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Ma, Jin; Pekala, Marek; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pastina, Barbara; Maanoja, Susanna; Wersin, Paul (2022). 3D modelling of long-term sulfide corrosion of copper canisters in a spent nuclear fuel repository. Applied geochemistry, 146, p. 105439. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105439
Pekala, Marek; Wersin, Paul; Pastina, Barbara; Lamminmäki, Ralf; Vuorio, Marja; Jenni, Andreas (2021). Potential impact of cementitious leachates on the buffer porewater chemistry in the Finnish repository for spent nuclear fuel – A reactive transport modelling assessment. Applied geochemistry, 131, p. 105045. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105045
Kiczka, Mirjam; Pekala, Marek; Maanoja, Susanna; Muuri, Eveliina; Wersin, Paul (2021). Modelling of solute transport and microbial activity in diffusion cells simulating a bentonite barrier of a spent nuclear fuel repository. Applied Clay Science, 211, p. 106193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106193
Wersin, P.; Pekala, M.; Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Mäder, U.; Jenni, A.; Rufer, D.; Aschwanden, L. (2020). Porewater Chemistry of Opalinus Clay: Methods, Data, Modelling & Buffering Capacity (Technical Report, Nagra 18-01). NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste
Pekala, Marek; Alt-Epping, Peter; Wersin, Paul (2019). 3D and 1D Dual-Porosity Reactive Transport Simulations - Model Improvements, Sensitivity Analyses, and Results from the Integrated Sulfide Project (Working Report WR-2018-31). Olkiluoto: Posiva Oy
Pekala, M.; Wersin, P.; Rufer, D.; Curti, E. (2019). GD experiment: Geochemical Data Experiment. Mineralogy of carbonate and sulphate minerals in the Opalinus Clay and adjacent formations (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2018-03). Mont Terri Project
Pekala, Marek; Wersin, Paul; Cloet, Veerle; Diomidis, Nikitas (2019). Reactive transport calculations to evaluate sulphide fluxes in the near-field of a SF/HLW repository in the Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 100, pp. 169-180. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.11.006
Wersin, Paul; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pekala, Marek; Traber, Daniel (2018). Multicomponent diffusion in a 280 m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Applied geochemistry, 95, pp. 110-123. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.013
Wersin, Paul; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pekala, Marek; Pitkänen, Petteri; Snellman, Margit (2017). Modelling Sulfide Fluxes and Cu Canister Corrosion Rates in the Engineered Barrier System of a Spent Fuel Repository. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 722-725. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.183
Pekala, Marek; Kramers, Jan Dirk; Waber, Niklaus; Gimmi, Thomas; Alt-Epping, Peter (2009). Transport of 234U in the Opalinus Clay on centimetre to decimetre scales. Applied geochemistry, 24(1), pp. 138-152. Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.09.013