Bundo, Marvin

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Journal Article

Bundo, Marvin; Preisig, Martin; Merikangas, Kathleen; Glaus, Jennifer; Vaucher, Julien; Waeber, Gérard; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Strippoli, Marie-Pierre F; Müller, Thomas; Franco, Oscar; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana Maria (2023). How ambient temperature affects mood: an ecological momentary assessment study in Switzerland. Environmental health, 22(1), p. 52. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12940-023-01003-9

Roa-Díaz, Zayne M; Teuscher, Julian; Gamba, Magda; Bundo, Marvin; Grisotto, Giorgia; Wehrli, Faina; Gamboa, Edna; Rojas, Lyda Z; Gómez-Ochoa, Sergio A; Verhoog, Sanne; Vargas, Manuel Frias; Minder, Beatrice; Franco, Oscar H; Dehghan, Abbas; Pazoki, Raha; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Muka, Taulant (2022). Gene-diet interactions and cardiovascular diseases: a systematic review of observational and clinical trials. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 22(1), p. 377. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12872-022-02808-1

de Schrijver, Evan; Bundo, Marvin; Ragettli, Martina S; Sera, Francesco; Gasparrini, Antonio; Franco, Oscar H; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M (2022). Nationwide Analysis of the Heat- and Cold-Related Mortality Trends in Switzerland between 1969 and 2017: The Role of Population Aging. Environmental health perspectives, 130(3), p. 37001. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 10.1289/EHP9835

Bär, Séverine; Bundo, Marvin; de Schrijver, Evan; Müller, Thomas J; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana Maria (2022). Suicides and ambient temperature in Switzerland: A nationwide time-series analysis. Swiss medical weekly, 152, w30115. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2022.w30115

Bundo, Marvin; de Schrijver, Evan; Federspiel, Andrea; Toreti, Andrea; Xoplaki, Elena; Luterbacher, Jürg; Franco, Oscar H.; Müller, Thomas; Vicedo Cabrera, Ana Maria (2021). Ambient temperature and mental health hospitalizations in Bern, Switzerland: A 45-year time-series study. PLoS ONE, 16(10), e0258302. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0258302


Bundo, Marvin; de Schrijver, Evan; Federspiel, Andrea; Toreti, Andrea; Xoplaki, Elena; Luterbach, Jürg; Franco, Oscar H; Müller, Thomas; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M (2021). Ambient temperature and mental health hospitalizations in Bern, Switzerland: A 45-year time-series study [Dataset].

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