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Käser, Isabel; Mahmoud, Houzan (2023). Art and Activism in Iraqi Kurdistan: Feminist Fault Lines, Body Politics and the Struggle for Space. LSE Middle East Centre Paper Series, 70, pp. 1-25.
Larsen, Peter; Bleeker, Mô; Hertz, Ellen; Käser, Isabel; Leemann, Esther; Mossman Riva, Susan; Schapira, Raphael; Schulz, Yvan (2022). Anthropological Engagement in the International Sphere: A Conversation Grounded in Swiss Experiences. Tsantsa, 27, pp. 108-129. Seismo 10.36950/tsantsa.2022.27.7801
Nadje, Al-Ali; Käser, Isabel (2020). Beyond Feminism? Jineolojî and the Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement. Politics & gender, 18(1), pp. 212-243. Cambridge Univ. Press 10.1017/S1743923X20000501
Käser, Isabel; Jäger, N.; Schneider, J. (October 2021). Für die kurdischen Frauen steht viel auf dem Spiel. bärner studizytig(25), pp. 19-23.
Käser, Isabel (2022). Art and Artistic Practices in Peace Mediation: Building Common Ground and Creating ‘ah-hah Moments. In: Dahrendorf, Nicola; Reichert, Dagmar (eds.) Arts in Peace Mediation.The Story So Far (pp. 63-90). London: artasfoundation
Käser, Isabel; Mitchell, Jolyon (2022). Mediation, Peacebuilding, Arts, and Religion. In: Mitchell, Jolyon; Millar, Suzanna R.; Po, Francesca; Percy, Martin (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace (pp. 573-588). Wiley
Käser, Isabel (2021). A Struggle within a Struggle: The History of the Kurdish Women’s Liberation Movement. In: Bozarslan, Hamit; Gunes, Cengiz; Yadirgi, Veli (eds.) The Cambridge History of the Kurds (pp. 893-919). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108623711.037
Käser, Isabel (2019). Mountain Life is Difficult but Beautiful!” The Gendered Process of Becoming ‘Free’ in PKK Education. In: Drechslová, Lucie; Çelik, Adnan (eds.) Kurds in Turkey: Ethnographies of Heterogenous Experiences. Kurdish Societies, Politics, and International Relations (pp. 11-30). Lenham: Lexington Books
Käser, Isabel (2021). The Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities. (In Press). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Käser, Isabel Martina (2022). The Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities (book launch) (Unpublished). In: LSE Middle East Centre. 17.01.2022.
Käser, Isabel Martina (2022). A Struggle in a Struggle: A history of the Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement (Unpublished). In: Cambridge History of the Kurds. Cambridge University. 02.02.22.
Käser, Isabel Martina (2022). The Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities (Unpublished). In: Book discussion. Watson Institute, Brown University USA.
Käser, Isabel Martina (2022). The Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities (Unpublished). In: Book discussion. Kurdish Gender Studies Network (online).
Käser, Isabel Martina (2022). The Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities (Unpublished). In: Book discussion. Colloquium of the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Bern. 08.03.2022.
Käser, Isabel Martina (2022). Mothers and Martyrs: the Struggle for Life and the commemoration of Death in Maxmur Camp (Submitted). In: The Margins of Insurgent Control: Spaces of Governance. Wageningen University, Niederlande. 01.-02.09.2022.
Käser, Isabel Martina (2022). Claiming Spaces: Youth, Art and Gender in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Post-ISIS (Submitted). In: MESA Annual Conference. Denver. 3.12.2022.
Käser, Isabel Martina; Al-Ali, Nadje (7 July 2021). Decolonizing feminism? A transnational feminist analysis of Jineolojî (Unpublished). In: Knowledge, Power and Middle Eastern Studies, 2021 BRISMES Annual Conference. Kent, online. 5.-9. Juli 2021.
Käser, Isabel Martina (1 February 2021). Talk at workshop Fieldwork in Kurdistan: Navigating Obstacles and Future Opportunities (Unpublished). In: University of Rojava’s workshop: Fieldwork in Kurdistan: Navigating Obstacles and Future Opportunities. online. February 2021.
Käser, Isabel Martina (2021). Knowledge, Power and Middle Eastern Studies (Unpublished). In: BRISMES Conference. University of Kent, UK.
Käser, Isabel Martina (December 2020). Gender and Kurdistan (Unpublished). In: Seminar on ‘Gender and Kurdistan’. Botan International, online. December 2020.
Käser, Isabel Martina (October 2020). Briefing on gender and conflict in Syria (Unpublished). In: SOAS Executive Briefing on ‘Syria and Environs’ for UNICEF staff in Syria. online. October 2020.
Käser, Isabel Martina (March 2020). Moving Bodies and Transgressing Borders: the PKK in the Kurdish Middle East (Unpublished). In: Talk at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. Genf. March 2020.
Käser, Isabel Martina (2020). Leaving the movement: former PKK militants and the remaking of post-revolutionary subjectivities (Unpublished). In: Annual Middle East Studies Association Conference (MESA). Washington D.C., USA, online. 2020.
Käser, Isabel Martina (16 November 2019). Irade’ – obtaining “the will to resist” in the Kurdistan Women’s Liberation Movement (Unpublished). In: Annual Middle East Studies Association Conference (MESA). New Orleans, USA. 14. - 17.11.2019.
Käser, Isabel Martina (4 November 2019). What kind of femininity? What kind of liberation? The Kurdish Women’s Liberation Movement’s struggle for a new order (Unpublished). In: 3rd International Congress of Kurdish Studies. Duhok and Erbil, Iraq. 1.-5. Nov. 2019.
Käser, Isabel Martina (22 October 2019). Militant Femininity: The Kurdish Women's Liberation Movement between Revolution, Militarism and Body Politics (Unpublished). In: Vortrag. Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bern. 22.10.2019.
Strasser, Sabine; Perl, Gerhild; Käser, Isabel Martina; Bilgin, Ayata (27 September 2019). Affective and Material Methodologies (Unpublished). In: Affective and Material Methodologies. University Bern. 27.09.2019.
Käser, Isabel (20 September 2019). What Kind of Femininity? The Kurdish Women’s Liberation Movement between Revolution, Militarism and Body Politics’ (Unpublished). In: What Kind of Femininity? The Kurdish Women’s Liberation Movement between Revolution, Militarism and Body Politics. Brown University. 20. Sep. 2019.
Käser, Isabel (2022). The Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities (Video of book discussion) [Movie]. In: Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University.
Käser, Isabel; Mahmoud, Houzan (27 April 2023). Art Making in Iraqi Kurdistan: Violence, Body Politics and the Struggle for Space. In: Middle East Centre.
Käser, Isabel; Mahmoud, Houzan (30 July 2022). Pockets of Feminism, Art and Activism in Iraqi Kurdistan.