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Mazurek, Martin; Wersin, Paul; Hadi, Jebril; Grenèche, Jean-Marc; Prinpreecha, Nouvarat; Traber, Daniel (2023). Geochemistry and palaeo-hydrogeology of the weathered zone in the Opalinus Clay. Applied Clay Science, 232, p. 106793. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2022.106793
Wersin, Paul; Hadi, Jebril; Kiczka, Mirjam; Jenni, Andreas; Grenèche, Jean‐Marc; Diomidis, Nikitas; Leupin, Olivier X.; Svensson, Daniel; Sellin, Patrik; Reddy, Bharti; Smart, Nicholas; Zhang, Zhidong (2023). Unravelling the corrosion processes at steel/bentonite nterfaces in in situ tests. Materials and corrosion, 74(11-12), pp. 1716-1727. Wiley 10.1002/maco.202313755
Hadi, Jebril; Greneche, Jean-Marc; Wersin, Paul; Koho, Petri; Pastina, Barbara (2023). Determination of Sulfide Consumption by Fe-bearing Components of Bentonites. Clays and clay minerals, 71(5), pp. 577-599. Springer 10.1007/s42860-023-00254-4
Charlet, Laurent; Tournassat, Christophe; Grenèche, Jean-Marc; Wersin, Paul; Géhin, Antoine; Hadi, Jebril (2022). Mössbauer spectrometry insights into the redox reactivity of Fe‑bearing phases in the environment. Journal of material research, pp. 1-16. Springer 10.1557/s43578-022-00823-8
Wersin, Paul; Hadi, Jebril; Jenni, Andreas; Svensson, Daniel; Greneche, Jean-Marc; Sellin, Patrik; Leupin, Olivier (2021). Interaction of Corroding Iron with Eight Bentonites in the Alternative Buffer Materials Field Experiment (ABM2). Minerals, 11(8), p. 907. MDPI 10.3390/min11080907
Hadi, J.; Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H. N.; Marques Fernandes, M.; Baeyens, B.; Honty, M.; De Craen, M.; Frederickx, L.; Dohrmann, R.; Fernández, A. M. (2019). Intercomparison of CEC methods within the GD project Mont Terri Project
Hadi, Jebril; Wersin, Paul; Serneels, Vincent; Greneche, Jean-Marc (2019). Eighteen years of steel–bentonite interaction in the FEBEX in situ test at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland. Clays and clay minerals, 67(2), pp. 111-131. Clay Minerals Society 10.1007/s42860-019-00012-5
Hadi, J.; Wersin, P.; Jenni, A.; Greneche, J. M. (2017). Redox evolution and Fe-bentonite interaction in the ABM2 experiment, Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Technical Report NTB 2017-10). Nagra
Hadi, Jebril; Tournassat, Christophe; Lerouge, Catherine (2016). Pitfalls in using the hexaamminecobalt method for cation exchange capacity measurements on clay minerals and clay-rocks: Redox interferences between the cationic dye and the sample. Applied Clay Science, 119(2), pp. 393-400. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2015.03.017