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Gafner, Dinah; Eicher, Manuela; Spirig, Rebecca; Senn, Beate (2013). Between anxiety and hope: the experiences of women with vulval intraepithelial neoplasia during their illness trajectory - a qualitative approach. Pflege - die wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Pflegeberufe, 26(2), pp. 85-95. H. Huber 10.1024/1012-5302/a000273
Senn, Beate; Eicher, Manuela; Mueller, Michael D.; Hornung, René; Fink, Daniel; Baessler, Kaven; Hampl, Monika; Denhaerynck, Kris; Spirig, Rebecca; Engberg, Sandra (2013). A patient-reported outcome measure to identify occurrence and distress of post-surgery symptoms of WOMen with vulvAr Neoplasia (WOMAN-PRO) - a cross sectional study. Gynecologic oncology, 129(1), pp. 234-240. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ygyno.2012.12.038
Senn, Beate; Eicher, Manuela; Mueller, Michael; Gafner, Dinah; Engberg, Sandra; Spirig, Rebecca (2013). [Development and validation of a patient reported outcome instrument for women with vulvar cancers and surgical treatment - a mixed method study]. Pflege - die wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Pflegeberufe, 26(1), pp. 65-68. H. Huber 10.1024/1012-5302/a000265
Senn, Beate; Mueller, Michael D; Hasenburg, Annette; Blankenstein, Thomas; Kammermann, Beatrice; Hartmann, Anke; Donovan, Heidi; Eicher, Manuela; Spirig, Rebecca; Engberg, Sandra (2012). Development of a postsurgical patient-reported outcome instrument for women with vulvar neoplasia. Oncology nursing forum, 39(6), E489-E498. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Oncology Nursing Society 10.1188/12.ONF.E489-E498
Senn, Beate; Eicher, Manuela; Mueller, Michael D; Engberg, Sandra; Spirig, Rebecca (2012). [Needs based nursing care in gynecology. "My symptom diary"]. Krankenpflege / Soins infirmiers / Cure infermieristiche, 105(5), pp. 32-3. Bern: Schweizer Berufsverband der Krankenschwestern und Krankenpfleger
Senn, B; Gafner, D; Happ, M B; Eicher, M; Mueller, M D; Engberg, S; Spirig, R (2011). The unspoken disease: symptom experience in women with vulval neoplasia and surgical treatment: a qualitative study. European journal of cancer care, 20(6), pp. 747-58. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-2354.2011.01267.x
Senn, B; Kirsch, M; Sanz, C C; Karlou, C; Tulus, K; De Leeuw, J; Ringnér, A; Goossens, G A; Cleary, V (2011). How cancer research could benefit from the Complex Intervention Framework: students' experiences of the European Academy of Nursing Science summer school. European journal of cancer care, 20(1), pp. 1-4. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-2354.2010.01237.x
Senn, B; Eicher, M; Mueller, M (2011). The Post-surgery Symptom Experience of Women with Vulval Neoplasia: Development and Content Validity of a Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) Instrument. In: European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress ECCO 47 (S535-S536). European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress ECCO 10.1016/S0959-8049(11)72116-5
Senn, B (2011). Bedürfnisgerecht pflegen in der Gynäkologie: Ein Symptom-Tagebuch für Frauen nach vulvären chirurgischen Eingriffen. In: International Seminar: Oncology Nursing. International Seminar: Oncology Nursing
Senn, Beate; Mueller, Michael David; Cignacco, Eva Lucia; Eicher, Manuela (2010). Period prevalence and risk factors for postoperative short-term wound complications in vulvar cancer: a cross-sectional study. International journal of gynecological cancer, 20(4), pp. 646-54. Hagerstown, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1111/IGC.0b013e3181d92723
Senn, Beate; Eicher, Manuela; Mueller, Michael; Engberg, S.; Spirig, R. (2010). Creating and validating a patient-reported outcome instrument to assess symptom experiences related to surgical wounds in women with vulvar neoplasms – a mixed methods study. European journal of oncology nursing, 14(Suppl. 1), S12. Elsevier
Senn, B; Eicher, M; Mueller, M; Engberg, S; Spirig, R (2010). The unspoken disease: Symptom experiences after surgical treatment in women with vulvar neoplasms – a qualitative study. In: 8th Congress and Postgraduate Course of the European College for the study of vulval disease (ECSVD). München: 8th Congress and Postgraduate Course of the European College for the study of vulval disease (ECSVD)
Senn, B; Eicher, M; Mueller, M; Engberg, S; Spirig, R (2010). Entwicklung und Prüfung eines Instruments für Frauen mit vulvären Neoplasien zur Erfassung ihrer Symptomerfahrungen nach chirurgischen Eingriffen. In: Symposium des Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg. Freiburg: Symposium des Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg