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Wettstein, Marion; Wisler, Michaela (2024). Even When Historical Texts are Not an Option: Extending Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz’s Approach to a Global History of Religion. AЯGOS: perspectives in the study of religion, 3(2), pp. 126-132.
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban (2022). Ethnographic Comparison and Prehistory? A Comparison of the Chamdam Status Rituals among the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal and the Feasts of Merit among the Ao Naga of Northeast India. In: Morey, Stephen; Post, Mark; Huber, Tony (eds.) Ethnolinguistic prehistory of the Eastern Himalaya. Brill's Tibetan Studies Library: Vol. 52 (pp. 88-128). Brill 10.1163/9789004518049_005
Wettstein, Marion (2021). Drawing Away the Ostensible Boundary Between Science and Art. In: Lange, Diana; Ptáčková, Jarmila; Wettstein, Marion; Wulff, Mareike (eds.) Crossing Boundaries: Tibetan Studies Unlimited (pp. 383-405). Prague: Academia
Wettstein, Marion (2021). Shamans, Ethnographers, Mimesis: The visible invisible among the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal (In Press). In: Encounters with the Invisible: Revisiting Possession in the Himalayas. Oxford University Press
von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion (28 July 2021). Political borders and the transformations of Kirat Rai mythology (Unpublished). In: 26th European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS) 2020. Vienna. 26 – 29 July 2021.
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban (2021). Ethnographic Comparison and Pre-History? A Comparison of the Chamdam Status Rituals among the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal and the Feasts of Merit among the Ao Naga of Northeast India (In Press). In: Morey, Stephen; Post, Mark; Huber, Toni (eds.) Ethno-linguistic prehistory of the Eastern Himalaya. Brill
Wettstein, Marion (2021). Lines of Identity: The Preference for the Broken Line in the Handloom Weaving of the Nagas of Northeast India. Épistémocritique : littérature et savoirs, pp. 1-20. Épistémocritique
Lange, Diana; Ptáčková, Jarmila; Wettstein, Marion; Wulff, Mareike (eds.) (2021). Crossing Boundaries: Tibetan Studies Unlimited. Prague: Academia
Wettstein, Marion (29 November 2019). Grappling with ‘embodiment’ – or why I find it difficult to dance with Thomas Csordas in Eastern Nepal (Unpublished). In: Joint Research Colloquium Bern – Zürich. Zürich. 29.11.2019.
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban; Rai, Chatur Bhakta (2019). Nuja: Text, Melody, and Movement of a ‘New Grain’ Ritual Performance among the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal. In: Gaenszle, Martin (ed.) Ritual Speech in the Himalayas: Oral Texts and their Contexts. Harvard Oriental Series: Vol. 93. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Wettstein, Marion (8 July 2019). Tantric Buddhist dances of the Himalayas and Tibetosphere in comparison (Unpublished). In: 15th IATS Seminar. Paris. 08.07.2019.
Wettstein, Marion (2019). YouTube and the Rising Trend for Indigenous Folk Dance: The Case of the Sakela Dance of the Rai in Nepal and their Diasporas. In: Schleiter, Markus; de Maaker, Erik (eds.) Media, Indigeneity and Nation in South Asia. London: Routledge
Wettstein, Marion (12 October 2018). Lines of Identity: The Broken and the Continuous Line in the Handloom Weaving of the Nagas of Northeast India (Unpublished). In: Penser la ligne briseé. Paris. 12.10.2018.
Wettstein, Marion (2018). Dancing Who We Are: The Embodiment of Rai Ethnic Identity in Sakela Performance. In: Conference Proceedings 2012: The Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya (pp. 271-293). Kathmandu: Social Science Baha
Wettstein, Marion (2018). How a new religion is danced into existence – the case of Kirat religion in Nepal (Unpublished). In: 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) Multiple Religious Identities – Individuals, Communities, Traditions. University of Bern. 17.06.2018 - 21.06.2018.
Wettstein, Marion (21 December 2017). The visible invisible: Mimetic manifestations of the spirits in ‘shamanic’ dance movements among the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal (Unpublished). In: Symposium “Encounters with the Invisible: Revisiting Possession in the Himalayas in its Material and Narrative Aspects”. Marçay, France. 18th-21st December 2017.
Wettstein, Marion (7 December 2017). Collective ritual dance and the claim on territory in Eastern Nepal (Unpublished). In: Research Colloquium 'Central Asian Studies in Switzerland'. Department for the Science of Religion, University of Bern. 07.12.2017.
