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Jordan, John (2016). Benjamin Schmidt: Inventing Exoticism: Geography, Globalism, and Europe's Early Modern World. Sehepunkte. Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 16(10) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
Jordan, John (2015). Rezension zu: Marco Mostert and Anna Adamska (eds.): Writing and the Administration of Medieval Towns: Medieval Urban Literacy I. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014). Urban history, 42(4), pp. 691-692. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0963926815000711
Jordan, John (2015). Rezension zu: Legal Pluralism and Empires, 1500–1850, ed. Lauren Benton and Richard Ross (New York: New York University Press, 2013). The English historical review, 130(543), pp. 460-462. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ehr/cev006
Jordan, John (2014). Maria Boes, Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Germany: Courts and Adjudicatory Practices in Frankfurt am Main, 1562-1696 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013). Continuity and Change, 29(2), 295 -296. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0268416014000198
Schopf, Gabi Julia; Jordan, John (2014). Tagungsbericht Inventories of Textiles – Textiles in Inventories. Late Medieval and Early Modern Period. 27.03.2014-28.03.2014, Wien. H-Soz-Kult (Internetpublikation) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Jordan, John; Schopf, Gabi Julia (2014). Inventories of Textiles – Textiles in Inventories. Late Medieval and Early Modern Period. H-Soz-Kult (Internetpublikation) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Jordan, John (2014). Gerd Schwerhoff and Alex Kästner, eds., Göttlicher Zorn und menschliches Maß: Religiöse Abweichung in frühneuzeitlichen Stadtgemeinschaften (Constance: UVK, 2013). German History, 32(3), pp. 462-464. Oxford University Press 10.1093/gerhis/ghu019
Jordan, John (2014). Joel F. Harrington, The Faithful Executioner: Life and Death, Honor and Shame in the Turbulent Sixteenth Century (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013). The sixteenth century journal, 45(3) Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers
Siebenhüner, Kim (2019). The Art of Making Indiennes. Knowing how to dye in Eighteenth-Century Switzerland. In: Siebenhüner, Kim; Jordan, John; Schopf, Gabi (eds.) Cotton in Context Manufacturing, Marketing, and Consuming Textiles in the German-speaking World (1500 - 1900). Ding, Materialität, Geschichte: Vol. 4 (pp. 145-160). Köln: Böhlau
Siebenhüner, Kim (2019). Introduction: Swiss Cotton - A Fabric and its Research Debates. In: Siebenhüner, Kim; Jordan, John; Schopf, Gabi (eds.) Cotton in Context: Manufacturing, Marketing, and Consuming Textiles in the German-speaking World (1500 - 1900). Ding, Materialität, Geschichte: Vol. 4 (pp. 9-34). Köln: Böhlau
Häusler, Eric (2019). Marketing avant la lettre: The Swiss Embroidery Industry 1850–1912. In: Siebenhüner, Kim; Jordan, John; Schopf, Gabi (eds.) Cotton in Context: Manufacturing, Marketing, and Consuming Textiles in the German-speaking World (1500–1900). Ding, Materialität, Geschichte: Vol. 4 (pp. 291-316). Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag 10.7788/9783412515126.291
Jordan, John; Schopf, Gabi Julia (2018). Global Goods in Local Languages: Naming Cotton Textiles in the Swiss Cantons. In: Harrington, Joel F.; Plummer, Marjorie Elizabeth (eds.) Names and Naming in Early Modern Germany: Making Words and Finding Meanings. Publications of the German Studies Association: Vol. 20 (pp. 149-172). New York: Berghahn Books
Siebenhüner, Kim; Jordan, John; Schopf, Gabi Julia (2017). Textilien und materielle Kultur im Wandel. Konsum, kulturelle Innovation und globale Interaktion in der Frühen Neuzeit. In: Jenny, Reto (ed.) Glarner Tuch Gespräche. Tagungsband Internationale Fachtagung zum Thema Kunst und Geschichte des Glarner und europäischen Zeugdrucks. Edition Comptoir-Blätter: Vol. 10/11 (pp. 198-204). Ennenda: Sent
