Conte, Edouard

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Number of items: 14.

Conte, Edouard (2014). A Contest of Concepts: 'Ètnos' and 'Ethnicity' Revisited in the Wake of the Cold War. In: Kollmar-Paulenz, Karénina; Reinhardt, Seline; Skrynnikova, Tatiana D. (eds.) Religion and Ethnicity in Mongolian Societies. Studies in Oriental Religions: Vol. 69 (pp. 9-28). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz

Conte, Edouard (2013). Intermediate report 2007-2011 SNSF Project 10001A-116415 "The Application of Islamic Family Law in Palestine and Israel: Text and Context" SNF

Conte, Edouard (25 November 2011). Youthquake. The Arab revolt in transgenerational perspective (opening lecture). In: SEG Jahrestagung 2011 - Colloque annuel de la SSE 2011. Zürich.

Conte, Edouard (2011). Adam et consorts. Germanité et filiation de la Genèse au Déluge selon les traditions musulmanes. In: Bonte, Pierre; Porqueres i Gené, Enric; Wilgaux, Jérôme (eds.) L'argument de la filiation. Aux fondements des sociétés européennes et méditerranéennes (pp. 39-71). Paris: Les éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme

Conte, Edouard (2011). Julius Wellhausen und die 'Kinder Adams'. Die Aktualität der Orientalisten. In: Schnepel, Burkhard; Brands, Gunnar; Schönig, Hanne (eds.) Orient - Orientalistik - Orientalismus. Geschichte und Aktualität einer Debatte. Colonial Studies (pp. 43-70). Bielefeld: Transcript

Conte, Edouard (2011). Prisms of Eurocentrism. In: Messerli, Paul; Schwinges, Rainer C.; Schmid, Thomas (eds.) Entwicklungsmodell Europa: Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Herausforderung durch die Globalisierung (pp. 39-67). Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag

Conte, Edouard (2011). Elles seront des soeurs pour nous. Le mariage par permutation au Proche-Orient. Études rurales(187), pp. 157-200. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales EHESS

Conte, Edouard (2010). Adam and His Consorts. Kinship and Prophecy from the Genesis to the Flood According to Muslim Tradition, Public lecture, French Institute for the Near East, Amman, 10.3.2010.

Conte, Edouard (2010). Demographic Transition in the Greater Middle East, Invited lecture, Conférence régionale des chefs de mission suisses au Moyen-Orient, Dead Sea, Jordan, 3.11.2010.

Badr, Ra'ed; Conte, Edouard; Heacock, Roger; al-Malkî, Majdi (eds.) (2010). Al-bath al-naqdî fî l-culûm al-ijtimâciyya. Mudâkhalât sharqiyya-gharbiyya câbira li-l-ikhtisâsât. Ramallah: Birzeit University

Conte, Edouard; Heacock, Roger (2010). Awâ'iqu binâ'i al-manhaj. Mugâribât zamakâniyya wa nihâyatu I-bidâ'ya. In: Badr, Ra'ed; Conte, Edouard; Heacock, Roger; al-Malkî, Majdi (eds.) Al-bath al-naqdî fî l-culûm al-ijtimâciyya. Mudâkhalât sharqiyya-gharbiyya câbira li-l-ikhtisâsât (pp. 7-58). Ramallah: Birzeit University

Heacock, Roger; Conte, Edouard (2010). icâdatu murâjica "utruhât fîûrbâkh". In: Badr, Ra'ed; Conte, Edouard; Heacock, Roger; al-Malkî, Majdi (eds.) Al-bath al-naqdî fî l-culûm al-ijtimâciyya. Mudâkhalât sharqiyya-gharbiyya câbira li-l-ikhtisâsât (pp. 243-247). Ramallah: Birzeit University

Conte, Edouard (2010). The Pursuit of War by Other Means. The "Human Terrain" Concept as a Challenge to Anthropology. In: Ruegg, François; Boscoboinik, Andrea (eds.) From Palermo to Penang / De Palerme à Penang - A Journey into Political Anthropology / Un itinéraire en anthropologie politique. Festschrift für Christian Giordano. Freiburger Sozialanthropologische Studien / Freiburg Studies in Social Anthropology/ Etudes d'Anthropologie Sociale de l'Université de Fribourg (pp. 365-381). Berlin: LIT

Conte, Edouard (2006). The Swiss Schengen posters. Thoughts on the public expression of xenophobia. In: Ruegg, F.; Poledna, R.; Rus, C. (eds.) Interculturalism and Discrimination in Romania Policies, Practices, Identities and Representations (pp. 315-334). Berlin: LIT

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