Giese, Francine

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Book Section

Giese, Francine (2006). Sinan zwischen Vision und Auftragswerk. In: Bauforschung online. Bauforschung online

Giese, Francine (2006). Die Kanonisierung des westislamischen Sakralbaus. In: Bauforschung online. Bauforschung online


Wolf, Sophie; Hindelang, Laura; Giese, Francine; Krauter, Anne (eds.) (2024). Glass in Architecture from the Pre- to the Post-Industrial Era: Production, Use and Conservation. Arts du verre / Glass Art / Glaskunst: Vol. 2. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110793468

Conference or Workshop Item

Giese, Francine (2006). Quand une mosquée devient cathédrale. Cordoue et son passé islamique. In: Conservation in changing societies. Heritage and development. Proceedings of the international conference on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Raymond Lemaire International Center for Conservation (1976-2006) (pp. 161-170). Leuven: Raymond Lemaire International Center for Conservation

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