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Ulrich, J.; Ayranov, M.; Kaestner, A.; Schumann, D.; Sprung, P.; Türler, A.; Viererbl, L.; Vinš, M.; Assmann-Vratislavská, H.; Dressler, R. (2020). Neutron capture cross section of Mn 53 from irradiation with cold and reactor neutrons. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, 102(2), 024613. American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.024613
Chiera, N. M.; Aksenov, N. V.; Albin, Y. V.; Bozhikov, G. A.; Chepigin, V. I.; Dmitriev, S. N.; Dressler, R.; Eichler, Robert; Lebedev, V. Ya.; Madumarov, A.; Malyshev, O. N.; Piguet, D.; Popov, Y. A.; Sabelnikov, A. V.; Steinegger, Patrick; Svirikhin, A. I.; Türler, Andreas; Vostokin, G. K.; Vögele, A. and Yeremin, A. V. (2017). Interaction of elemental mercury with selenium surfaces: model experiments for investigations of superheavy elements copernicium and flerovium. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 311(1), pp. 99-108. Springer 10.1007/s10967-016-5018-8
Eichler, Robert; Asai, M.; Brand, H.; Chiera, N.M.; Di Nitto, A.; Dressler, R.; Düllmann, Ch.E.; Even, J.; Fangli, F.; Goetz, M.; Haba, H.; Hartmann, W.; Jäger, E.; Kaji, D.; Kanaya, J.; Kaneya, Y.; Khuyagbaatar, J.; Kindler, B.; Komori, Y.; Kraus, B.; ... (2016). Complex chemistry with complex compounds. EPJ web of conferences, 131, 07005. EDP Sciences 10.1051/epjconf/201613107005
Serov, A.; Eichler, R.; Dressler, R.; Piguet, D.; Türler, A.; Vögele, A.; Wittwer, D.; Gäggeler, H. W. (2013). Adsorption interaction of carrier-free thallium species with gold and quartz surfaces. Radiochimica acta, 101(7), pp. 421-425. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH 10.1524/ract.2013.2045
Wittwer, D.; Dressler, R.; Eichler, R.; Gäggeler, H. W.; Türler, A. (2013). Prediction of the thermal release of transactinide elements (112 ≤ Z ≤ 116) from metals. Radiochimica acta, 101(4), pp. 211-219. Oldenbourg 10.1524/ract.2013.2027
Maneschg, W.; Baudis, L.; Dressler, R.; Eberhardt, K.; Eichler, R.; Keller, H.; Lackner, R.; Praast, B.; Santorelli, R.; Schreiner, J.; Tarka, M.; Wiegel, B.; Zimbal, A. (2012). Production and characterization of a custom-made 228Th source with reduced neutron source strength for the Borexino experiment. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A - accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 680, pp. 161-167. Amsterdam: North-Holland 10.1016/j.nima.2012.04.019
Usoltseva, I.; Eichler, R.; Dressler, R.; Piguet, D.; Wittwer, D.; Türler, A.; Brütsch, R.; Olsen, E.A.; Omtvedt, J.P.; Semchenkov, A. (2012). Preparation of Pd-based intermetallic targets for high intensity irradiations. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A - accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 691, pp. 5-9. Amsterdam: North-Holland 10.1016/j.nima.2012.06.060
Steinegger, P.; Dressler, R.; Eichler, R.; Hänni, N.; Türler, A. (2012). Diamond detectors for transctinide chemistry. In: 8th Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry Conference (NRC-8), Como, Italy, 16.-21.9.2012.
Wittwer, D.; Dressler, R.; Eichler, R.; Gäggeler, H.; Omtvedt, J.P.; Piguet, D.; Türler, A. (2012). On the fast release of tracer elements from metallic hosts - a step towards vacuum chromatography. In: 8th Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry Conference (NRC-8), Como, Italy, 16.-21.9.2012.
