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Vibert-Mennet, Dominique; Allum, John H J; Kompis, Martin; Wiedmer, Simona; Stieger, Christof; Häusler, Rudolf; Caversaccio, Marco (2018). Measurements of Trunk Sway for Stance and Gait Tasks 2 Years after Vestibular Neurectomy. Audiology & Neurotology, 23(5), pp. 298-308. Karger 10.1159/000494965
Stieger, Christof; Arnold, Andreas Michael; Kruse, Anja; Wiedmer, Simona; Widmer, Matthias; Guignard, Jérémie; Schutz, Daniel; Guenat, Jean-Marc; Bachtler, Matthias; Caversaccio, Marco; Uehlinger, Dominik; Frey, Felix; Häusler, Rudolf (2015). Novel bone-anchored vascular access on the mastoid for hemodialysis: concept and preclinical trials. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, 63(5), pp. 984-990. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 10.1109/TBME.2015.2480241
Arnold, Andreas Michael; Kruse, Anja; Wiedmer, Simona; Widmer, Matthias; Guignard, Jérémie; Schütz, Daniel; Guenat, Jean-Marc; Bachtler, Matthias; Caversaccio, Marco; Uehlinger, Dominik E.; Frey, Felix J.; Häusler, Rudolf; Stieger, Christof (2015). A new bone anchored hemodialysis access. Therapeutische Umschau, 72(8), pp. 519-524. Huber 10.1024/0040-5930/a000709
Müller, Simon Andreas; Vibert-Mennet, Dominique; Häusler, Rudolf; Raabe, Andreas; Caversaccio, Marco (2014). Surgical capping of superior semicircular canal dehiscence. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology, 271(6), pp. 1369-1374. Springer 10.1007/s00405-013-2533-x
Caversaccio, Marco; Panosetti, Eugène; Ziglinas, Panagiotis; Lukes, Anton; Häusler, Rudolf (2009). Cholesterol granuloma of the petrous apex: benefit of computer-aided surgery. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology, 266(1), pp. 47-50. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00405-008-0719-4
Llanes, Erasmo Gonzalo D V; Stibal, Alexander; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Vajtai, Istvan; Häusler, Rudolf; Caversaccio, Marco (2008). Echinococcosis presenting as an otogenic brain abscess: an unusual lesion of the middle ear cleft and temporal lobe. Auris nasus larynx, 35(1), pp. 115-20. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.anl.2007.07.007
Hausler, R; Stieger, C; Bernhard, H; Kompis, M (2008). A Novel Implantable Hearing System with Direct Acoustic Cochlear Stimulation. Audiology & neuro-otology, 13(4), pp. 247-256. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000115434
Vibert, Dominique; Sans, Alain; Kompis, Martin; Travo, Cécile; Muhlbauer, Roman C; Tschudi, Ingrid; Boukhaddaoui, Hassan; Häusler, Rudolf (2008). Ultrastructural changes in otoconia of osteoporotic rats. Audiology & neuro-otology, 13(5), pp. 293-301. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000124277
Yung, Matthew; Smith, Phillip; Hausler, Rudolf; Martin, Christian; Offeciers, Erwin; Pytel, Josef; Skladzien, Jacek; Somers, Thomas; Ven de Heyning, Paul (2008). International Common Otology Database: taste disturbance after stapes surgery. Otology & neurotology, 29(5), pp. 661-5. Philadelphia, Pa.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/MAO.0b013e3181778211
Baumann, Ariane; Zimmerli, Stefan; Hausler, Rudolf; Caversaccio, Marco (2007). Invasive sphenoidal aspergillosis: successful treatment with sphenoidotomy and voriconazole. ORL, 69(2), pp. 121-6. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000097858
Kompis, Martin; Krebs, Martin; Häusler, Rudolf (2007). Speech understanding in quiet and in noise with the bone-anchored hearing aids Baha Compact and Baha Divino. Acta oto-laryngologica, 127(8), pp. 829-35. Stockholm: Informa Healthcare 10.1080/00016480601008408
Caversaccio, Marco; Langlotz, Frank; Nolte, Lutz-Peter; Häusler, Rudolf (2007). Impact of a self-developed planning and self-constructed navigation system on skull base surgery: 10 years experience. Acta oto-laryngologica, 127(4), pp. 403-7. Stockholm: Informa Healthcare 10.1080/00016480601002104
Vibert, Dominique; Blaser, Beat; Ozdoba, Christoph; Häusler, Rudolf (2006). Fabry's disease: otoneurologic findings in twelve members of one family. Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology, 115(6), pp. 412-8. St. Louis, Mo.: Annals Pub. Co.
