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Wyler, Helen; Oswald, Margit E. (2016). Why misinformation is reported: evidence from a warning and a source-monitoring task. Memory, 24(10), pp. 1-16. Psychology Press 10.1080/09658211.2015.1117641
Krefeld-Schwalb, Antonia; Ellis, Andrew W.; Oswald, Margit (2015). Source Memory for Mental Imagery: Influences of the Stimuli’s Ease of Imagery. PLoS ONE, 10(11), pp. 1-14. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0143694
Schrackmann, Michael; Oswald, Margit (2014). How Preliminary Are Preliminary Decisions? Swiss journal of psychology, 73(1), pp. 5-11. Huber 10.1024/1421-0185/a000122
Balmer, Annabel S.; Oswald, Margit E.; Ermer, Anneliese; Guldimann, Angela (2014). Der Zusammenhang zwischen Belästigung des Ex-Partners, Trennungskontext, Bindungsstil und Commitment gegenüber der Beziehung. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 62(2), pp. 131-141. Huber 10.1024/1661-4747/a000182
Fischer, Andreas; Oswald, Margit E.; Seiler, Stefan (2013). Terrorists Among Us: Effects of a Suspect's Group Membership, Terrorist Past, and Knowledge on Lay Persons' Interrogation Severity Recommendations. Swiss journal of psychology, 72(1), pp. 13-23. Huber 10.1024/1421-0185/a000094
Hurst, Melanie; Oswald, Margit E. (2012). Mechanisms underlying response bias in deception detection. Psychology, crime & law, 18(8), pp. 759-778. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 10.1080/1068316X.2010.550615
Hurst-Wagner, Melanie; Oswald, Margit E. (2011). Impact of deception detection errors on public's trust in the police. Legal and criminological psychology, 17(2), pp. 294-306. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.2044-8333.2010.02008.x
Giger, Peter; Merten, Th; Meckelbach, H.; Oswald, Margit E. (2010). Detection of feigned crime-related amnesia: A multi-method approach. Journal of forensic psychology practice, 10(5), pp. 440-463. Philadelphia, Pa.: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 10.1080/15228932.2010.489875
Oswald, Margit E.; Stucki, Ingrid (2010). Automatic judgment and reasoning about punishment. Social Justice Research, 23(4), pp. 290-307. New York, N.Y.: Springer US; http://www.springer-ny.com 10.1007/s11211-010-0120-5
Giger, Peter; Merten, Th.; Meckelbach, H.; Oswald, Margit E. (2010). Willentliche Testverfälschung bei Verfahren zur Erfassung von Dissoziation: Ergebnisse einer Begutachtungsstudie. Praxis der Rechtspsychologie, 20(1), pp. 131-147. Berlin: Dt. Psychologen-Verlag
Keller, Livia B.; Oswald, Margit E.; Stucki, Ingrid; Gollwitzer, Mario (2010). A closer look at an eye for an eye: Laypersons'punishment decisions are primarily driven by retributive motives. Social Justice Research, 23(2-3), pp. 99-116. New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press 10.1007/s11211-010-0113-4
Krummenacher, Martin; Giger, Peter; Oswald, Margit (2010). Wiederholen Sie sich nicht! Eine Realdatenanalyse non- und paraverbaler Merkmale für die Glaubhaftigkeitseinschätzung. Polizei & Wissenschaft(3), pp. 8-21. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft
Gabriel, Ute; Oswald, Margrit; Bütikofer, Andrea (2006). Das Problem der Selbstselektion bei Resozialisierungsprogrammen. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 36(4), pp. 239-249. Bern: Huber 10.1024/0044-3514.36.4.239
Oswald, Margit E.; Orth, Ulrich; Aeberhard, Marianne; Schneider, Eliane (2005). Punitive reactions to completed crimes versus accidentally uncompleted crimes. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35(4), pp. 718-731. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2005.tb02143.x
Oswald, Margit E.; Orth, Ulrich; Hupfeld, Jörg (2003). Micro versus Macro Perspective on Retributive Justice, Punishment Goals, and the Demand for Punishment. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 34(4), pp. 227-241. Huber 10.1024/0044-3514.34.4.227