Serov, A.; Aksenov, N. V.; Bozhikov, G. A.; Eichler, R.; Dressler, R.; Lebedev, V. Ya; Petrushkin, O.; Piguet, D.; Shishkin, S.; Tereshatov, E.; Türler, A.; Vögele, A.; Wittwer, D.; Gäggeler, H.W. (2011). Adsorption interaction of astatine species with quartz and gold surfaces. Radiochimica acta, 99(9), pp. 593-600. München: Oldenbourg 10.1524/ract.2011.1850
Serov, A.; Eichler, R.; Dressler, R.; Piguet, D.; Türler, A.; Vögele, A.; Wittwer, David; Gäggeler, H. W. (2011). Gas chromatography of indium in macroscopic and carrier-free amounts using quartz and gold as stationary phases. Radiochimica acta, 99(2), pp. 95-101. München: Oldenbourg 10.1524/ract.2011.1797
Wittwer, David; Dressler, R.; Eichler, Robert; Gäggeler, H. W.; Piguet, D.; Serov, A.; Türler, Andreas; Vögele, A. (2011). The thermal release of scandium from titanium metal - a simple way to produce pure 44Sc for PET application. Radiochimica acta, 99(3), pp. 193-196. München: Oldenbourg 10.1524/ract.2011.1832
Ayranov, M.; Bunka, M.; Dressler, R.; Günther-Leopold, I.; Heinitz, S.; Kivel, N.; Lüthi, S.; Schumann, D.; Stowasser, T.; Vögele, A.; Wittwer, D.; Wohlmuther, M. (2011). Repetition of the re-measurement of the 60Fe half-life, ERAWAST II workshop, PSI, Switzerland, August-September, 2011.
Söllradl, S.; Canella, L.; Kudejova, P.; Reva, Zs.; Dressler, R.; Schumann, D.; Ayranov, M.; Türler, A. (2011). Plan to measure the neutron capture cross-section of 60 Fe with cold neutrons at the PGAA facility in munich, ERAWAST II workshop, PSI, Switzerland, August - September, 2011.
Eichler, R.; Aksenov, N. V.; Albin, Yu. V.; Belozerov, A. V.; Bozhikov, G. A.; Chepigin, V. I.; Dmitriev, S. N.; Dressler, R.; Gäggeler, H. W.; Gorshkov, V. A.; Henderson, G.S.; Johnsen, A. M.; Kenneally, J. M.; Lebedev, V. Ya.; Malyshev, O. N.; Moody, K. J.; Oganessian, Yu. Ts.; Petrushkin, O. V.; Piguet, D.; Popeko, A. G.; ... (2010). Indication for a volatile element 114. Radiochimica acta, 98(3), pp. 133-139. Oldenbourg 10.1524/ract.2010.1705
Eichler, R.; Eichler, B.; Gäggeler, H. W.; Jost, D. T.; Dressler, R.; Türler, A. (1999). The Gas Phase Oxide and Oxyhydroxide Chemistry of Trace Amounts of Rhenium. Radiochimica acta, 87(3-4), pp. 151-159. Oldenbourg 10.1524/ract.1999.87.34.151
Gärtner, M.; Boettger, Μ.; Eichler, Β.; Gäggeler, Η. W.; Grantz, Μ.; Hübener, S.; Jost, D. T.; Piguet, D.; Dressler, R.; Türler, A.; Yakushev, Α. B. (1997). On-line Gas Chromatography of Mo, W and U (Oxy)chlorides. Radiochimica acta, 78(S1), pp. 59-68. Oldenbourg 10.1524/ract.1997.78.special-issue.59
Dressler, R.; Schumann, D.; Taut, St.; Fischer, S.; Binder, R.; Yakushev, A. B.; Buklanov, G.; Lien, Dinh Thi; Domanov, V. P.; Szeglowski, Z.; Kubica, B.; Guseva, L. I.; Tikhomirova, G. S.; Gäggeler, Heinz; Bruchertseifer, H. (1997). Rapid Communication: First Observation of y-Ray Emission Assigned to the Decay of 164W. Radiochimica acta, 77(4), pp. 241-244. Oldenbourg 10.1524/ract.1997.77.4.241