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ETM Collaboration, ; Blossier, B; Boucaud, Ph; Dimopoulos, P; Farchioni, F; Frezzotti, R; Gimenez, V; Herdoiza, G; Jansen, K; Lubicz, V; Michael, C; Palao, D; Papinutto, M; Shindler, A; Simula, S; Tarantino, C; Urbach, C; Wenger, Urs (2008). Light quark masses and pseudoscalar decay constants from Nf = 2 lattice QCD with twisted mass fermions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(04), 020-020. Berlin: Springer 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/04/020
Baron, R; Blossier, B; Boucaud, Philippe; Deuzeman, A; Drach, V; Farchioni, F; Gimenez, V; Herdoiza, G; Jansen, K; Michael, C; Montvay, I; Palao, D; Pallante, E; Pene, O; Reker, S; Urbach, C; Wagner, M; Wenger, Urs (2009). First results of ETMC simulations with Nf=2+1+1 maximally twisted mass fermions.