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Mujanovic, Adnan; Dobrocky, Tomas; Pfeilschifter, Waltraud; Remonda, Luca; Caroff, Jildaz; Behme, Daniel; Seiffge, David J; Cereda, Carlo W; Kägi, Georg; Leyon, Joe; Piechowiak, Eike I; Costalat, Vincent; Wagner, Judith; Chabert, Emmanuel; Meinel, Thomas R; Jansen, Olav; Alonso, Angelika; Loehr, Christian; Liebeskind, David S; Gralla, Jan; ... (2024). Value of intravenous alteplase before thrombectomy among patients with tandem lesions and emergent carotid artery stenting: A subgroup analysis of the SWIFT DIRECT trial. European journal of neurology, 31(6), e16256. Wiley 10.1111/ene.16256
Reiff, Tilman; Eckstein, Hans-Henning; Mansmann, Ulrich; Jansen, Olav; Fraedrich, Gustav; Mudra, Harald; Böckler, Dittmar; Böhm, Michael; Debus, E Sebastian; Fiehler, Jens; Mathias, Klaus; Ringelstein, Erich B; Schmidli, Jürg; Stingele, Robert; Zahn, Ralf; Zeller, Thomas; Niesen, Wolf-Dirk; Barlinn, Kristian; Binder, Andreas; Glahn, Jörg; ... (2022). Carotid endarterectomy or stenting or best medical treatment alone for moderate-to-severe asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis: 5-year results of a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. The lancet. Neurology, 21(10), pp. 877-888. Elsevier 10.1016/S1474-4422(22)00290-3
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De Meyer, Simon F; Andersson, Tommy; Baxter, Blaise; Bendszus, Martin; Brouwer, Patrick; Brinjikji, Waleed; Campbell, Bruce Cv; Costalat, Vincent; Dávalos, Antoni; Demchuk, Andrew; Dippel, Diederik; Fiehler, Jens; Fischer, Urs; Gilvarry, Michael; Gounis, Matthew J; Gralla, Jan; Jansen, Olav; Jovin, Tudor; Kallmes, David; Khatri, Pooja; ... (2017). Analyses of thrombi in acute ischemic stroke: A consensus statement on current knowledge and future directions. International journal of stroke, 12(6), pp. 606-614. SAGE 10.1177/1747493017709671
Shireman, Theresa I; Wang, Kaijun; Saver, Jeffrey L; Goyal, Mayank; Bonafé, Alain; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Levy, Elad I; Pereira, Vitor M; Albers, Gregory W; Cognard, Christophe; Hacke, Werner; Jansen, Olav; Jovin, Tudor G; Mattle, Heinrich; Nogueira, Raul G; Siddiqui, Adnan H; Yavagal, Dileep R; Devlin, Thomas G; Lopes, Demetrius K; Reddy, Vivek K; ... (2016). Cost-Effectiveness of Solitaire Stent Retriever Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke: Results From the SWIFT-PRIME Trial (Solitaire With the Intention for Thrombectomy as Primary Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke). Stroke, 48(2), pp. 379-387. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1161/STROKEAHA.116.014735
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Wahlgren, Nils; Moreira, Tiago; Michel, Patrik; Steiner, Thorsten; Jansen, Olav; Cognard, Christophe; Mattle, Heinrich; van Zwam, Wim; Holmin, Staffan; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Petersson, Jesper; Caso, Valeria; Hacke, Werner; Mazighi, Mikael; Arnold, Marcel; Fischer, Urs; Szikora, Istvan; Pierot, Laurent; Fiehler, Jens; Gralla, Jan; ... (2016). Mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke: Consensus statement by ESO-Karolinska Stroke Update 2014/2015, supported by ESO, ESMINT, ESNR and EAN. International journal of stroke, 11(1), pp. 134-147. Blackwell Publishing 10.1177/1747493015609778
Albers, Gregory W; Goyal, Mayank; Jahan, Reza; Bonafe, Alain; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Levy, Elad I; Pereira, Vitor M; Cognard, Christophe; Cohen, David J; Hacke, Werner; Jansen, Olav; Jovin, Tudor G; Mattle, Heinrich; Nogueira, Raul G; Siddiqui, Adnan H; Yavagal, Dileep R; Baxter, Blaise W; Devlin, Thomas G; Lopes, Demetrius K; Reddy, Vivek K; ... (2016). Ischemic core and hypoperfusion volumes predict infarct size in SWIFT PRIME. Annals of neurology, 79(1), pp. 76-89. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ana.24543
Saver, Jeffrey L.; Goyal, Mayank; Bonafe, Alain; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Levy, Elad I.; Pereira, Vitor M.; Albers, Gregory W.; Cognard, Christophe; Cohen, David J.; Hacke, Werner; Jansen, Olav; Jovin, Tudor G.; Mattle, Heinrich P.; Nogueira, Raul G.; Siddiqui, Adnan H.; Yavagal, Dileep R.; Baxter, Blaise W.; Devlin, Thomas G.; Lopes, Demetrius K.; Reddy, Vivek K.; ... (2015). Stent-Retriever Thrombectomy after Intravenous t-PA vs. t-PA Alone in Stroke. New England journal of medicine NEJM, 372(24), pp. 2285-2295. Massachusetts Medical Society MMS 10.1056/NEJMoa1415061
Saver, Jeffrey L; Goyal, Mayank; Bonafe, Alain; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Levy, Elad I; Pereira, Vitor M; Albers, Gregory W; Cognard, Christophe; Cohen, David J; Hacke, Werner; Jansen, Olav; Jovin, Tudor G; Mattle, Heinrich P.; Nogueira, Raul G; Siddiqui, Adnan H; Yavagal, Dileep R; Devlin, Thomas G; Lopes, Demetrius K; Reddy, Vivek; du Mesnil de Rochemont, Richard; ... (2015). Solitaire™ with the Intention for Thrombectomy as Primary Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke (SWIFT PRIME) trial: protocol for a randomized, controlled, multicenter study comparing the Solitaire revascularization device with IV tPA with IV tPA alone in acute ischemic stroke. International journal of stroke, 10(3), pp. 439-448. Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/ijs.12459
Reiff, Tilman; Böckler, Dittmar; Böhm, Michael; Brückmann, Hartmut; Debus, Eike Sebastian; Eckstein, Hans-Henning; Fiehler, Jens; Fraedrich, Gustav; Hennerici, Michael; Jansen, Olav; Lang, Werner; Mansmann, Ulrich; Mathias, Klaus; Mudra, Harald; Ringelstein, E Bernd; Ringleb, Peter Arthur; Schmidli, Jürg; Stingele, Robert; Zahn, Ralf and Hacke, Werner (2010). Ongoing randomized controlled trials comparing interventional methods and optimal medical treatment in the treatment of asymptomatic carotid stenosis. Stroke, 41(12), e605-6; author reply e607. Baltimore, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1161/STROKEAHA.110.588103