Wettstein, Marion (3 December 2017). Local belonging, ethnic identity and the material ontology of the otherworld in Eastern Nepal (Unpublished). In: Conference of International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism (ISARS): Expanding Boundaries: Ethnicity, Materiality and Spirituality. Museum of Ethnology, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Wettstein, Marion (14 September 2017). Lokale Konzepte von religiöser Imagination und Materialität am Beispiel der Rai in Ostnepal (Unpublished). In: DVRW-Tagung (Tagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Religionswissenschaft). Universität Marburg.
Wettstein, Marion (12 May 2017). The weaver and the hunter: An attempt in comparative Himalayan mythology and cultural practice (Unpublished). In: Workshop: Kiranti – Language and culture in comparative perspective. CIRDIS / ISTB, University of Vienna, Austria.
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban (8 February 2017). “Chamdam” as a Feast of Merit: Comparing Status Rituals of the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal and the Ao Naga of Northeast India (Unpublished). In: 3rd ICEHEP Workshop. Melbourne, Australien. 08-10.02.2017.
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban; Gaenszle, Martin (2017). Increasing Materiality and Emerging Concepts of Ethnic Religious Identity: The Case of ‘Kirat Religion’ in Nepal (Submitted). Social Analysis Berghan
Wettstein, Marion (2017). Review: The Sunuwār of Nepal and their Sense of Communication: A Study in the Culture, Psychology and Shamanism of a Himalayan People (Vol 6. LIT Studies on Asia) by Werner M. Egli. Zürich/Münster: LIT. 2014. 533 pages. (In Press). Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 142, pp. 148-151. Reimer
Wettstein, Marion (2017). ‘Sakela’: Verkörperung und Leibhaftigkeit lokaler Mythen in den rituellen Tänzen Ostnepals». In: Morich, Armin (ed.) Kosmischer Tanz: Eranos 2015 und 2016. Eranos. Basel: Schwabe
Wettstein, Marion (2017). Dance to paper: How to bring together scientific exactitude, ethnographic density, aesthetic claims, and visual readability? (Unpublished)
Wettstein, Marion (2016). How ethnic identity becomes real: The enactment of identity roles and the material manifestation of shifting identities among the Nagas. Asian Ethnicity, 17(3), pp. 384-399. Routledge 10.1080/14631369.2015.1091653
Wettstein, Marion (2016). Research on the sakela dance among the Rai (Unpublished). In: Meeting of the Kirat Rai Academic Council. Kathmandu. 05.08.2016.
Wettstein, Marion (2016). Ten Years of Naga Textile Transformations (fine art prints of drawings of Naga Textiles) [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Exhibition of fine art prints of drawings of Naga Textiles at the conference “Footprints and futures: the time of anthropology”. University of Durham. 04.-07.2016
Wettstein, Marion (2016). The flirting fly: embodied emotions in the sakela performance of the Rai in Eastern Nepal (Unpublished). In: Nepal Symposium. Vienna, Austria. 07.05.2016.
Wettstein, Marion (16 November 2015). Dancing in the Hills: A Comparative View on the ‘Renaissance’ of ‘Folk-Traditions’ in the Eastern Himalayas (Unpublished). In: Fourth International SEECHAC Colloquium “Religious Revivals and Artistic Renaissance in Central Asia and the Himalayan Region – Past and Present”. Heidelberg, Deutschland. 16.-18.11.2015.
Wettstein, Marion (12 October 2015). Mobile ritual space: Collective ritual dance and temporary appropriation of space in a shamanic local society of Eastern Nepal (Unpublished). In: ISARS Conference “Sacred Landscapes and Conflict Transformation: History, Space, Place and Power in Shamanism”. Delphi, Griechenland. 09.-13.10.2015.
Wettstein, Marion (23 August 2015). ‘Sakela’: Verkörperung und Leibhaftigkeit lokaler Mythen in den rituellen Tänzen Ostnepals (Unpublished). In: Eranos Tagung: Kosmischer Tanz. Ascona, Schweiz. 20.-23.08.2015.
