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Wersin, Paul; Gimmi, Thomas; Ma, Jin; Mazurek, Martin; Zwahlen, Carmen; Aschwanden, Lukas; Gaucher, Eric; Traber, Daniel (2023). Porewater profiles of Cl and Br in boreholes penetrating the Mesozoic sequence in northern Switzerland. Applied geochemistry, 159, p. 105845. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2023.105845
Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Zwahlen, C.; Aschwanden, L.; Gaucher, E.C.; Kiczka, M.; Rufer, D.; Wersin, P.; Marques Fernandes, M.; Glaus, M.A.; Van Loon, L.R.; Traber, D.; Schnellmann, M.; Vietor, Tim (2023). Swiss deep drilling campaign 2019–2022: Geological overview and rock properties with focus on porosity and pore-space architecture. Applied geochemistry, 159, p. 105839. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2023.105839
Strydom, Jessica; Sterpenich, Jérôme; Grgic, Dragan; Richard, Antonin; Eggenkamp, Hans G.M.; Agrinier, Pierre; Louvat, Pascale; Mosser-Ruck, Régine; Gaire, Patrick; Gaucher, Eric C. (2022). Experimental study of chemical evolution and isotope fractionation of Cl and Br in pore water expelled during strong clay compaction. Applied geochemistry, 140, p. 105274. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105274
Naumenko-Dèzes, Maria; Kloppmann, Wolfram; Blessing, Michaela; Bondu, Raphaël; Gaucher, Eric C.; Mayer, Bernhard (2022). Natural gas of radiolytic origin: An overlooked component of shale gas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 119(15), e2114720119. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.2114720119
Motte, Geoffrey; Hoareau, Guilhem; Callot, Jean-Paul; Révillon, Sidonie; Piccoli, Francesca; Calassou, Sylvain; Gaucher, Eric C. (2021). Rift and salt-related multi-phase dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees. Marine and petroleum geology, 126, p. 104932. Elsevier 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104932
Lerouge, C.; Blessing, M.; Flehoc, C.; Gaucher, E. C.; Henry, B.; Lassin, A.; Marty, N.; Matray, J.M.; Proust, E.; Rufer, Daniel; Tremosa, J.; Vinsot, A. (2015). Dissolved CO2 and Alkane Gas in Clay Formations. Procedia earth and planetary science, 13, pp. 88-91. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2015.07.021
Lerouge, Catherine; Grangeon, Sylvain; Claret, Francis; Gaucher, Eric; Blanc, Philippe; Guerrot, Catherine; Flehoc, Christine; Wille, Guillaume; Mazurek, Martin (2014). Mineralogical and isotopic record of diagenesis from the Opalinus Clay formation at Benken, Switzerland: Implications for the modeling of pore-water chemistry in a clay formation. Clays and clay minerals, 62(4), pp. 286-312. Clay Minerals Society 10.1346/CCMN.2014.0620404
Leupin, O.; Wersin, P.; Mettler, S.; Mäder, U.; Gaucher, E. C.; Vinsot, A.; De Cannière, P.; Gäbler, H.E.; Eichinger, L.; Kunimaro, T.; Kiho, K. (2012). PC (Porewater chemistry) Experiment: Synthesis report (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2009-06). Mont Terri Project
Tournassat, Christophe; Alt-Epping, Peter; Gaucher, Eric C.; Gimmi, Thomas; Leupin, Olivier X.; Wersin, Paul (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in situ experiment: Part F - Reactive transport modelling. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 1009-1022. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.009
Wersin, Paul; Leupin, X.O.; Mettler, S.; Gaucher, E. C.; Mäder, U.; Vinsot, A.; De Canni re, P.; Gäbler, H.E.; Kunimaro, T.; Kiho, K. (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in-situ experiment: Part A - Overview, experimental design and water data of an experiment in the Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory, Switzerland. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 931-953. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.004
Wersin, Paul; Vinsot, A.; De Cannière, Hernán; Gäbler, H.-E.; Hama, K.; Mahara, Y.; Gaucher, E.; Pearson, F.J. (2004). Results from the Porewater Chemistry Experiment in Opalinus Clay at Mont Terri, Switzerland. In: 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions (WRI-11). Saratoga Springs, New York. 27.06.-02.07.2004.
Pearson, F.J.; Arcos, D.; Bath, A.; Boisson, J.Y.; Fernández, A.M.; Gaebler, H.E.; Gaucher, E.; Gautschi, A.; Griffault, L.; Hernan, P.; Waber, N. (2003). Mont Terri Project - Geochemistry of Water in the Opalinus Clay Formation at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory-Synthesis Report. Geology Series: Vol. 5. Federal Office for Water and Geology, FOWG