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Dawson, Heather; Bokhorst, John-Melle; Studer, Linda; Vieth, Michael; Oguz Erdogan, Ayse Selcen; Kus Öztürk, Sonay; Kirsch, Richard; Brockmoeller, Scarlett; Cathomas, Gieri; Buslei, Rolf; Fink, David; Roumet, Marie; Zlobec, Inti; van der Laak, Jeroen; Nagtegaal, Iris D; Lugli, Alessandro (2024). Lymph node metastases and recurrence in pT1 colorectal cancer: Prediction with the International Budding Consortium Score-A retrospective, multi-centric study. United European gastroenterology journal, 12(3), pp. 299-308. Wiley 10.1002/ueg2.12521
Frei, Ana Leni; Khan, Amjad; Studer, Linda; Zens, Philipp; Lugli, Alessandro; Fischer, Andreas; Zlobec, Inti (28 April 2023). Local and global feature aggregation for accurate epithelial cell classification using graph attention mechanisms in histopathology images. In: Medical Imaging with deep Learning 2023.
Abbet, Christian; Studer, Linda; Fischer, Andreas; Dawson, Heather; Zlobec, Inti; Bozorgtabar, Behzad; Thiran, Jean-Philippe (2022). Self-rule to multi-adapt: Generalized multi-source feature learning using unsupervised domain adaptation for colorectal cancer tissue detection. Medical image analysis, 79(102473), p. 102473. Elsevier 10.1016/j.media.2022.102473
Khan, Amjad; Janowczyk, Andrew; Müller, Felix; Blank, Annika; Nguyen, Huu Giao; Abbet, Christian; Studer, Linda; Lugli, Alessandro; Dawson, Heather; Thiran, Jean-Philippe; Zlobec, Inti (2022). Impact of scanner variability on lymph node segmentation in computational pathology. Journal of pathology informatics, 13(100127), p. 100127. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpi.2022.100127
Studer, Linda; Blank, Annika; Bokhorst, John-Melle; Nagtegaal, Iris D; Zlobec, Inti; Lugli, Alessandro; Fischer, Andreas; Dawson, Heather (2021). Taking Tumour Budding to the Next Frontier - a Post-ITBCC 2016 Review. Histopathology, 78(4), pp. 476-484. Wiley 10.1111/his.14267