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Jamakovic, A.; Dimitrova, D. C.; Anwander, M.; Macicas, T.; Braun, T.; Schwanbeck, J.; Staub, T.; Nyffenegger, B. (2013). Real-World Energy Measurements of a Wireless Mesh Network. In: Pierson, Jean-Marc; Da Costa, Georges; Dittmann, Lars (eds.) Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems: COST IC0804 European Conference, EE-LSDS 2013 Vienna, Austria, April 2013 Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 8046 (pp. 218-232). Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-40517-4_18
Anwander, Markus; Braun, Torsten; Hurni, Philipp; Staub, Thomas; Wagenknecht, Gerald (2013). User and Machine Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure for Distributed Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2(1), pp. 109-121. M D P I AG 10.3390/jsan2010109
Anwander, Markus; Braun, Torsten; Jamakovic, Almerima; Staub, Thomas (2012). Authentication and Authorisation Mechanisms in support of Secure Access to WMN Resources. In: The Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Hot Topics in Mesh Networking HOTMESH, San Francisco, USA (pp. 1-6). Washington, DC: IEEE 10.1109/WoWMoM.2012.6263776
Jamakovic, Almerima; Anwander, Markus; Braun, Torsten; Kropf, Peter; Schiller, Eryk; Schwanbeck, Jan; Staub, Thomas (2012). A4-Mesh: Connecting Remote Sites. SWITCH-Journal, pp. 15-17. Bern: Redaktion SWITCH, Schweiz. Hochschulkonferenz
Hurni, Philipp; Anwander, Markus; Wagenknecht, Gerald; Staub, Thomas; Braun, Torsten (2012). TARWIS: A testbed management architecture for wireless sensor network testbeds. In: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium NOMS, Maui, Hawaii, USA (pp. 611-614). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society
Morgenthaler, Simon; Braun, Torsten; Zhao, Zhongliang; Staub, Thomas; Anwander, Markus (2012). UAVNet: A Mobile Wireless Mesh Network Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In: 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Networking and Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles, Anaheim, CA, USA (pp. 1603-1608). IEEE 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2012.6477825
Staub, Thomas (2012). Development, Testing, Deployment & Operation of Wireless Mesh Networks: Addressing various challenges encountered in the life cycle of Wireless Mesh Networks. Saarbrücken: Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften
Staub, Thomas; Nyffenegger, Benjamin; Dimitrova, Desislava; Braun, Torsten (2011). Operational Support of Wireless Mesh Networks Deployed for Extending Network Connectivity. In: 1st international Workshop on Opportunistic Sensing and Processing in Mobile Wireless Sensor and Cellular networks (MobiSense), Bilbao, Spain. Bilbao, Spain. 09 - 11.05.2011.
Dimitrova, Desislava; Bürgi, Ulrich; Martins Dias, Gabriel; Braun, Torsten; Staub, Thomas (2011). Inquiry-based Bluetooth Parameters for Indoor Localisation - an experimental study. In: 5th ERCIM workshop on e-Mobility, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain (pp. 13-21). Universität Barcelona
Hurni, Philipp; Anwander, Markus; Wagenknecht, Gerald; Staub, Thomas; Braun, Torsten (2011). TARWIS - A Testbed Management Architecture for Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds. In: International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Paris, France (pp. 1-4). IEEE
Braun, Torsten; Coulson, Geoff; Staub, Thomas (2011). Towards Virtual Mobility Support in a Federated Testbed for Wireless Sensor Networks. Electronic communications of the EASST, 37, pp. 1-12. Berlin: European Association of Software Science and Technology
Staub, Thomas; Morgenthaler, Simon; Balsiger, Daniel; Goode, Paul Kim; Braun, Torsten (2011). ADAM: Administration and Deployment of Adhoc Mesh Networks. In: 3rd IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Mesh Networking (IEEE HotMESH 2011), Lucca, Italy (pp. 1-6). IEEE 10.1109/WoWMoM.2011.5986181
