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von Waldenfels, Ruprecht (2012). ParaSol: introduction to a Slavic parallel corpus. Prace Filologiczne, 63, pp. 293-301. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
von Waldenfels, Ruprecht; Wälchli, Bernhard (2013). Measuring morphosemantic language distance in parallel texts. In: von Borin, Lars; Saxena, Anju (eds.) Approaches to Measuring Linguistic Differences. Trends in Linguistics: Vol. 265 (pp. 475-506). Berlin: De Gruyter
von Waldenfels, Ruprecht (2012). Finnish antaa and Russian davat' 'to give' as causatives: a contrastive analysis. In: Leino, Jaakko; von Waldenfels, Ruprecht (eds.) Analytical causatives: from 'give' and 'come' to 'let' and 'make'. LINCOM Studies in Language Typology: Vol. 24 (pp. 187-220). München: Lincom Europa
von Waldenfels, Ruprecht; Taseva, Lora (2012). An der Schnittstelle von Korpuslinguistik und Paläoslavistik : Wörterverzeichnisse zu einer mittelalterlichen Handschrift als Keimzelle eines anotierten digitalen Korpus. In: Hansen, Björn (ed.) Diachrone Aspekte slavischer Sprachen. Slavolinguistica: Vol. 16 (pp. 243-259). München: Otto Sagner
von Waldenfels, Ruprecht (2012). Polish tea is Czech coffee : advantages and pitfalls in using a parallel corpus in linguistic research. In: Ender, Andrea; Leemann, Adrian; Wälchli, Bernhard (eds.) Methods in contemporary Linguistics. Trends in Linguistics: Vol. 247 (pp. 263-281). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton
von Waldenfels, Ruprecht (2012). Aspect in the imperative across Slavic - a corpus driven pilot study. In: Grønn, A.; Pazelskaya, A. (eds.) The Russian Verb. Oslo Studies in Language: Vol. 4 (pp. 141-154). University of Oslo
von Waldenfels, Ruprecht (2011). Recent Development in ParaSol: Breadth for Depth and XSLT based web concordancing with CWB. In: Majchrakova, Daniela; Garabik, Radovan (eds.) Natural Language Processing, Multilinguality, Proceedings of Slovko 2011 (pp. 156-162). Bratislava: Tribun
von Waldenfels, Ruprecht (2010). How good is parallel corpus data? Contrasting Polish and Czech must and can in InterCorp. In: Cermak, František; Klegr, Ales; Corenss, Patrick (eds.) InterCorp: Exploring a Multilingual Corpus (pp. 96-115). Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny
von Waldenfels, Ruprecht; Leino, Jaakko (eds.) (2012). Analytical causatives: from 'give' and 'come' to 'let' and 'make'. LINCOM Studies in Language Typology: Vol. 24. München: Lincom Europa
von Waldenfels, Ruprecht (2012). The grammaticalization of 'give' + infinite. A comparative study of Russian, Polish and Czech. Trends in Linguistics: Vol. 256. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton
Rabus, Achim; Savić, Stefan; von Waldenfels, Ruprecht (2012). Towards an electronic corpus of the Velikie Minei Četʹi. In: Proceedings of the international Conference "The Tenth-Century Cyrillic Codex Suprasliensis". Sofia. 19.-20. August 2011.