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Lavenex, Sandra; Manatschal, Anita (2014). Migrationspolitik. In: Knoepfel, Peter; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian; Häusermann, Silja (eds.) Handbuch der Schweizer Politik (pp. 671-694). Zürich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Lavenex, Sandra (2007). Asylum Policy. In: Vink, Maarten P.; Graziano, Paolo (eds.) Europeanization. New Research Agendas (pp. 309-320). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Lavenex, Sandra (2007). Immigration, Asylum and Foreigner Policy. In: Linder, Wolf; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Kriesi, Hanspeter; Knoepfel, Peter; Klöti, Ulrich; Sciarini, Pascal (eds.) Handbook of Swiss Politics (pp. 621-644). Zürich: NZZ Libro
Lavenex, Sandra (2006). The Constitutionalization of Aliens Rights in the European Union. Journal of European public policy, 13(8), pp. 1284-1301. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13501760601000173
Lavenex, Sandra; Schimmelfennig, Frank (2006). Relations with the Wider Europe. Journal of common market studies JCMS, 44(S1), pp. 137-154. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1468-5965.2006.00649.x
Lavenex, Sandra (2006). Shifting Up and Out: the Foreign Policy of European Immigration Control. West European politics, 29(2), pp. 329-350. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01402380500512684
Lavenex, Sandra (2006). Einwanderungs-, Asyl, Integrations- und Einbürgerungspolitik. In: Linder, Wolf; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Kriesi, Hanspeter; Knoepfel, Peter; Klöti, Ulrich; Sciarini, Pascal (eds.) Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. Manuel de la politique suisse (pp. 653-676). Zürich: NZZ Libro
Koch, Philippe; Lavenex, Sandra (2006). The (contentious) human face of Europeanisation: Free movement of persons and migration. In: Church, Clive H. (ed.) Switzerland and the European Union. A close, contradictory and misunderstood relationship. Europe and the nation state: Vol. 11 (pp. 167-181). London: Routledge