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Claviez, Thomas; Marchi, Viola (eds.) (2021). Throwing the Moral Dice. Ethics and the Problem of Contingency. New York: Fordham University Press
Marchi, Viola (5 November 2021). The Work of Debt: Ontological Precariousness and the Performance of Subjection (Unpublished). In: Work: The Labors of Language, Culture, and History. University of St. Gallen (online). 5.-6.11.2021.
Claviez, Thomas; Marchi, Viola (2021). Introduction. Throwing the Moral Dice: Ethics 2.0, Contingency, and Dialectics. In: Claviez, Thomas; Marchi, Viola (eds.) Throwing the Moral Dice. Just Ideas (pp. 1-31). New York: Fordham University Press
Marchi, Viola (2021). The Apophatic Community: Ethics, Contingency, Negation. In: Claviez, Thomas; Marchi, Viola (eds.) Throwing the Moral Dice: Ethics and the Problem of Contingency (pp. 94-126). New York: Fordham University Press
Marchi, Viola (2020). “The alienation of the common”: a look into the ‘authentic origin’ of community. In: Claviez, Thomas; Imesch, Kornelia; Sweers, Britta (eds.) Critique of authenticity. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press
Marchi, Viola (2019). Fuori Loco: Community and the Impropriety of the Common (Unpublished). (Dissertation, English Department, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)
Marchi, Viola (2018). Fuori Luogo: Community and the Impropriety of the Common (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät)
Marchi, Viola (24 February 2018). “An Archeology of the Anthropocene: Concepts, Stories, Life in Common.” (Unpublished). In: Pluralize the Anthropocene. University of Lausanne. 24 February 2018.
Marchi, Viola (20 November 2016). An Introduction to Biopolitics (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. Hochschule der Künste Bern. 20. November 2016.
Marchi, Viola (18 November 2016). Of Wordly Gods, Wise Strangers, and Proprietary Bodies: Social Contract Theory and the Question of Community (Unpublished). In: Theory and Practice of Authenticity. University of Bern. 17.-19. November 2016.
Marchi, Viola (15 June 2016). Out of Control: The 'Common' Challenge to Biopower (Unpublished). In: SLSA Annual Conference "Control". Stockholm University. 14.-17. Juni 2016.
Marchi, Viola (5 June 2015). Impersonal Existence: Rethinking Ethics and Responsibility Beyond the Person (Unpublished). In: Conference: Approaching Posthumanism. University of Geneva. 04.-06.06.2015.
Marchi, Viola (23 May 2015). Noli me legere: Literary Criticism for the Nihilist Age (Unpublished). In: International Conference: Ethics and Literature. University of Porto. 21.-23.05.2015.
Marchi, Viola (2015). The ‘Apophatic Community’ Traces of Mystic Discourse in Jean-Luc Nancy’s The Inoperative Community. (Unpublished). In: Authenticity and Cultural Translation in the Global City and Community. University of Lausanne. 12.-14. Nov. 2015.
Marchi, Viola (22 November 2014). Ethics, Interrupted: Levinas‘s Moral Philosophy and the Problem of Community (Unpublished). In: Biannual Conference of the Swiss Association for North-American Studies. University of Basel. 21.-22.11.2014.
Marchi, Viola (19 October 2014). Ethics, Interrupted: Community and Impersonality in Levinas (Unpublished). In: The Speculative Community: New Concepts in Post-Identitarian Thought II.. University of Bern. 18.-19.10.2014.
Marchi, Viola (5 June 2014). Fictions of Agency: Impersonality, Contingency, and Responsibility in Paul Auster’s Leviathan (Unpublished). In: Life, in Theory. 8th Meeting of the European Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. Università di Torino and Università del Piemonte Orientale. 03.-06.06.2014.
Marchi, Viola (1 December 2013). What Comes Before the Subject? Approaching the Question in Reverse (Unpublished). In: Extra-Subjectivity: New Concepts in Post-Identitarian Thought. University of Bern. 01.12.2013.
Marchi, Viola (2 November 2013). Postmodern Literature and the Ethics of the Impersonal (Unpublished). In: PhD Colloquium "Comparatism and Interdisciplinarity". Schloss Münchenwiler, Murten. 01.-03.11.2013.
Marchi, Viola (7 June 2013). Radical Otherness and Global Readership: The Native American Author as Mediator (Unpublished). In: Arts With(out) Borders: Rethinking Methodologies of Art and Culture in the Global Context. University of Bern. 06.-08.06.2013..