Bernardo, Vitor; Curado, Marilia; Staub, Thomas; Braun, Torsten (2011). Towards Energy Consumption Measurement in a Cloud Computing Wireless Testbed. In: IEEE First Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications (NCCA 2011), Toulouse, France (pp. 91-98). IEEE 10.1109/NCCA.2011.22
Staub, Thomas; Ott, Stefan; Braun, Torsten (2011). Videoconferencia. RTI - Redes, Telecom e Instalações, 12(133), pp. 80-85. São Paulo: Aranda Editora
Staub, Thomas; Gantenbein, Reto; Braun, Torsten (2011). VirtualMesh: an emulation framework for wireless mesh and ad hoc networks in OMNeT++. Simulation - transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 87(1-2), pp. 66-81. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications 10.1177/0037549710373909
Staub, Thomas; Anwander, Markus; Baumann, Kurt; Braun, Torsten; Brogle, Marc; Dolfus, Kirsten; Félix, Christian; Goode, Paul Kim (2010). Connecting Remote Sites to the Wired Backbone by Wireless Mesh Access Networks. In: 16th European Wireless Conference 12-15 April 2010, Lucca, Italy (pp. 675-682). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society 10.1109/EW.2010.5483454
Staub, Thomas; Anwander, Markus; Baumann, Kurt; Braun, Torsten; Brogle, Marc; Dornier, Pascal; Félix, Christian; Goode, Paul Kim (2010). Wireless Mesh Networks - Connecting Remote Sites. SWITCH-Journal, pp. 10-12. Bern: Redaktion SWITCH, Schweiz. Hochschulkonferenz
Braun, Torsten; Diaz, Michel; Enriquez-Gabeiras, José; Staub, Thomas (2010). End-to-end Quality of Service Support over Heterogeneous Networks (EuQoS). Publishing House of Electronics Industry
Staub, Thomas; Ott, Stefan; Braun, Torsten (2010). Automated Deployment of a Wireless Mesh Communication Infrastructure for an On-site Video-conferencing System (OViS). In: 4th ERCIM Workshop on eMobility co-located with the 8th International Conference on wired/Wireless Internet Communications WWIC 2010, Lulea, Sweden (pp. 109-112). Lulea University of Technology
Staub, Thomas; Balsiger, Daniel; Morgenthaler, Simon; Lustenberger, Michael; Braun, Torsten (6 March 2009). ADAM (Administration and Deployment of Adhoc Mesh networks). In: Demo session for the KuVS Communication Software Award co-located with KiVS'09. Kassel, Germany. 06.-07,03.2009.
Hurni, Philipp; Staub, Thomas; Wagenknecht, Gerald; Anwander, Markus; Braun, Torsten (2009). A Secure Remote Authentication, Operation and Management Infrastructure for Distributed Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds. Electronic communications of the EASST, 17, pp. 1-6. Berlin: European Association of Software Science and Technology
Staub, Thomas; Brogle, Marc; Baumann, Kurt; Braun, Torsten (2009). Wireless Mesh Networks for Interconnection of Remote Sites to Fixed Broadband Networks. In: Brogle, Marc; Heijenk, Geert; Braun, Torsten; Konstantas, Dimitri (eds.) Proceedings of the Third ERCIM Workshop on eMobility (pp. 97-98). Enschede, Netherlands: University of Twente
Wälchli, Markus; Zurbuchen, Reto; Staub, Thomas; Braun, Torsten (2009). Gravity-based Local Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks. Lecture notes in computer science, 5550, pp. 907-918. Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-01399-7_71
Wälchli, Markus; Zurbuchen, Reto; Staub, Thomas; Braun, Torsten (2009). Backbone MAC for Energy-constrained Wireless Sensor Networks. In: IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks LCN 2009, 20-23 October 2009, Zurich (pp. 77-84). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society 10.1109/LCN.2009.5355177
Staub, Thomas; Ott, Stefan; Braun, Torsten (2009). Experimental Evaluation of Multi-Path Routing in a Wireless Mesh Network Inside a Building. Electronic communications of the EASST, 17, pp. 1-12. Berlin: European Association of Software Science and Technology
