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Fuchs, Sven; Keiler, Margreth; Glade, Thomas (2017). Editorial to the special issue on resilience and vulnerability assessments in natural hazard and risk analysis. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 17(7), pp. 1203-1206. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/nhess-17-1203-2017
Kappes, Melanie S.; Gruber, K.; Frigerio, S.; Bell, Rainer; Keiler, Margreth; Glade, Thomas (2012). The MultiRISK platform: The technical concept and application of a regional-scale multihazard exposure analysis tool. Geomorphology, 151-152, pp. 139-155. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.01.024
Kappes, Melanie S.; Keiler, Margreth; von Eleverfeldt, Kirsten; Glade, Thomas (2012). Challenges of analyzing multi-hazard risk: a review. Natural Hazards, 64(2), pp. 1925-1958. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s11069-012-0294-2
Poeppl, Ronald E.; Keiler, Margreth; von Elverfeldt, Kirsten; Zweimueller, Irene; Glade, Thomas (2012). The influence of riparian vegetation cover on diffuse lateral sediment connectivity and biogeomorphic processes in a medium-sized agricultural catchment, Austria. Geografiska annaler. Series A - physical geography, 94(4), pp. 511-529. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1468-0459.2012.00476.x
Papathoma-Köhle, Maria; Keiler, Margreth; Totschnig, Reinhold; Glade, Thomas (2012). Improvement of vulnerability curves using data from extreme events: debris flow event in South Tyrol. Natural Hazards, 64(3), pp. 2083-2105. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s11069-012-0105-9
Papathoma-Köhle, Maria; Ulbrich, Thorsten; Keiler, Margreth; Pedoth, Lydia; Totschnig, Reinhold; Glade, Thomas; Schneiderbauer, Stefan; Eidswig, Unni (2014). Vulnerability to Heatwaves, Floods and Mass Movements in Mountainous Terrain: Test Cases in South Tyrol. In: Birkmann, Jörn; Kienberger, Stefan; Alexander, David E. (eds.) Assessment of Vulnerability to Natural Hazards. A European Perspective (pp. 179-201). Elsevier 10.1016/B978-0-12-410528-7.00008-4
Keiler, Margreth; Fuchs, Sven; Glade, Thomas (eds.) (2008). Vulnerability assessment and spatial/temporal variability of natural hazards risk. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. Copernicus Publications
Pöppl, Ronald E.; Keesstra, Saskia D.; Keiler, Margreth; Coulthard, Tom; Glade, Thomas (2013). Impact of dams, dam removal and dam-related river engineering structures on sediment connectivity and channel morphology of the Fugnitz and the Kaja Rivers. In: Bauch, K. (ed.) 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas (pp. 607-614). Hohe Tauern Nationalpark
Papathoma-Köhle, Maria; Totschnig, Reinhold; Keiler, Margreth; Glade, Thomas (2012). A new vulnerability function for debris flow - the importance of physical vulnerability assessment in alpine areas. In: Koboltschnig, G.; Hübl, J.; Braun, J. (eds.) 12th Congress Interpraevent (pp. 1033-1043). Klagenfurt: Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT
Kappes, M.S.; Keiler, Margreth; Glade, Thomas (2010). From single- to multi-hazard risk analyses: a concept addressing emerging challenges. In: Malet, Jean-Philippe; Glade, Thomas; Casagli, Nicola (eds.) Mountains Risks: Bringing Science to Society (International conference) (pp. 351-356). Strassbourg: CERG Editions