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Lukas, Sven (2006). Moräne oder Till? Ein Vorschlag zur Beschreibung Interpretation und Bennenung glazigener Sedimente. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie ZGG(39), pp. 141-159. Innsbruck: Wagner
Volland, S; Sturm, M; Lukas, Sven; Pino, M; Müller, J (2007). Geomorphological and sedimentological evolution of a lake basin under strong volcano-tectonic influence: The seismic record of Lago Calafquén (south-central Chile). Quaternary International, 161(1), pp. 32-45. Oxford: Elsevier 10.1016/j.quaint.2006.10.025
Lukas, Sven; Nicholson, Lindsey; Humlum, Ole (2007). Comment on LØnne and Lyså 2005: Deglaciation dynamics following the Little Ice Age on Svalbard: Implications for shaping of landscapes at high latitudes Geomorphology 72 300-319. Geomorphology, 84(1-2), pp. 145-149. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.07.003
Lukas, Sven (2007). 'A test of the englacial thrusting hypothesis of "hummocky" moraine formation: case studies from the northwest Highlands, Scotland': Reply to comments. Boreas, 36(1), pp. 108-113. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1080/03009480600995392
Lukas, Sven; Lukas, T. (2006). A glacial geological and geomorphological map of the far NW Highlands, Scotland, Part 1. Journal of maps, 2006, pp. 43-55. Taylor & Francis
Lukas, Sven (2006). Moräne oder Till? Ein Vorschlag zur Beschreibung, Interpretation und Bennenung glazigener Sedimente. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie ZGG, 39, pp. 141-159. Wagner
Lukas, Sven; Merritt, J.W.; Mitchell, W.A. (2004). The Quaternary of the Central Grampian Highlands: Field Guide [Textbook] . London: Quarternary Research Association
Lukas, Sven (2003). Scottish Landform Example No. 31. The moraines around the Pass of Drumochter. Scottish geographical journal, 119(4), pp. 383-393. Routledge