Oswald, Margit (2017). Laypeople's Reactions to Deviancy as Determined by Retributive Motives. In: Turner, Bertram; Schlee, Günther (eds.) On Retaliation. Toward an interdisciplinary understanding of a basic human condition. Integration and conflict studies: Vol. 15 (pp. 81-97). New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books
Oswald, Margit (2014). Strafrichterliche Urteilsbildung. In: Lehrbuch der Rechtspsychologie (pp. 244-260). Bern: Hans Huber 10.13140/2.1.3564.7048
Oswald, Margit E. (2014). Ist Gewalt in der Partnerschaft eine Domäne der Männer? In: Götz, Isabell; Schwenzer, Ingeborg; Seelmann, Kurt; Taupitz, Jochen (eds.) Familie - Recht - Ethik: Festschrift für Gerd Brudermüller zum 65. Geburtstag (pp. 503-516). München: C.H. Beck
Oswald, Margit E. (2014). Interdisziplinäre Forschung ist (manchmal) keine Sackgasse. In: Baier, Dirk; Mössle, Thomas (eds.) Kriminologie ist Gesellschaftswissenschaft. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Kriminologischen Forschung: Vol. 43 (pp. 767-772). Baden-Baden Deutschland: Nomos
Oswald, Margit E. (2011). Strafrechtliche Urteilsbildung. In: Bliesener, Thomas; Köhnken, Günter (eds.) Lehrbuch der Rechtspsychologie. Bern: Huber
Oswald, Margit (2010). Vertrauen in Organisationen. In: Schweer, Martin K.W. (ed.) Vertrauensforschung 2010: a state of the art. Psychologie und Gesellschaft: Vol. 9 (pp. 63-85). Bern, Frankfurt a.M.: Lang
Oswald, M.E. (2010). Diverse consequences of distrust for communication and judgement. In:
Oswald, Margit E.; Bieneck, Steffen; Hupfeld-Heinemann, Jörg (2009). Introduction. In: Oswald, Margit E.; Bieneck, Steffen; Hupfeld-Heinemann, Jörg (eds.) Social Psychology of Punishment of Crime (pp. 13-18). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
Oswald, Margit E. (2009). How knowledge about the defendant's previous convictions influences judgments of guilt. In: Oswald, Margit E.; Bieneck, Steffen; Hupfeld-Heinemann, Jörg (eds.) Social Psychology of Punishment of Crime (pp. 357-377). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
Oswald, Margit E.; Stucki, Ingrid (2009). A two-process-model of punishment. In: Oswald, Margit E.; Bieneck, Steffen; Hupfeld-Heinemann, Jörg (eds.) Social Psychology of Punishment of Crime (pp. 173-191). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
Keller, Livia; Ming, Walter; Giger, Peter; Haag, Claudia; Oswald, Margit E. (2009). Alkohol und Gewalt: Eine Online-Befragung der Polizeiangestellten im Kanton Bern. In:
Hupfeld-Heinemann, Jörg; Oswald, Margit E. (2008). Richterliche Urteilsbildung: Strafentscheid und Strafzumessung. In: Volbert, Renate; Steller, Max (eds.) Handbuch der Rechtspsychologie. Handbuch der Psychologie: Vol. 9 (pp. 477-485). Göttingen: Hogrefe
Gabriel, Ute; Oswald, Margrit (2007). Psychology of punishment. In: Clark, David S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Law and Society (pp. 1252-1254). Sage
Oswald, Margrit (2006). Vertrauen in Personen und Organisationen. In: Bierhoff, Hans-Werner; Frey, Dieter (eds.) Handbuch der Sozialpsychologie und Kommunikationspsychologie. Handbuch der Psychologie: Vol. 3 (pp. 710-716). Göttingen: Hogrefe
Oswald, Margit E. (2006). Einfluss der Vorstrafenkenntnis auf das Schuldurteil. In: Obergfell-Fuchs, Joachim; Brandenstein, Martin (eds.) Nationale und internationale Entwicklungen in der Kriminologie (pp. 335-355). Frankfurt: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft
Bieneck, Steffen; Oswald, Margit E.; Hupfeld-Heinemann, Jörg (eds.) (2009). The Social Psychology of Punishment of Crime. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
Ruffieux, Nicole; Oswald, Margit (9 July 2014). Analytical thinking under distrust - better not to know that one distrusts (Unpublished). In: General Meeting European Association of Social Psychology - 2014. Amsterdam, NL. 09-12 Jul 2014.