Wettstein, Marion (2015). The Dancers Complied, the Chicken Denied: Explorations into the Pragmatic Work of Rituals among the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal. Shaman. Journal of the International Society for Shamanistic Research, 23(1/2), pp. 163-188. Molnar & Kelemen Oriental Publ
Wettstein, Marion (2015). Review Essay: A Pioneer of Comparative Himalayan Mythology (a review of Miyapma: Traditional Narratives of the Thulung Rai, by N.J. Allen). European bulletin of Himalayan research, 46, pp. 88-96. SAI Heidelberg
Wettstein, Marion (2014). Naga Textiles: Design, Technique, Meaning and Effect of a Local Craft Tradition in Northeast India. Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers
Wettstein, Marion (2014). Workshop on "Kiranti Culture in Contemporary Nepal", Vienna, 4-5 April 2014. European bulletin of Himalayan research, 44, pp. 93-96. SAI Heidelberg
Wettstein, Marion (2013). Fashion Zeitgeist in Northeast India. In: Kuldova, Tereza (ed.) Fashion India: Spectacular Capitalism (pp. 73-87). Oslo: Akademica Publishing
Wettstein, Marion (2013). The Ethnic Fashion Scene in Nagaland. Archiv für Völkerkunde, 61/62, pp. 31-50. Verein Freunde der Völkerkunde
Wettstein, Marion (2013). Review: Datta, Birendranath: Cultural Contours of North-East India. 2012. Anthropos, 108(2), pp. 644-645. Paulusverlag
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban (2013). Contesting Power, Negotiating Influence: Rai Shamans and New Religious Movements in Eastern Nepal. In: Riboli, Diana; Torri, Davide (eds.) Shamanism and Violence. Vitality of indigenous religions (pp. 103-118). Burlington: Ashgate Publishers
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban (2012). Connecting to the Past. In: Jacobs, Julian; Alan, Macfarlane; Sarah, Harrison; Anita, Herle (eds.) The Nagas: Hill Peoples of Northeast India – Society, Culture and the Colonial Encounter (i-xxxii). London: Edition Hansjörg Mayer
Wettstein, Marion (2012). Origin and Migration Myths in the Rhetoric of Naga Independence and Collective Identity. In: Huber, Toni; Blackburn, Stuart (eds.) Origins and Migrations in the Extended Eastern Himalayas. Brill's Tibetan studies library: Vol. 16/4 (pp. 213-238). Leiden: Brill 10.1163/9789004228368_012
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban (2012). Ongoing Research about Dumi Rai Culture and Tradition by the University of Vienna Kathmandu: Isilim Magazine
Wettstein, Marion (2009). Review: Michael Aram Tarr and Stuart Blackburn. 2008. Through the Eye of Time – Photographs of Arunachal Pradesh 1859-2006: Tribal Cultures in the Eastern Himalayas. European bulletin of Himalayan research, 35/36, pp. 185-191. SAI Heidelberg
Wettstein, Marion (2008). Der Ursprung des Webens. In: Marschall, Wolfgang; von Wyss-Giacosa, Paola; Isler, Andreas (eds.) Genauigkeit: Schöne Wissenschaft (pp. 237-239). Bern, Schweiz: Benteli
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion (eds.) (2008). Naga Identitäten: Zeitenwende einer Lokalkultur im Nordosten Indiens. Gent: Snoeck
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion (eds.) (2008). Naga Identities: Changing Cultures in the Northeast of India. Gent: Snoeck
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion (2008). Die Naga – Eine Einführung. In: Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion (eds.) Naga Identitäten: Zeitenwende einer Lokalkultur im Nordosten Indiens (pp. 11-29). Gent: Snoeck
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion; Wettstein, Marion (2008). The Nagas – an Introduction. In: Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban (eds.) Naga Identities: Changing Cultures in the Northeast of India (pp. 11-29). Gent: Snoeck
Wettstein, Marion (2008). Besiegte Krieger, erfolgreiche Weberinnen: Männerkleidung im Wandel männlicher Identität bei den Ao Naga. In: Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion (eds.) Naga Identitäten: Zeitenwende einer Lokalkultur im Nordosten Indiens (pp. 129-146). Gent: Snoeck
Wettstein, Marion (2008). Defeated Warriors, Successful Weavers: Or how Men’s Dress Reveals Shifts of Male Identity among the Ao Nagas. In: Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion (eds.) Naga Identities: Changing Cultures in the Northeast of India (pp. 129-146). Gent: Snoeck
von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion (2008). 'Kulturelle Extravaganz’ und Identitätssuche im heutigen Nagaland. In: Kunz, Richard; Joshi, Vibha (eds.) Naga: Eine vergessene Bergregion neu entdeckt (pp. 180-187). Basel: Merian
von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion (2008). ‘Cultural extravagance’ and the search for identity in presentday Nagaland. In: Kunz, Richard; Joshi, Vibha (eds.) Naga: A Forgotten Mountain Region Rediscovered (pp. 180-187). Basel: Merian
Wettstein, Marion (ed.) (2005). Jenseitswelten: Von Geistern, Schiffen und Liebhabern. Zürich: Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich