultural Review, 32(2), pp. 119-139. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09574042.2021.1914901
Behluli, Sofie (2020). Constellating a Work of Abundance. Criticism : a quarterly for literature and the arts, 62(2), pp. 307-311. Wayne State Univ. Press 10.13110/criticism.62.2.0307
Behluli, Sofie (26 August 2019). “The Work of Art and Appropriation” (Unpublished). In: 8th Conference of the European Society of Comparative Literature, "Literature, Cultural Exchanges and Transmission: Knowledge and Creation Between Past and Future". Lille, France. 26-30 August 2019.
Behluli, Sofie (27 June 2019). “Ekphrasis and Aura: The Value of the Work of Art in 'The Goldfinch' and 'Headlong'” (Unpublished). In: Biannual Conference of the International Walter Benjamin Society "Walter Benjamin’s Beginnings / Commencements". Bern. 26-29 June 2019.
Behluli, Sofie (2019). "All the World’s a Page – How to Travel the World with Literature" [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Long Night of Sciences / Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft. Humboldt University, Berlin. 15 June 2019
Behluli, Sofie (4 June 2019). “Painting With Words: How We See in Literature” (Unpublished). In: Lord Florey Lecture Series. University of Oxford. 4 Juni 2019.
Behluli, Sofie (2019). Review of Nassim Winnie Balestrini and Ina Bergmann, eds., Intermediality, Life Writing, and American Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, (Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2018), 264 pp. Amerikastudien / American studies, 64(1), pp. 145-148. Winter 10.33675/AMST/2019/1/17
Behluli, Sofie (1 December 2018). “The Figure of the Artist in Contemporary Anglo-American Fiction: Chevalier, Messud, Tartt” (Unpublished). In: 8th Annual British Association for Modernist Studies (BAMS)Postgraduate Conference "New Work in Modernist Studies". University of Glasgow. 01.12.2018.
Behluli, Sofie (1 November 2018). Promotional Talk for the Berrow Foundation Scholarship (Unpublished). In: Promotional Talk for the Berrow Foundation Scholarship. University of Bern. 1 Nov 2018.
Behluli, Sofie (26 February 2018). “Ekphrastic Practices in Contemporary US-American Novels: Hanya Yanagihara” (Unpublished). In: School of American Visual Art and Text (SAVAnT) Workshop. British Library, London. 26 Feb 2018.
Behluli, Sofie (2018). Review of Timo Müller, ed., "Handbook of the American Novel of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries". Anglia - journal of English philology / Zeitschrift für englische Philologie, 136(2), pp. 378-381. De Gruyter 10.1515/ang-2018-0027
Behluli, Sofie (2017). Bonding in Bonden: A Post-Postmodernist Female Community in Siri Hustvedt’s The Summer Without Men. In: Straub, Julia; Etter, Lukas (eds.) American Communities: Between the Popular and the Political. SPELL: Vol. 35 (pp. 43-60). Tübingen: Narr
Rippl, Gabriele; Behluli, Sofie (2017). Ekphrasis in the Digital Age. In: Hoffman, Christina; Öttl, Johanna (eds.) Digitalität und literarische Netz-Werke. Antikanon 2 (pp. 131-176). Wien: Turia + Kant
Behluli, Sofie (17 December 2016). Review of “American Communities: Between the Popular and the Political”, Swiss Association for North American Studies. Conference, 4-5 November 2016, Bern. U.S. Studies Online Forum for New Writing BASS British Association for American Studies
Behluli, Sofie (November 2016). Transgenerational Female Communities in Siri Hustvedt’s The Summer Without Men (Unpublished). In: Sanas Conference. University of Bern. 04.-05.11.2016.
Behluli, Sofie (September 2016). When Words Border on Images (Unpublished). In: Transpositions Summer School on Border Regimes: Confrontations, Configurations, Transpositions. Kandersteg. 04.-09.09.2016.
Behluli, Sofie (June 2016). Evocation of Material Objects in Contemporary American Novels (Unpublished). In: International Summer Academy American Studies in a Transatlantic Perspective: Material Cultures. University of Miami. 04.-11.06.2016.