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Derks, Ann Elisabeth Annuska (2012). Gendered Inequalities: Configuring, Contesting and Recognizing Women and Men by Helle Rydstrøm. Anthropos, 107(2), pp. 663-664. Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Derks, Ann Elisabeth Annuska (2012). Coal in the City: The Social Life of a Cooking Fuel (Unpublished). In: 4th International Conference of Vietnamese Studies. National Convention Center, Hanoi. November 26-28, 2012.
Derks, Ann Elisabeth Annuska; Nguyen, Tuan Anh (2012). Letting out Land: Re-distributing Land or Sowing the Seeds of Conflict? (A Case Study of Quynh Doi and Quynh Thanh Communes, Nghe An Province) (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Inequality, Conflict and Political Regimes in East and Southeast Asia. University of Social Sciences and Humanities and Stockholm University, Hanoi. November 22-24, 2012.
Derks, Ann Elisabeth Annuska (2012). A Social Biography of the Coal Briquette: Exploring Vietnam through an Ordinary Cooking Fuel (Unpublished). In: Southeast Asia Update. Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. June 22, 2012.
Derks, Annuska (2011). The Politics and Profits of Labour Export. In: Hughes, Caroline; Un, Kheang (eds.) Cambodia's Economic Transformation (pp. 182-198). Copenhagen: NIAS Press
Anh, Nguyễn Tuấn; Derks, Annuska (2011). Toàn cầu hóa và bản sắc làng việt ở miền bắc (Globalization and Village Identity in Northern Vietnam). In: Dong, Phạm Tất; Nguyễn Thị Kim, Hoa; Anh, Nguyễn Tuấn (eds.) Những vấn dề xã hội học trong sự biến dổi xã hội (Sociological Issues in a Changing Society) (pp. 199-222). Hanoi: National University Press Hanoi
Derks, Annuska (2011). Xã hội học và nhân học có thực sự là hai ngành khoa học riêng biệt không? Sociology and Anthropology, are they really two disciplines? Journal of Human Studies - Nghiên cứu con người, 5(56), pp. 32-51. Hanoi: Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute for Human Studies
Derks, Annuska (2011). Human Rights and (Im)mobility: Migrants and the State in Thailand, Institutskolloquium, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern, 22.12.2011, Bern.
Derks, Annuska (2011). Différences sociales et inégalités, Introductory Presentation at Doctoral Day (Doctoriales), Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, 14.7.2011, Hanoi.
Derks, Annuska (2011). Gender, Migration and Development, IMAS Programme, IHEID, Geneva / Asian Institute of Technology-Vietnam, 5.8.2011, Hanoi.
Derks, Annuska (2011). Coal in the City: The Rise and Demise of a Cooking Fuel', Engaging Vietnam Conference, University of Social Sciences and Humanities-VNU, 4.-5.12.2011, Hanoi.
Derks, Annuska (2010). The Boundaries of Bondage. In: De Jonge, Huub; van Meijl, Toon (eds.) On the Subject of Labour. Essays in Memory of Frans Hüsken (pp. 85-89). Nijmegen: In de Walvis
Derks, Annuska (2010). Migrant Labour and the Politics of Immobilisation: Cambodian Fishermen in Thailand. Asian journal of social science, 38(6), pp. 915-932. Leiden, NL: Brill 10.1163/156853110X530804
Derks, Annuska (2010). Bonded Labour in Southeast Asia: Introduction. Asian journal of social science, 38(6), pp. 839-852. Leiden, NL: Brill 10.1163/156853110X530750
Derks, Annuska (2010). Migrant Rights and (Im)mobility: The Case of Cambodian Migrants in Thailand. Workshop on Globalisation, Human Rights and Mobility: Exploring the Gender Trope, ISEAS, 22-23 November 2010, Singapore.
Derks, Annuska (2010). Stitching Identities in a Free Trade Zone: Gender and Politics in Sri Lanka by Sandya Hewamanne [Rezension]. American anthropologist, 112(2), pp. 328-329. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1548-1433.2010.01239_8.x
Derks, Annuska (ed.) (2010). Exploring Past and Present Forms of Bonded Labour in Southeast Asia 38. Leiden, Boston: Brill
Derks, Annuska (2009). Conceptualising Bonded Labour in Past and Present Southeast Asia, International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 6), 6.-9.8.2009, Deajeon, Korea.
Derks, Annuska (2009). The Politics of Labour Export, Conference on Cambodia's Economic Transformation, 5.-6.1.2009, Phnom Penh.
Derks, Ann (2008). Khmer Women on the Move: Exploring Work and Life in Urban Cambodia. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press
Derks, Ann (2006). Khmer Daughters and Global Factories. In: Ollier, Leakthina; Winter, Tim (eds.) Expressions of Cambodia: The Politics of Tradition, Identity and Change (pp. 193-204). London: Routledge
Derks, Ann (2006). Frauenhandel, zwischen Drama und Dramatisierung. In: Zwahlen, Sara; , (eds.) Kollektive Gewalt (pp. 171-190). Bern, Frankfurt a.M.: Lang