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Armando, M; Schneider, M; Pontillo, M; Vicari, S; Debbané, M; Schultze-Lutter, F; Eliez, S (2017). No age effect in the prevalence and clinical significance of ultra-high risk symptoms and criteria for psychosis in 22q11 deletion syndrome: Confirmation of the genetically driven risk for psychosis? PLoS ONE, 12(4), e0174797. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0174797
Michel, C; Toffel, E; Schmidt, SJ; Eliez, S; Armando, M; Solida-Tozzi, A; Schultze-Lutter, F; Debbané, M (2017). [Detection and early treatment of subjects at high risk of clinical psychosis: Definitions and recommendations]. L'Encéphale, 43(3), pp. 292-297. Elsevier 10.1016/j.encep.2017.01.005
Flückiger, R; Schmidt, SJ; Ruhrmann, S; Debbané, M; Schimmelmann, BG; Michel, C; Hubl, D; Schultze-Lutter, F (2017). Die Vorhersageleistung von Schizotypie-Skalen in der Früherkennung von Psychosen bei Per-sonen mit einem erhöhten Psychoserisiko (Unpublished). In: Dazugehören! XXXV: DGKJP Kongress. Ulm. 22.-25.03.2017.
Flückiger, R; Schmidt, SJ; Ruhrmann, S; Debbané, M; Schimmelmann, BG; Michel, C; Hubl, D; Schultze-Lutter, F (2017). Früherkennung von Psychosen bei Hilfesuchenden: Wie ergänzen sich klinische Hochrisikokriterien und Schizotypie? (Unpublished). In: Dazugehören! XXXV: DGKJP Kongress. Ulm. 22.-25.03.2017.
Kaess, Michael; Debbané, M (2017). Diagnosing and staging in adolescent borderline personality disorder. (Unpublished). In: 17th International ESCAP Congress. Genf, Schweiz. 09.07.2017-11.07.2017.
Schultze-Lutter, F; Debbané, M; Theodoridou, A; Wood, S J; Raballo, A; Michel, C; Schmidt, SJ; Kindler, J; Ruhrmann, S; Uhlhaas, P J (2016). Revisiting the Basic Symptom Concept: Toward Translating Risk Symptoms for Psychosis into Neurobiological Targets. Frontiers in psychiatry, 7(9), p. 9. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00009
Flückiger, R; Ruhrmann, S; Debbané, M; Michel, C; Hubl, Daniela; Schimmelmann, BG; Klosterkötter, J; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Psychosis-predictive value of self-reported schizotypy in a clinical high-risk sample. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125(7), pp. 923-932. American Psychological Association 10.1037/abn0000192
Schneider, M; Armando, M; Pontillo, M; Vicari, S; Debbané, M; Eliez, S; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Ultra high risk status and transition to psychosis in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. World psychiatry, 15(3), pp. 259-265. Wiley 10.1002/wps.20347
Flückiger, R; Ruhrmann, S; Debbané, M; Michel, C; Hubl, Daniela; Schimmelmann, BG; Klosterkötter, J; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Prediction of psychosis in a clinical high risk sample: Value of self-reported schizotypy scales. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 54. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Flückiger, R; Schmidt, SJ; Ruhrmann, S; Debbané, M; Michel, C; Hubl, D; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Dimensional structure among schizotypy measures and clinical high risk for psychosis criteria in patients from an early detection service. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 117. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Armando, M; Schneider, M; Pontillo, M; Vicari, S; Debbané, M; Schultze-Lutter, F; Eliez, S (2016). Age matters in the prevalence and clinical significance of ultra-high-risk for psychosis symptoms and criteria in 22q11 Deletion Syndrome. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 120. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Toffel, E; Badoud, D; Morosan, L; Schultze-Lutter, F; Debbané, M (2016). Examining subclinical schizotypy and basic symptoms in relation to higher order cognition. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 235. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Schultze-Lutter, F; Wood, AJ; Schmidt, SJ; Debbané, M; Cascio, NL; Rothbaum, M; Barnaby, N; Cicero, DC (2016). Adolescene and Anomalous Self-Experiences. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 62. Wiley