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Buchenau, Barbara (2011). Inventing Iroquoia? Migrating Tropes of Similarity and Heritage in Francophone Narratives of Colonial Possession. FIAR - Forum for Inter-American Research, 4(2) Bielefeld: American Studies section of the English Department at Bielefeld University
Buchenau, Barbara; Hecke, Carola (2010). Die Literatur zur eigenen Sache machen: Offener, fächerverbindender Unterricht in der universitären Fremdsprachenlehrerausbildung. Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, XLI(2/3), pp. 179-196. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann
Richter, Virginia; Buchenau, Barbara (2015). Introduction: How to Do Things with Empires. In: Richter, Virginia; Buechenau, Barbara (eds.) Post-Empire Imaginaries? Anglophone Literature, History, and the Demise of Empires (xiii-xxxvi). Leiden/Boston: Brill Rodopi
Buchenau, Barbara (2011). Amerika - für die liebe Jugend frei bearbeitet. In: Wangerin, Wolfgang (ed.) Der rote Wunderschirm. Kinderliteratur der Sammlung Seifert von der Frühaufklärung bis zum Nationalsozialismus (pp. 217-222). Göttingen: Wallstein
Buchenau, Barbara (2011). A Response to Paula M.L. Moya's 'A Story In Two Parts, With An Ending Yet To Be Written'. In: Comstock, Gary; King, Jason; Haslanger, Lacan; Lacan, Willy (eds.) On the Human. A Project of the National Humanities Center (online forum).
Richter, Virginia; Buchenau, Barbara; Denger, Marijke Katrijn (eds.) (2015). Post-Empire Imaginaries? Anglophone Literature, History, and the Demise of Empires. Leiden/Boston: Brill Rodopi
Buchenau, Barbara (2011). A Romance with Bondage? The Captivity Narrative in CanAmerican Perspective, Humanities Center Fellows Research Workshop - TransAmerican Studies Working Group, Stanford, U.S.A., 3.11.2011.
Buchenau, Barbara (2011). Singing Hiawatha, Race-ing America on both Sides of the Atlantic, RICSRE (Research Institute of Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity) Faculty Seminar Series, Stanford, U.S.A., 2.11.2011.
Buchenau, Barbara (2011). Finding "what will suffice"? Modernist Economics in the Writings of Wallace Stevens and Gertrude Stein, Berufungskommision W2 Professur für Amerikanistik, Universität Halle/Wittenberg, 10.6.2011.
Buchenau, Barbara (2011). Toward a Post-Empire Imaginary. The Art of Harry Fonseca and Sherman Alexie, Berufungskommission W3 Professur für Nordamerikastudien, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 9.6.2011.
Buchenau, Barbara (2011). Founding Figures Revisited: Postcolonial Theory and the Study of Early North American Writings, Bi-Annual Meeting of the English and American Rhenish Scholars / EARS, Universität Basel, 24.2.2011.
Buchenau, Barbara (2011). Moving towards a Post-Empire Imaginary? The Art of Harry Fonseca and Sherman Alexie. Spaces of Projection, 10th ASNEL Summer School, Universität Bern, 6.9.2011.
Buchenau, Barbara (2011). Prefiguring CanAmerica? Typological White Man's Indians in Colonial French and English Traveling Texts and Maps. Transnational American Studies, DGfA-Jahrestagung, Universität Regensburg, 17.6.2011.
Buchenau, Barbara (2011). Towards a Postcolonial Study of Captivity and Enslavement in Early American Writings. Postcolonial Studies Among the Disciplines, 22nd ASNEL Conference, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 4.6.2011.
Toggweiler, Michael (2012). Die Odyssee der Pygmäen. Eine prekäre Figur auf den neuzeitlichen Spieltischen anthropologischer Differenz (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät, Institut für Sozialanthropologie)