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Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Contagion of the Jews: Metaphorical and Rhetorical Uses of Sickness, Plague, and Disease in Pseudo-Hegesippus (In Press). In: Ecclesiastical Historical Society Winter Meeting. Online. 16.01.2021.
Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Reinventing the Hammer: Judah the Maccabee and the Hasmonean Legacy in Pseudo-Hegesippus and Sefer Yosippon (In Press). In: The Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense. Online. 01.02.2021.
Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Rewriting a Rewritten Rewrite: Biblical Historiography, Exemplarity, & Oratory in Jewish War 5.362–419, De Excidio Hierosolymitano 5.15–16, & Sefer Yosippon 78 (Unpublished). In: Universität Bern Jewish Studies Research Colloquium. Bern / Online. 26.04.2021.
Bay, Carson Michael (2021). The Power of Positive Role Models: Cultural Capital, Ethnic Alterity, & Abraham/Moses as Exempla in Jewish, Greek, Roman, & Christian Antiquity (Submitted). In: Workshop on Jewish Authors and Power in the Graeco-Roman Period. Online. 04.06.2021.
Bay, Carson Michael; Levenson, David B. (2021). Sefer Yosippon & the Latin Josephus Manuscript Tradition: Exploring Flusser’s Suggestion (Unpublished). In: From Josephus to Josippon and Beyond: An International Conference. Online. 24.08.2021.
Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Killing Matthias: De Excidio 5.22 & Sefer Yosippon 81 (פא) (Submitted). In: From Josephus to Josippon and Beyond: An International Conference. Online. 24.08.2022.
Bay, Carson Michael (2021). To Instruct, to Rebuke, to Correct’: 2 Timothy 3:16, Josephus Against Apion 1.3, and Hellenistic Apologetic between Christian Epistolography and Jewish Historiography (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. 21.11.2021.
Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Underwriting Hellenistic Judaism: Second Temple History and the Reception of Hellenistic Texts in Sefer Yosippon (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. 21.11.2021.
Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Contagion’ as a Metaphor They Lived By: Jewish Identity, Christian Imaginary, and Disease Discourse in Late Antiquity (Unpublished). In: Centre for Late Antique & Medieval Studies Contagion Lecture Series. London/Online. 16.02.2021.
Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Writing War & The Fight For Jewish Identity: The Roman-Jewish War (66-73 CE) according to Flavius Josephus, Pseudo-Hegesippus, & Sefer Yosippon (Unpublished). In: War and Writing Lecture Series: Narratives, Identities, Nationalisms. University of South Africa (Online). 01.07.2021.
Bay, Carson Michael; Huber-Rebenich, Gerlinde (12 November 2020). Josephus Latinus und Sefer Josippon: Christliche und jüdische Rezeption des Flavius Josephus (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung Berner Mittelalter Zentrum: “Fremdbilder – Selbstbilder: Juden und Christen im Mittelalter. Bern / Online. 12.11.2020.
Bay, Carson Michael (2020). The Nature of the ‘Law(s) of Nature’ in Flavius Josephus (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. Online. 07.12.2020.
Bay, Carson Michael (21 September 2019). Whose Latin Josephus? Between Übersetzung and Bearbeitung in Latin Josephus, Pseudo- Hegesippus, and Rufinus (Unpublished). In: Latin Josephus Workshop. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. 21.09.2019.
Bay, Carson Michael (20 August 2019). Pseudo-Hegesippus and the Beginnings of Christian Historiography in Late Antiquity. STUDIA PATRISTICA VOL. CXXVI - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019, 126, pp. 255-266. Leuven: Peeters
Bay, Carson Michael (2019). Hebrew Heroes, Christian Historiography, Jewish History: Six Biblical Figures in Pseudo- Hegesippus (De Excidio Hierosolymitano) (Unpublished). In: Models of Piety in Late Antiquity Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. 22.11.2019.
Bay, Carson Michael (2019). Sourcing the Second Canon: Josephus, Hebrew Heroes, and the Rhetoric of National Decline in De Excidio Hierosolymitano (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. 25.11.2019.
Bay, Carson Michael (2019). The Semantics of Jewish Christian Judaism: Jewishness as Negotiated by Josephus, Pseudo- Hegesippus, and Sefer Yosippon (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. 25.11.2019.
Bay, Carson Michael (2019). Joshua as Hebrew Hero of Late Antique Christian Historiography: Iesu Naue in Pseudo-Hegesippus (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. Online. 03.12.2020.