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Ressia, Jorge; Bergel, Alexandre; Nierstrasz, Oscar; Renggli, Lukas (2012). Modeling Domain-Specific Profilers. Journal of Object Technology, 11(1), pp. 1-21. Zürich: AITO 10.5381/jot.2012.11.1.a5
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane; Renggli, Lukas (2008). Seaside — Advanced Composition and Control Flow for Dynamic Web Applications. ERCIM news, 72, pp. 34-35. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane; Nierstrasz, Oscar; Wuyts, Roel (2008). Stateful Traits and their Formalization. Computer languages, systems & structures, 34(2-3), pp. 83-108. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.cl.2007.05.003
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane; Nierstrasz, Oscar; Wuyts, Roel (2005). Classboxes: Controlling Visibility of Class Extensions. Computer languages, systems & structures, 31(3-4), pp. 107-126. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cl.2004.11.002
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane; Nierstrasz, Oscar (2005). Analyzing Module Diversity. Journal of universal computer science, 11(10), pp. 1613-1644. Graz University of Technology, Institut für Informationssysteme und Computer Medien 10.3217/jucs-011-10-1613
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane (2005). Scoped and Dynamic Aspects with Classboxes. Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information: RSTI. L'Objet, 11(3), pp. 53-68. Hermes, Paris
Nierstrasz, Oscar Marius; Bergel, Alexandre; Cassou, Damien; Ducasse, Stéphane; Laval, Jannik (2013). Versioning Your Code with Monticello. In: Deep Into Pharo (pp. 101-127). Square Bracket Associates
Kurs, Jan; Larcheveque, Guillaume; Renggli, Lukas; Bergel, Alexandre; Cassou, Damien; Ducasse, Stéphane; Laval, Jannik (2013). PetitParser: Building Modular Parsers. In: Deep Into Pharo (pp. 375-410). Square Bracket Associates
Bergel, Alexandre; De Meuter, Wolfgang; Ducasse, Stéphane; Nierstrasz, Oscar Marius; Wuyts, Roel (2008). Dynamic Languages and Applications. Report on the Workshop Dyla'07 at ECOOP 2007. In: ECOOP 2007: Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP 2007 Workshop Reader. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 4906 (pp. 7-12). Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-540-78195-0_2
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane; Nierstrasz, Oscar; Wuyts, Roel (2004). Classboxes: Controlling Visibility of Class Extensions Universität Bern, Switzerland: Universität Bern
Valenzuela-Toledo, Pablo; Bergel, Alexandre; Kehrer, Timo; Nierstrasz, Oscar (2023). Exploring GitHub Actions through EGAD: An Experience Report. In: Ducasse, Stéphane; Rakic, Gordana (eds.) International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies. CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Vol. 3627. CEUR-WS.org
Rani, Pooja; Bergel, Alexandre; Hess, Lino; Kehrer, Timo; Nierstrasz, Oscar (2022). Can We Automatically Generate Class Comments in Pharo? In: IWST'22: Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies. Novi Sad, Serbia.
Rani, Pooja; Abukar, Suada; Stulova, Nataliia; Bergel, Alexandre; Nierstrasz, Oscar (September 2021). Do Comments follow Commenting Conventions? A Case Study in Java and Python. In: 2021 IEEE 21st International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). Luxembourg. Sept. 27 2021 to Sept. 28 2021. 10.1109/SCAM52516.2021.00028
Merino, Leonel; Hess, Mario; Bergel, Alexandre; Nierstrasz, Oscar; Weiskopf, Daniel (2019). PerfVis: Pervasive Visualization in Immersive Augmented Reality for Performance Awareness. In: ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, ICPE '19. ICPE '19 (pp. 13-16). New York, NY, USA: ACM 10.1145/3302541.3313104
Merino, Leonel; Bergel, Alexandre; Nierstrasz, Oscar (2018). Overcoming Issues of 3D Software Visualization through Immersive Augmented Reality. In: VISSOFT'18: 6th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (pp. 54-64). IEEE 10.1109/VISSOFT.2018.00014
Merino, Leonel; Ghafari, Mohammad; Nierstrasz, Oscar Marius; Bergel, Alexandre; Kubelka, Juraj (2016). MetaVis: Exploring Actionable Visualization. In: 2016 IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT), (pp. 151-155). IEEE 10.1109/VISSOFT.2016.19
Schneider, Teseo; Tymchuk, Yuriy; Salgado, Ronie; Bergel, Alexandre (2016). CuboidMatrix: Exploring Dynamic Structural Connections in Software Components using Space-Time Cube. In: 2016 IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT) (pp. 116-125). IEEE 10.1109/VISSOFT.2016.17
Kubelka, Juraj; Bergel, Alexandre; Chis, Vasile-Andrei; Gîrba, Tudor; Reichhart, Stefan; Robbes, Romain; Syrel, Aliaksei (September 2015). On Understanding How Developers Use the Spotter Search Tool. In: Proceedings of 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization - New Ideas and Emerging Results. VISSOFT-NIER'15 (pp. 145-149). IEEE 10.1109/VISSOFT.2015.7332426
Ressia, Jorge; Bergel, Alexandre; Nierstrasz, Oscar (2012). Object-Centric Debugging. In: Glinz, M; Murphy, G; Pezze, M (eds.) Proceeding of the 34rd international conference on Software engineering (pp. 485-495). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society 10.1109/ICSE.2012.6227167
Bergel, Alexandre; Nierstrasz, Oscar; Renggli, Lukas; Jorge, Ressia (2011). Domain-Specific Profiling. In: Bishop, Judith; Vallecillo, Antonio (eds.) Objects, Models, Components, Patterns. 49th International Conference TOOLS, Zurich, June 28-30, 2011. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 6705 (pp. 68-82). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-642-21952-8_7
Bergel, Alexandre; Balnados, Felipe; Robbes, Romain; Röthlisberger, David (2010). Spy: A Flexible Code Profiling Framework. In: Smalltalks 2010.