Wyler, Helen; Oswald, Margit (27 June 2014). Influence of credibility, warnings, and source-monitoring questions on the misinformation effect. (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law. St. Petersburg. 24.-27.06.2014.
Krefeld, Antonia; Ellis, Andrew W.; Oswald, Margit (25 January 2014). Source memory of mental imagery: a hierarchical multinomial processing tree model (Unpublished). In: Swiss Society of Neuroscience SSN Annual Meeting. Bern. 24.-25.01.2014.
Oswald, Margit (25 October 2013). Richterliche Urteilsbildung (Unpublished). In: Tagung der Reinhäuser Juristengespräche. Kassel, Deutschland. 25.-27.10.2013.
Wyler, Helen; Oswald, Margit; Steinbach, Jennifer (18 September 2013). Ability or a matter of chance? (Unpublished). In: 15. Tagung der Fachgruppe Rechtspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bonn. 18.-20.09.2013.
Krefeld, Antonia; Oswald, Margit (11 September 2013). Validation of a paradigm to measure instrumental aggression (iap) on a sample of male adolescents with adjustment problems (Submitted). In: 13th Biannual Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society. Basel, Switzerland. 11.-12.9.2013.
Ulshöfer, Corina; Ruffieux, Nicole; Oswald, Margit (3 September 2013). Do untrustworthy faces facilitate the recognition of antonyms? A critical analysis of thinking the opposite under distrust (Unpublished). In: 14. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Hagen Deutschland. 01.-04.09.2013.
Krefeld, Antonia; Ellis, Andrew W.; Mast, Fred W.; Oswald, Margit (29 August 2013). Memory confusion of real and imagined completions of natural symmetric shapes: A two high threshold source memory (2-HTSM) model with linear regression of model parameters an Bayesian parameter estimation (Unpublished). In: 18th Meeting of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology. Budapest Ungarn. 29.8.-1.9.2013.
Krefeld, Antonia; Oswald, Margit (27 March 2013). Contribution of ease of imagery and imagery ability to confusion of source memory (Unpublished). In: 55. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Wien. 25.-27.3.2013.
Ruffieux, Nicole; Ulshöfer, Corina Tamara; Oswald, Margit (24 March 2013). Boundaries of a thinking the opposite (Unpublished). In: 55. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Wien. 24.-27.03.2013.
Ulshöfer, Corina Tamara; Ruffieux, Nicole; Oswald, Margit (24 March 2013). Things some do in the dark: Subliminal distrust and its effect on information processing in a bright versus a dark environment (Unpublished). In: 55. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Wien. 24.-27.03.2013.
Oswald, Margit E. (2011). Reactions to deviant behavior: Why do we want to punish? Department of Social Psychology, University of Geneva, 31.3.2011.
Oswald, Margit E. (2011). Are layperson's reactions towards deviancy mainly driven by retributive motives? Conference on Retaliation, Max-Planck-Institute, Freiburg/B., 29.10.2011.
Ulshöfer, Corina T.; Ruffieux, N.; Oswald, Margit E. (2011). Trust the distrust or distrust the trust? Manipulations of trust and distrust and their impact on information processing, Vortrag auf der Teap in Mannheim, 2.-4.4.2011.
Hurst-Wagner, Melanie; Oswald, Margit E. (2010). Mechanisms Underlying Response Biases in Deception Detection, 20th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, 16.6.2010, in Göteburg, Schweden.