Röösli, Christof; Schneider, Stephan; Häusler, Rudolf (2006). Long-term results and complications following uvulopalatopharyngoplasty in 116 consecutive patients. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology, 263(8), pp. 754-8. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00405-006-0051-9
Stieger, Christof; Djeric, Dragoslava; Kompis, Martin; Remonda, Luca; Häusler, Rudolf (2006). Anatomical study of the human middle ear for the design of implantable hearing aids. Auris nasus larynx, 33(4), pp. 375-80. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.anl.2006.03.005
Kompis, M; Krebs, M; Häusler, R (2006). [Verification of normative values for the Swiss version of the Freiburg speech intelligibility test.]. HNO, 54(6), pp. 445-50. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00106-005-1337-8
Eichenberger, A; Schmid, P; Yung, M; Häusler, R (2006). Evidence based medicine (EBM) in der Otologie. Eine internationale Datenbank für Stapeschirurgie. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS(29), pp. 104-5. Basel: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum
Häusler, R; Kompis, M; Stieger, C (2006). Das neuartige implantierbare Hörsystem DACS mit direkter akustischer Innenohrstimulation. FmCh direct(2), pp. 13-15. Biel: Generealsekretariat FmCh
Häusler, R (2006). Implantiertes Hörgerät DACS mit direkter akustischer Innenohrstimulation. FmCh direct(2), pp. 15-19. Biel: Generealsekretariat FmCh
Häusler, R; Vischer, M; Kompis, M (2006). Update on minimally invasive pericanal cochlear implantation without mastoidectomy. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift - Skriptum, Kongressjournal(119), p. 24. Wien: Springer
Häusler, R; Stieger, C; Bernhard, H; Kompis, M; Lenarz, T (2006). A novel implantable hearing system with direct acoustical cochlear stimulation: DACS. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift - Skriptum, Kongressjournal(119), p. 78. Wien: Springer
Röösli, C; Schneider, S; Häusler, R (2006). Langzeitergebnisse nach modifizierter Uvulopalato-pharyngoplastik (UPPP). Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS(29), pp. 86-90. Basel: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum
Vischer, M; Schmid, C; Blaser, L; Kompis, M; Seifert, E; Häusler, R (2006). Language development with a cochlear implant for meningitic deafness. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift - Skriptum, Kongressjournal(119), p. 5. Wien: Springer
Caversaccio, Marco; Hausler, Rudolf (2006). Insertion of double bicanalicular silicone tubes after endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy in lacrimal canalicular stenosis: a 10-year experience. ORL, 68(5), pp. 266-9. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000093096
Baumann, Ariane; Helbling, Arthur; Oertle, Stefan; Häusler, Rudolf; Vibert, Dominique (2005). Cogan’s syndrome: clinical evolution of deafness and vertigo in three patients. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology and head & neck, 262(1), pp. 45-49. Springer 10.1007/s00405-004-0738-8
Als, C.; Laeng, H.; Cerny, T.; Kinser, J. A.; Rösler, H.; Häusler, R. (1998). Primary cervical malignant teratoma with a rib metastasis in an adult: Five-year survival after surgery and chemotherapy. Annals of oncology, 9(9), pp. 1015-1022. Oxford University Press 10.1023/A:1008277227111
Vibert-Mennet, Dominique; Häusler, Rudolf (2006). Des descentes vertigineuses. Revue Vertiges(19) Groupe d'étude des vertiges
Arnold, A; Blaser, B; Häusler, R (2006). Audiological long-term results following stapedotomy with stapedial tendon preservation. In: Arnold W, Häusler R (ed.) Otosclerosis and Stapes Surgery. Adv Otorhinolaryngol (pp. 210-214). Basel: Karger 10.1159/000098824
Häusler, R (2006). General History of Stapedectomy. In: Arnold W, Häusler R (ed.) Otosclerosis and Stapes Surgery. Adv Otorhinolaryngol (pp. 1-5). Basel: Karger 10.1159/000098661
Häusler, R; Lukes, A; Vibert, D (2006). Neurektomie des Nervus vestibularis: Priorität in der Therapie vestibulärer Funktionsstörungen? In: , (ed.) (pp. 241-50). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Hausler, R; Steinhart, U (2006). A new self-fixing and articulated malleus grip stapedectomy prosthesis. In: Arnold W, Häusler R (ed.) Otosclerosis and Stapes Surgery. Adv Otorhinolaryngol (pp. 197-201). Basel: Karger 10.1159/000098807
Incesulu, A; Häusler, R (2006). Advantages and Risks of Various Sealing Procedures of the Oval Window: Vein Graft, Adipose Tissue, Gelfoam, Merogel. In: Arnold W, Häusler R (ed.) Otosclerosis and Stapes Surgery. Adv Otorhinolaryngol (pp. 206-209). Basel: Karger 10.1159/000098809
Niedermeyer, HP; Häusler, R; Schwub, D; Neuner, NT; Busch, R; Arnold, W (2006). Evidence of Increased Average Age of Patients with Otosclerosis. In: Arnold W, Häusler R (ed.) Otosclerosis and Stapes Surgery. Adv Otorhinolaryngol (pp. 17-24). Basel: Karger 10.1159/000098664
Arnold, W; Häusler, R (2007). Otosclerosis and Stapes Surgery. Basel: Karger
Mantokoudis, G; Vischer, M; Seifert, E; Kompis, M; Häusler, R (2007). Sprachentwicklung von spätimplantierten Jugendlichen. In: Schweiz Med Forum.
Vibert, D; Kompis, M; Sans, A; Mühlbauer, R; Häusler, R (2007). VPPB récidivants et troubles du métabolisme calcique. In: Schweiz Med Forum.