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Mbiti, John S. (2012). Concepts of God in Africa. Acton Publications
Mbiti, John S. (2012). Weteelete Ndakusaa (Wer wartet (mit Geduld), stirbt nicht). Nairobi, Kenia: Vide-Muwa Publishers
Mbiti, John S. (2011). The Eyes and Ears of Dr. Willy Mutunga, Wearing Indispensable Articles. Awaaz Voices, 8(3), pp. 32-34. Nairobi (Kenya): Awaaz Magazine
Mbiti, John (2010). Die unumgängliche Begegnung zwischen Christentum und afrikanischer Religion in Evangelisierung und Bibelübersetzung - einige Beobachtungen. In: Delgado, Mariano; Vergauwen, Guido (eds.) Interkulturalität. Begegnung und Wandel in den Religionen. Religionsforum: Vol. 5 (pp. 283-315). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer
Mbiti, John (2010). Myths of Sexuality, Sexual Relations, and Human Identity (Unpublished). In: Exploring stepping-stones: Sexual Identity and Gender Equality. Nairobi, Kenia. 27.04.-1.05.2010.
Mbiti, John (2010). Death and the Hereafter in African Religiosity, Vortrag an der Konferenz: African Spirituality Conference, Tangaza College, Nairobi, Kenia, 17.-20. Mai 2010.
Mbiti, John; Mulonzya, Mutua (eds.) (2010). Ngaeka Waeka: Myali ya Kiikamba Kiikamba Poems (auf Deutsch: Gedichte auf Kiikamba). Nairobi, Kenia: Akamba Cultural Trust
Mbiti, John (2010). "If God did not love me, God would not have made me!" Exploring Divine Love in African Religion. In: Levin, Jeff; Post, Stephen G. (eds.) Divine Love. Perspectives from the World's Religious Traditions (pp. 23-55). West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press
Mbiti, John (2010). "Never Break the Pot That Keeps You Together": Peace and Reconciliation in African Religion. Dialogue & alliance - a journal of the Universal Peace Federation, 24(1), pp. 4-21. New York, N.Y.: International Religious Foundation
Mbiti, John (2009). Challenges of Language, Culture, and Interpretation in Translating the Greek New Testament. Svensk missionstidskrift SMT / Swedish missiological themes, 97(2), pp. 141-164. Uppsala (Sweden): Swedish Institute of Missionary Research
Mbiti, John (2009). Frans Wijsen, Seeds of conflict in a haven of peace. From religious studies to interreligious studies in Africa. Studies in World Christianity and Interreligious relations, Amsterdam, New York, 2007 [Rezension]. Journal of ecumenical studies, 44(2), pp. 326-327. Philadelphia, Pa.: Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Mbiti, John (2008). John Harun Mwau, Kikamba Dictionary. Osa Vinya Mukamba. Kikamba-English, Kikamba-Kikamba, English-Kikamba, 2. Auflage, 2006 [Rezension]. Sunday Nation(15.6.2008), p. 12.
Mbiti, John (2007). Magdel le Roux, The Lemba: A lost Tribe of Israel in Southern Africa? [Rezension]. International review of mission IRM, 96(380/381), pp. 144-146. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
Mbiti, John (2006). "The Hen Knows When It Is Dawn, But Leaves the Crowing To The Cock": African Religion Looks at Islam. In: Gort, Jerald D; Jansen, Henry; Vroom, Hendrik M (eds.) Religions view Religions. Explorations in pursuit of Understanding. Currents of Encounter - Studies on the Contact between Christianity and Other Religions, Beliefs, and Cultures: Vol. 25 (pp. 151-176). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi
Mbiti, John (2006). Theologische Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Norden und dem Süden: Realität, Traum oder Hoffnung? In: Luterbacher-Maineri, Claudius; Lehr-Rosenberg, Stephanie (eds.) Weisheit in Vielfalt. Afrikanisches und westliches Denken im Dialog / Sagesse dans la pluralité. L'Afrique et l'Occident en dialogue (pp. 129-141). Fribourg: Academic Press