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Brockbank, William Oliver (2023). Review of Lori Ann Garner, Hybrid Healing: Old English Remedies and Medical Texts (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2022) (Submitted). TOEBI Newsletter, 40
Brockbank, William Oliver (2022). Review of Rebecca Merkelbach and Gwendolyne Knight, eds, Margins, Monsters, Deviants. Alterities in Old Norse Literature and Culture, The North Atlantic World 3 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2020). Saga-book, 46, pp. 203-206.
Brockbank, William Oliver (2022). Donald Scragg, A Conspectus of Scribal Hands Writing English, 700-1100 (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2021) (In Press). TOEBI Newsletter, 39
Brockbank, William Oliver (2023). Orðanc enta geweorc: Perceiving the Ruins of the Roman Past in Old English Poetry (Submitted). In: Pretzer, Christoph (ed.) When Cities Fall: Cultural Reflection of Loss and Lament 40. Berlin: De Gruyter
Brockbank, William Oliver (2020). Evergreen Ash: Ecology and Catastrophe in Old Norse Myth and Literature. By Christopher Abram. In: Saga-book of the Viking Club, Society for Northern Research 44 (pp. 228-231). London: Viking Club
Brockbank, William Oliver (13 December 2023). Seeing and Understanding with the eagan modes in the Old English Pastoral Care (Unpublished). In: Doctoral Workshop in Medieval and Early Modern English Studies (CUSO: Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale). University of Geneva.
Brockbank, William Oliver (4 September 2023). Wið eagena sare ond geswelle: Treating Afflictions of the Sensory Organs with the Old English Herbarium (Unpublished). In: Visualizing Drugs and Dyes: Art and Pharma-cology in Medieval Worlds (600–1400) Conference. University of Basel. 04/09/23–06/09/23.
Brockbank, William Oliver (30 June 2023). Sensing Pain in Old English Medical Writings (Unpublished). In: 21st Biennial Conference for ISSEME (International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England). University of Manchester, UK. 28/06/23–30/06/23.
Brockbank, William Oliver (6 May 2023). Untrustworthy Scribes and Uncertain Editors? The Case of Old English her-heard in The Wife’s Lament (Unpublished). In: Biennial SAUTE (Swiss Association of University Teachers of English) Conference. University of Fribourg. 05/05/23–06/05/23.
Brockbank, William Oliver (3 May 2023). Sensing Pains, Aches and Sores in Old English Medical Texts (Unpublished). In: Uncommon Senses Conference IV: Sensory Ecologies, Economies, and Aesthetics. Centre for Sensory Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. 03/05/23–06/05/23.
Brockbank, William Oliver (25 April 2023). My Pain, Your Quill: Analgesic Recipes for Treating Pains, Aches and Sores in Old English Medical Texts (Unpublished). In: The Senses: Present Issues, Past Perspectives Conference, University of Bern. Congressi Stefano Franscini, Ascona, TI. 23/04/23–26/04/23.
Brockbank, William Oliver (29 June 2022). Orðanc enta geweorc: Repurposing the Roman Past in Old English Poetry (Unpublished). In: Biennial SAMEMES Conference. University of Neuchâtel. 27–29 June 2022.