Röthlisberger, David; Nierstrasz, Oscar; Ducasse, Stéphane; Bergel, Alexandre (2009). Tackling Software Navigation Issues of the Smalltalk IDE. In: Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (pp. 58-67). New York: Association for Computing Machinery ACM 10.1145/1735935.1735945
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane; Putney, Colin; Wuyts, Roel (2007). Meta-Driven Browsers. In: Advances in Smalltalk. 14th International Smalltalk Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 4406 (pp. 134-156). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-540-71836-9_7
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane; Nierstrasz, Oscar Marius; Wuyts, Roel (2007). Stateful Traits. In: Advances in Smalltalk. 14th International Smalltalk Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 4406 (pp. 66-90). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-540-71836-9_4
Ducasse, Stephane; Wuyts, Roel; Bergel, Alexandre; Nierstrasz, Oscar Marius (2007). User-Changeable Visibility: Resolving Unanticipated Name Clashes in Traits. In: 22nd annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems and applications 42 (p. 171). New York: Association for Computing Machinery ACM 10.1145/1297105.1297040
Tanter, Eric; Gybels, Kris; Denker, Marcus; Bergel, Alexandre (2006). Context-Aware Aspects. In: Welf, Löwe; Südholt, Mario (eds.) Software Composition. 5th International Symposium, SC 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 4089 (pp. 227-242). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/11821946_15
Bergel, Alexandre; Denker, Marcus (2006). Prototyping Languages, Related Constructs and Tools with {Squeak}. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Revival of Dynamic Languages (co-located with ECOOP'06). Verlag fehlt
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stephane (September 2005). Supporting Unanticipated Changes with Traits and Classboxes. Lecture Notes in Informatics(P-69), pp. 61-75. Bonner Köllen Verlag
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane; Nierstrasz, Oscar (2005). Classbox/J: Controlling the Scope of Change in Java. In: 20th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications (pp. 177-189). New York, USA: ACM Press 10.1145/1094811.1094826
Minjat, Florian; Bergel, Alexandre; Cointe, Pierre; Ducasse, Stéphane (2005). Mise en symbiose des traits et des classboxes: Application à l'expression des collaborations. In: 11th International Conference on Languages and Models with Objects (LMO'2005). Proceedings. Bern, Schweiz. 09.-11. März 2005.
Nierstrasz, Oscar; Bergel, Alexandre; Denker, Marcus; Ducasse, Stéphane; Gaelli, Markus; Wuyts, Roel (2005). On the Revival of Dynamic Languages. In: Gschwind, Thomas; Aßmann, Uwe (eds.) 4th International Workshop, SC 2005. Programming and Software Engineering: Vol. 3628 (pp. 1-13). Springer
Bergel, Alexandre; Dony, Christophe; Ducasse, Stéphane (September 2004). Prototalk: an Environment for Teaching, Understanding, Designing and Prototyping Object-Oriented Languages. In: 12. Smalltalk Joint Evenat - European Smalltalk User Group (ESUG). Köthen, Deutschland. 06.-10. Sept. 2004.
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane; Wuyts, Roel (July 2003). The Classbox Module System. In: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. LNCS: Vol. 3013. Springer
Bergel, Alexandre; Ducasse, Stéphane; Wuyts, Roel (2003). Classboxes: A Minimal Module Model Supporting Local Rebinding. In: Joint Modular Languages Conference 2003. LNCS: Vol. 2789 (pp. 122-131). Springer-Verlag 10.1007/978-3-540-45213-3_17
Bergel, Alexandre (2005). Classboxes: Controlling Visibility of Class Extensions. (Dissertation, University of Bern, Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)