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Hawthorn, Faith; Bayliss, Daniel; Wilson, Thomas G; Bonfanti, Andrea; Adibekyan, Vardan; Alibert, Yann; Sousa, Sérgio G; Collins, Karen A; Bryant, Edward M; Osborn, Ares; Armstrong, David J; Abe, Lyu; Acton, Jack S; Addison, Brett C; Agabi, Karim; Alonso, Roi; Alves, Douglas R; Anglada-Escudé, Guillem; Bárczy, Tamas; Barclay, Thomas; ... (2023). TOI-836: A super-Earth and mini-Neptune transiting a nearby K-dwarf. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(3), pp. 3649-3668. Oxford University Press 10.1093/mnras/stad306
Prinoth, Bibiana; Hoeijmakers, H. Jens; Kitzmann, Daniel; Sandvik, Elin; Seidel, Julia V.; Lendl, Monika; Borsato, Nicholas W.; Thorsbro, Brian; Anderson, David R.; Barrado, David; Kravchenko, Kateryna; Allart, Romain; Bourrier, Vincent; Cegla, Heather M.; Ehrenreich, David; Fisher, Chloe; Lovis, Christophe; Guzmán-Mesa, Andrea; Grimm, Simon; Hooton, Matthew; ... (2022). Titanium oxide and chemical inhomogeneity in the atmosphere of the exoplanet WASP-189 b. Nature astronomy, 6(4), pp. 449-457. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41550-021-01581-z
Zhang, Michael; Knutson, Heather A.; Wang, Lile; Dai, Fei; dos Santos, Leonardo A.; Fossati, Luca; Henry, Gregory W.; Ehrenreich, David; Alibert, Yann; Hoyer, Sergio; Wilson, Thomas G.; Bonfanti, Andrea (2022). Detection of Ongoing Mass Loss from HD 63433c, a Young Mini-Neptune. The astronomical journal, 163(2), p. 68. American Astronomical Society 10.3847/1538-3881/ac3f3b
Wilson, Thomas G; Goffo, Elisa; Alibert, Yann; Gandolfi, Davide; Bonfanti, Andrea; Persson, Carina M; Collier Cameron, Andrew; Fridlund, Malcolm; Fossati, Luca; Korth, Judith; Benz, Willy; Deline, Adrien; Florén, Hans-Gustav; Guterman, Pascal; Adibekyan, Vardan; Hooton, Matthew J; Hoyer, Sergio; Leleu, Adrien; Mustill, Alexander James; Salmon, Sébastien; ... (2022). A pair of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright K-dwarf TOI-1064 characterized with CHEOPS. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511(1), pp. 1043-1071. Oxford University Press 10.1093/mnras/stab3799
Schmidt, Tobias M.; Molaro, Paolo; Murphy, Michael T.; Lovis, Christophe; Cupani, Guido; Cristiani, Stefano; Pepe, Francesco A.; Rebolo, Rafael; Santos, Nuno C.; Abreu, Manuel; Adibekyan, Vardan; Alibert, Yann; Aliverti, Matteo; Allart, Romain; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Alves, David; Baldini, Veronica; Broeg, Christopher; Cabral, Alexandre; Calderone, Giorgio; ... (2021). Fundamental physics with ESPRESSO: Towards an accurate wavelength calibration for a precision test of the fine-structure constant. Astronomy and astrophysics, 646, A144. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202039345
Quanz, Sascha P.; Absil, Olivier; Benz, Willy; Bonfils, Xavier; Berger, Jean-Philippe; Defrère, Denis; van Dishoeck, Ewine; Ehrenreich, David; Fortney, Jonathan; Glauser, Adrian; Grenfell, John Lee; Janson, Markus; Kraus, Stefan; Krause, Oliver; Labadie, Lucas; Lacour, Sylvestre; Line, Michael; Linz, Hendrik; Loicq, Jérôme; Miguel, Yamila; ... (2021). Atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared: biosignatures, habitability, and diversity. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 1197-1221. Springer 10.1007/s10686-021-09791-z
Delrez, Laetitia; Ehrenreich, David; Alibert, Yann; Bonfanti, Andrea; Borsato, Luca; Fossati, Luca; Hooton, Matthew J.; Hoyer, Sergio; Pozuelos, Francisco J.; Salmon, Sébastien; Sulis, Sophia; Wilson, Thomas G.; Adibekyan, Vardan; Bourrier, Vincent; Brandeker, Alexis; Charnoz, Sébastien; Deline, Adrien; Guterman, Pascal; Haldemann, Jonas; Hara, Nathan; ... (2021). Transit detection of the long-period volatile-rich super-Earth ν2 Lupi d with CHEOPS. Nature astronomy, 5(8), pp. 775-787. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41550-021-01381-5
