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Prange, L.; Villiger, A.; Schaer, S.; Dach, R.; Sidorov, D.; Beutler, G.; Jäggi, A. (4 May 2020). CODE IGS reference products including Galileo (Unpublished). In: EGU General Assembly 2020, Sharing Geosciences Online. Vienna, Austria. 04-08 May 2020.
Arnold, Daniel; Beutler, G.; Sośnica, K.; Meindl, M.; Lutz, S.; Dach, Rolf (2015). Updating the empirical CODE orbit model and validation of GPS and GLONASS orbits using Satellite Laser Ranging data. In: Wiget, A. (ed.) Swiss National Report on the Geodetic Activities in the years 2011 to 2015 (pp. 19-20). Zürich: Swiss Geodetic Commission
Dach, R.; Schaer, S.; Lutz, S.; Meindl, M.; Bock, H.; Orliac, E.; Prange, L.; Thaller, D.; Mervart, L.; Jäggi, A.; Beutler, G.; Brockmann, E.; Ineichen, D.; Wiget, A.; Weber, G.; Habrich, H.; Ihde, J.; Steigenberger, P.; Hugentobler, U. (2012). Center for Orbit Determination in Europe: IGS Technical Report 2011. In: Meindl, M.; Dach, R.; Jean, Y. (eds.) International GNSS Service: Technical Report 2011,.
Jäggi, A.; Beutler, G.; Meyer, U.; Prange, L.; Dach, R.; Mervart, L. (2012). AIUB-GRACE02S: Status of GRACE Gravity Field Recovery Using the Celestial Mechanics Approach. In: Kenyon, Steve; Pacino, Maria Christina; Marti, Urs (eds.) Geodesy for Planet Earth. Proceedings of the 2009 IAG Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 August 31 - 4 September 2009. International Association of Geodesy Symposia: Vol. 136 (pp. 161-169). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-642-20338-1_20
Jäggi, A.; Sosnica, K.; Thaller, D.; Beutler, G. (2012). Validation and estimation of low-degree gravity field coefficients using LAGEOS. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, "Extending the Range", 16.-20.5.2011, Bad Kötzting, Germany.
Meindl, M.; Dach, R.; Thaller, D.; Schaer, S.; Beutler, G.; Jäggi, A. (2012). Processing Batch Length in GNSS Data Analysis: Impact on Daily and Subdaily Earth Rotation Parameters. In: EGU General Assembly.
Sosnica, K.; Thaller, D.; Dach, R.; Jäggi, A.; Baumann, C.; Beutler, G. (2012). The Blue-Sky effect. In: Proceedings of the International Technical Laser Workshop 2012 ITLW-12, Frascati, Rome, Italy, 5.-9.11.2012.
Sosnica, K.; Thaller, D.; Jäggi, A.; Dach, R.; Baumann, C.; Beutler, G. (2012). Estimation of geodetic parameters by combining SLR observations to LAGEOS, Starlette, Stella, and AJISAI. In: Proceedings of the International Technical Laser Workshop 2012 ITLW-12, Frascati, Rome, Italy, 5.-9.11.2012.
Sosnica, K.; Thaller, D.; Jäggi, A.; Dach, R.; Baumann, C.; Beutler, G. (2012). Can we improve LAGEOS solutions by combining with LEO satellites? In: Proceedings of the International Technical Laser Workshop 2012 ITLW-12, Frascati, Rome, Italy, 5.-9.11.2012.
Sosnica, K.; Thaller, D.; Dach, R.; Jäggi, A.; Beutler, G. (2012). Availability of SLR Normal Points at ILRS Data Centers. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, "Extending the Range", 16.-20.5.2011, Bad Kötzting, Germany.
Sosnica, K.; Thaller, D.; Dach, R.; Ostini, L.; Lutz, S.; Jäggi, A.; Beutler, G.; Rodriguez-Solano, C.; Hugentobler, U.; Steigenberger, P.; Fritsche, M.; Dietrich, R.; Wang, K.; Rothacher, M. (2012). Time Series Analysis of GNSS-SLR Co-located Stations. In: IGS Workshop 2012, Olsztyn, Poland, 23.-27.7.2012.
Sosnica, K.; Thaller, D.; Jäggi, A.; Dach, R.; Beutler, G. (2012). Impact of Atmospheric Loading Corrections on SLR Solutions and on the Consistency Between GNSS and SLR Results. In: EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22.-27.4.2012.
Thaller, D.; Meindl, M.; Beutler, G.; Dach, R.; Jäggi, A.; Sosnica, K. (2012). Sub-daily Earth rotation parameters from GNSS and combined GNSS-SLR solutions. In: IAU Commission 19 Scientific Meeting, IAU XXVIII General Assembly, Beijing, China, 30.8.2012.
Thaller, D.; Sosnica, K.; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, A.; Beutler, G. (2012). LAGEOS-ETALON solutions using the Bernese Software. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, "Extending the Range", 16.-20.5.2011, Bad Kötzting, Germany.
Thaller, D.; Sosnica, K.; Dach, Rolf; Jäggi, A.; Beutler, G.; Mareyen, M.; Richter, B. (2012). GNSS satellites as co-locations for a combined GNSS and SLR analysis. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, "Extending the Range", 16.-20.5.2011, Bad Kötzting, Germany.
Thaller, D.; Sosnica, K.; Jäggi, A.; Dach, R.; Beutler, G.; Mareyen, M. (2012). Geocenter coordinates from SLR and combined GNSS-SLR analysis. In: EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22.-27.4.2012.
Zenner, L.; Gruber, T.; Beutler, G.; Jäggi, A.; Flechtner, F.; Schmidt, T.; Wickert, J.; Fagiolini, E.; Schwarz, G.; Trautmann, T. (2012). Using Atmospheric Uncertainties for GRACE De-aliasing: First Results. In: Kenyon, Steve; Pacino, Maria Christina (eds.) Geodesy for Planet Earth. Proceedings of the 2009 IAG Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 August 31 - 4 September 2009. International Association of Geodesy Symposia: Vol. 136 (pp. 147-152). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-642-20338-1_18
Plag, H.-P.; Altamimi, Z.; Bettadpur, S.; Beutler, G.; Beyerle, G.; Cazenave, A.; Crossley, D.; Donnellan, A.; Forsberg, R.; Gross, R.; Hinderer, J.; Komjathy, A.; Ma, C.; Mannucci, A.J.; Noll, C.; Nothnagel, A.; Pavlis, E.C.; Pearlman, M.; Poli, P.; Schreiber, U.; ... (2009). The goals, achievements, and tools of modern geodesy. In: Plag, Hans-Peter; Pearman, Michael (eds.) Global Geodetic Observing System. Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 (pp. 15-88). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-642-02687-4_2
Urschl, C.; Dach, R.; Hugentobler, U.; Schaer, S.; Beutler, G. (2005). Validating ocean tide loading models using GPS. Journal of geodesy, 78(10), pp. 616-625. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-004-0427-9
Ineichen, D.; Beutler, G.; Hugentobler, U. (2003). Sensitivity of GPS and GLONASS orbits with respect to resonant geopotential parameters. Journal of geodesy, 77(7-8), pp. 478-486. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00190-003-0348-z