Staub, Thomas; Gantenbein, Reto; Braun, Torsten (2009). VirtualMesh: An Emulation Framework for Wireless Mesh Networks in OMNeT++. In: The 2nd International Workshop on OMNeT++ (OMNeT++ 2009) held in conjuction with the 2nd International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (pp. 1-8). ICST
Wagenknecht, Gerald; Anwander, Markus; Braun, Torsten; Staub, Thomas; Matheka, James; Morgenthaler, Simon (2008). MARWIS: A Management Architecture for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. In: 6th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC'08), Tampere, Finland (pp. 177-188). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Braun, Torsten; Staub, Thomas; Diaz, Michel; Gabeiras, José Enríquez (2008). End-to-End Quality of Service Over Heterogeneous Networks. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Staub, Thomas; Braun, Torsten (2008). ATOM: Adaptive Transport over Multipaths in Wireless Mesh Networks. In: Braun, Torsten; Heijenk, Geert; Konstantas, Dimitri; Wulff, Markus (eds.) Proceedings of the Second ERCIM Workshop on eMobility (pp. 101-106). Tampere, Finland: University of Tampere
Braun, Torsten; Krähenbühl, Jana; Staub, Thomas (2008). VAT4Net - a Visualization and Animation Tool for Network Simulations. In: 6th Symposium on Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems 2008, Edinburgh, UK, Sommer Computer Simulation Conference SCSC'08.
Staub, Thomas; Braun, Torsten (2008). Supporting Real-time Communication in Wireless Mesh Networks. In: 1st Workshop on Wireless Broadband Access for Communities and Rural Developing Regions - WIRELESS4D'08 held at 1st International Conference on M4D, Karlstad University, Sweden (pp. 48-53). Karlstad University Press
Anwander, Markus; Wagenknecht, Gerald; Staub, Thomas; Braun, Torsten (2007). Management of Heterogenous Wireless Sensor Networks. In: 6. Fachgespräch Sensornetzwerke der GI/ITG Fachgruppe "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" (pp. 63-66). Aachen: Distributed Systems Group, RWTH Aachen University
Staub, Thomas; Balsiger, Daniel; Lustenberger, Michael; Braun, Torsten (2007). Secure Remote Management and Software Distribution for Wireless Mesh Networks. In: ASWN 2007. 7th International Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, 24-25 May 2007, Santander, Spain (pp. 47-54). Verlag fehlt
Staub, Thomas; Bernoulli, Thomas; Anwander, Markus; Waelchli, Markus; Braun, Torsten (2006). Experimental Lifetime Evaluation for MAC Protocols on Real Sensor Hardware. In: ACM Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN'06), June 19, 2006, Uppsala, Sweden (pp. 25-29). New York: Association for Computing Machinery ACM
Weyland, Attila; Staub, Thomas; Braun, Torsten (2006). Comparison of motivation-based cooperation mechanisms for hybrid wireless networks. Computer communications, 29(13-14), pp. 2661-2670. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.comcom.2006.01.011
Potts, Martin; Staub, Thomas; Rao, Sathya; Steinemann, Marc-Alain; Stea, Giovanni; Diaz, Michel; Exposito, Ernesto; Burakowski, Wojciech; Pietrabissa, Antonio; Monteiro, Edmundo (2006). D6.1.5: Plan for Using and Disseminating Knowledge Internetpublikation
Mark, Günther; Potts, Martin; Brogle, Marc; Staub, Thomas (2006). D6.1.6: Report on raising public participation and awareness Internetpublikation
Weyland, Attila; Latze, Carolin; Braun, Torsten; Staub, Thomas (2006). Linux Implementation and Evaluation of a Cooperation Mechanism for Hybrid Wireless Networks. In: Local Computer Networks, Proceedings 2006 31st IEEE Conference on Wireless Local Networks (WLN), Tampa, FL, USA (pp. 939-946). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society