Bickel, Valentin Tertius

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Bickel, V T; Thomas, N; Pommerol, A; Tornabene, L L; El-Maarry, M R; Rangarajan, V G (2024). A Global Dataset of Potential Chloride Deposits on Mars as Identified by TGO CaSSIS. Scientific data, 11(845) Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41597-024-03685-3

Haslebacher, Caroline; Thomas, Nicolas; Bickel, Valentin T. (2024). LineaMapper: A deep learning-powered tool for mapping linear surface features on Europa. Icarus, 410 Elsevier 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115722

Lesnikowski, Adam; Bickel, Valentin Tertius; Angerhausen, Daniel (2024). Automated Discovery of Anomalous Features in Ultralarge Planetary Remote-Sensing Datasets Using Variational Autoencoders. IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing, 17, pp. 6589-6600. IEEE 10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3369101

Peña-Asensio, Eloy; Sutherland, Jennifer; Tripathi, Prateek; Mason, Kashauna; Goodwin, Arthur; Bickel, Valentin T.; Kring, David A. (2024). Automated astronaut traverses with minimum metabolic workload: Accessing permanently shadowed regions near the lunar south pole. Acta astronautica, 214, pp. 324-342. Elseivier 10.1016/j.actaastro.2023.10.010

Rüsch, Ottaviano; Hess, Marcel; Wöhler, Christian; Bickel, Valentin T.; Marshal, Rachael M.; Patzek, Markus; Huybrighs, Hans L. F. (2024). Discovery of a Dust Sorting Process on Boulders Near the Reiner Gamma Swirl on the Moon. Journal of geophysical research: Planets, 129(1) American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2023JE007910

Arm, Philip; Waibel, Gabriel; Preisig, Jan; Tuna, Turcan; Zhou, Ruyi; Bickel, Valentin; Ligeza, Gabriela; Miki, Takahiro; Kehl, Florian; Kolvenbach, Hendrik; Hutter, Marco (2023). Scientific exploration of challenging planetary analog environments with a team of legged robots. Science robotics, 8(80), eade9548. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/scirobotics.ade9548

Rangarajan, Vidhya Ganesh; Tornabene, Livio L.; Osinski, Gordon R.; Conway, Susan J.; Seelos, Frank P.; Silvestro, Simone; Salese, Francesco; Pajola, Maurizio; Lucchetti, Alice; Munaretto, Giovanni; Bickel, Valentin T.; Thomas, Nicolas; Cremonese, Gabriele (2023). Change detection and monitoring of active Martian surface phenomena with the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). Icarus, 394, p. 115443. Elsevier 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115443

Boazman, Sarah. J.; Shah, Jahnavi; Harish, .; Gawronska, Aleksandra J.; Halim, Samuel H.; Satyakumar, Animireddi V.; Gilmour, Cosette M.; Bickel, Valentin T.; Barrett, Natasha; Kring, David A. (2022). The Distribution and Accessibility of Geologic Targets near the Lunar South Pole and Candidate Artemis Landing Sites. The planetary science journal, 3(12), p. 275. IOP Publishing 10.3847/PSJ/aca590

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