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Bachofen, Christoph; Tumber-Dávila, Shersingh Joseph; Mackay, D Scott; McDowell, Nate G; Carminati, Andrea; Klein, Tamir; Stocker, Benjamin David; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Grossiord, Charlotte (2024). Tree water uptake patterns across the globe. New Phytologist, 242(5), pp. 1891-1910. Wiley 10.1111/nph.19762
Peters, Richard L; Steppe, Kathy; Pappas, Christoforos; Zweifel, Roman; Babst, Flurin; Dietrich, Lars; von Arx, Georg; Poyatos, Rafael; Fonti, Marina; Fonti, Patrick; Grossiord, Charlotte; Gharun, Mana; Buchmann, Nina; Steger, David N; Kahmen, Ansgar (2023). Daytime stomatal regulation in mature temperate trees prioritizes stem rehydration at night. New Phytologist, 239(2), pp. 533-546. Wiley 10.1111/nph.18964
Schönbeck, Leonie; Grossiord, Charlotte; Gessler, Arthur; Gisler, Jonas; Meusburger, Katrin; D’Odorico, Petra; Rigling, Andreas; Salmon, Yann; Stocker, Benjamin D.; Zweifel, Roman; Schaub, Marcus; Rogers, Alistair (2022). Photosynthetic acclimation and sensitivity to short- and long-term environmental changes in a drought-prone forest. Journal of Experimental Botany, 73(8), pp. 2576-2588. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jxb/erac033
Walde, Manuel; Allan, Eric; Cappelli, Seraina L.; Didion-Gency, Margaux; Gessler, Arthur; Lehmann, Marco M.; Pichon, Noémie A.; Grossiord, Charlotte (2021). Both diversity and functional composition affect productivity and water use efficiency in experimental temperate grasslands. Journal of ecology, 109(11), pp. 3877-3891. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2745.13765
Baeten, Lander; Bruelheide, Helge; van der Plas, Fons; Kambach, Stephan; Ratcliffe, Sophia; Jucker, Tommaso; Allan, Eric; Ampoorter, Evy; Barbaro, Luc; Bastias, Cristina C; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; Charbonnier, Yohan; Chećko, Ewa; Coomes, David A; ... (2019). Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(3), pp. 733-744. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/1365-2664.13308
van der Plas, Fons; Ratcliffe, Sophia; Ruiz-Benito, Paloma; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Zavala, Miguel A.; Ampoorter, Evy; Baeten, Lander; Barbaro, Luc; Bastias, Cristina C.; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; ... (2018). Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality. Ecology Letters, 21(1), pp. 31-42. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/ele.12868
Ratcliffe, Sophia; Wirth, Christian; Jucker, Tommaso; van der Plas, Fons; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Allan, Eric; Benavides, Raquel; Bruelheide, Helge; Ohse, Bettina; Paquette, Alain; Ampoorter, Evy; Bastias, Cristina C.; Bauhus, Jürgen; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; Chećko, Ewa; ... (2017). Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relations in European forests depend on environmental context. Ecology Letters, 20(11), pp. 1414-1426. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/ele.12849
van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Pete; Soliveres, Santiago; Allan, Eric; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Zavala, Miguel A.; Ampoorter, Evy; Baeten, Lander; Barbaro, Luc; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; ... (2016). Biotic homogenization can decrease landscape-scale forest multifunctionality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 113(13), pp. 3557-3562. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1517903113
van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Peter; Allan, Eric; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Zavala, Miguel A.; Hector, Andy; Ampoorter, Evy; Baeten, Lander; Barbaro, Luc; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; Berthold, Felix; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; ... (2016). Jack-of-all-trades effects drive biodiversity–ecosystem multifunctionality relationships in European forests. Nature communications, 7, p. 11109. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/ncomms11109
Baeten, Lander; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Finer, Leena; Jaroszewicz, Bogdan; Selvi, Federico; Valladaresh, Fernando; Allan, Eric; Ampoorter, Evy; Auge, Harald; Avacariei, Daniel; Barbaro, Luc; Barnoaiea, Ionu; Bastias, Cristina C.; Bauhus, Jurgen; Beinhoff, Carsten; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; ... (2013). A novel comparative research platform designed to determine the functional significance of tree species diversity in European forests. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 15(5), pp. 281-291. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ppees.2013.07.002