Hoeijmakers, Jens H.; Cabot, Samuel H. C.; Zhao, Lily; Buchhave, Lars A.; Tronsgaard, René; Davis, Allen B.; Kitzmann, Daniel; Grimm, Simon L.; Cegla, Heather M.; Bourrier, Vincent; Ehrenreich, David; Heng, Kevin; Lovis, Christophe; Fischer, Debra A. (2020). High-resolution transmission spectroscopy of MASCARA-2 b with EXPRES. Astronomy and astrophysics, 641(A120), A120. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/202037437
Bourrier, Vincent; Lovis, Christophe; Beust, Hervé; Ehrenreich, David; Henry, Gregory W.; Astudillo-Defru, Nicola; Allart, Romain; Bonfils, Xavier; Ségransan, Damien; Delfosse, Xavier; Cegla, Heather M.; Wyttenbach, Aurélien; Lavie, Baptiste; Pepe, Francesco; Heng, Kevin (2018). Orbital misalignment of the Neptune-mass exoplanet GJ 436b with the spin of its cool star. Nature, 553(7689), pp. 477-480. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature24677
Hoeijmakers, Jens; Ehrenreich, David; Heng, Kevin; Kitzmann, Daniel; Grimm, Simon; Allart, Romain; Deitrick, Russell John; Wyttenbach, Aurélien; Oreshenko, Maria; Pino, Lorenzo; Rimmer, Paul B.; Molinari, Emilio; Di Fabrizio, Luca (2018). Atomic iron and titanium in the atmosphere of the exoplanet KELT-9b. Nature, 560(7719), pp. 453-455. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/s41586-018-0401-y
Pino, Lorenzo; Ehrenreich, David; Wyttenbach, Aurélien; Bourrier, Vincent; Nascimbeni, Valerio; Heng, Kevin; Grimm, Simon; Lovis, Christophe; Malik, Matej; Pepe, Francesco; Piotto, Giampaolo (2018). Combining low- to high-resolution transit spectroscopy of HD 189733b. Astronomy and astrophysics, 612, A53. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201731244
Pino, Lorenzo; Ehrenreich, David; Allart, Romain; Lovis, Christophe; Brogi, Matteo; Malik, Matej; Nascimbeni, Valerio; Pepe, Francesco; Piotto, Giampaolo (2018). Diagnosing aerosols in extrasolar giant planets with cross-correlation function of water bands. Astronomy and astrophysics, 619, A3. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201832986
Lavie, Baptiste; Mordasini, Christoph; Malik, Matej; Bonnefoy, Mickaël; Demory, Brice-Olivier; Oreshenko, Maria; Grimm, Simon L.; Ehrenreich, David; Heng, Kevin; Mendonca, Joao (2017). HELIOS–RETRIEVAL: An Open-source, Nested Sampling Atmospheric Retrieval Code, Application to the HR 8799 Exoplanets and Inferred Constraints for Planet Formation. Astronomical journal, 154(3), p. 91. University of Chicago Press 10.3847/1538-3881/aa7ed8
Stevenson, Kevin B.; Lewis, Nikole K.; Bean, Jacob L.; Beichman, Charles; Fraine, Jonathan; Kilpatrick, Brian M.; Krick, J. E.; Lothringer, Joshua D.; Mandell, Avi M.; Valenti, Jeff A.; Agol, Eric; Angerhausen, Daniel; Barstow, Joanna K.; Birkmann, Stephan M.; Burrows, Adam; Charbonneau, David; Cowan, Nicolas B.; Crouzet, Nicolas; Cubillos, Patricio E.; Curry, S. M.; ... (2016). Transiting Exoplanet Studies and Community Targets for JWST 's Early Release Science Program. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 128(967), 094401. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific 10.1088/1538-3873/128/967/094401
Heng, Kevin; Wyttenbach, Aurélien; Lavie, Baptiste; Sing, David K.; Ehrenreich, David; Lovis, Christophe (2015). A Non-isothermal Theory for Interpreting Sodium Lines in Exoplanetary Atmospheres. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 803(1), L9. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/2041-8205/803/1/l9
Demory, Brice-Olivier; Ehrenreich, David; Queloz, Didier; Seager, Sara; Gilliland, Ronald; Chaplin, William J.; Proffitt, Charles; Gillon, Michael; Günther, Maximilian N.; Benneke, Björn; Dumusque, Xavier; Lovis, Christophe; Pepe, Francesco; Ségransan, Damien; Triaud, Amaury; Udry, Stéphane (2015). Hubble Space Telescope search for the transit of the Earth-mass exoplanet α Centauri B b. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 450(2), pp. 2043-2051. Oxford University Press 10.1093/mnras/stv673
Oschmann, Jacobus M.; Clampin, Mark; Fazio, Giovanni G.; MacEwen, Howard A.; Fortier, Andrea; Beck, Thomas; Benz, Willy; Broeg, Christopher; Cessa, Virginie; Ehrenreich, David; Thomas, Nicolas (2014). CHEOPS: a space telescope for ultra-high precision photometry of exoplanet transits. Proceedings SPIE, 9143, 91432J. 10.1117/12.2056687