Schopf, Gabi Julia; Jordan, John (2017). Fictive Descriptions? Words, Textiles, and Inventories in Early Modern Switzerland. In: Karl, Barbara; Ertel, Thomas (eds.) Inventories of Textiles – Textiles in Inventories: Interdisciplinary Studies on Late Medieval and Early Modern Sources and Material Culture (pp. 219-238). Göttingen: Vienna University Press bei V&R unipress
Jordan, John (2016). Rethinking Disputes and Settlements: How Historians Can Use Legal Anthropology. In: Cultures of Conflict Resolution in early modern Europe. Ashgate
Siebenhüner, Kim; Jordan, John; Schopf, Gabi Julia (eds.) (2018). Cotton in Context: Manufacturing, Marketing, and Consuming Textiles in the German-speaking World (1500 - 1900). Ding, Materialität, Geschichte: Vol. 4. Köln: Böhlau
Jordan, John (October 2017). “The Non-Revolutionary Fabric: The Consumption, Chronology, and Use of Cotton in early modern Bern.” (Unpublished). In: Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South Eastern Europe. New Europe College, Bucharest. October 2017.
Jordan, John (January 2017). “The Ties That Bind and Divide: Property and Belonging in early modern Freiberg.” (Unpublished). In: Urban Belonging: History and the Power of Place, Institute of Historical Research. Senate House, University of London.
Jordan, John (November 2016). Property: More Important than Honour in early modern Life and Law? (Unpublished). In: Early Modern Europe Seminar Series. University of Oxford.
Jordan, John (August 2016). Unpaid Debts and Changing Legal Lives? Legal Culture and the Growth of Literacy and Writing in early modern Germany (Unpublished). In: Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. Bruges.
Jordan, John (May 2016). Cottons and Consumer Change in early modern Bern (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium – Neuere Geschichte. Universität Bern. Mai 2016.
Jordan, John (16 April 2016). Consuming Cottons in a Golden Age? New Textiles in early modern Bern (Unpublished). In: Early Modern Textiles and Material Culture: Consumption, Distribution and Global Interaction. Universität Bern. 14.-16. April 2016.
Jordan, John (June 2015). Cotton, Coffee, and Tobacco: the Exotic and the Foreign in early modern Bern (Unpublished). In: Spices and Stockings: Cultures of Consumption in the Periphery 1600-1850. Uppsala University. Juni 2015.
Jordan, John (June 2015). An affinity for something new? Cotton, Coffee, and Tobacco in the lives of early modern Swiss (Unpublished). In: Lives and the Life Cycle: Selves and Others 1400-1800. University of Oxford. Juni 2015.
Jordan, John (May 2015). Cotton, Coffee, and Tobacco: the Rise of Global Goods in early modern Bern? (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium - Neuere Geschichte. Universität Bern. Mai 2015.
Jordan, John; Schopf, Gabi Julia (6 March 2015). Engaging with the global on a local level: Naming Indian Cottons in the German-speaking world (Unpublished). In: Names and Naming in Early Modern Germany. 7th Frühe Neuzeit Interdisziplinär Conference. Vanderbilt University, Nashville. 05.-07.03.2015.
Jordan, John (March 2015). Legal Knowledge in the Administration of Justice: A Saxon perspective (Unpublished). In: Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting. Berlin. März 2015.
Jordan, John (2015). Baumwolle, Kaffee, Tee und Tabak: ein Boom der globalen Güter im frühneuzeitlichen Bern? (Unpublished). In: Arbeitstagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frühe Neuzeit, Globale Verflechtungen. Europa neu denken. Heidelberg. September 2015.
Jordan, John (November 2014). Lost Possessions: Finding textiles in early modern Bern (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium – Neuere Geschichte. University of Bern. November 2014.
Jordan, John (October 2014). Keeping the Peace: the use of guarantors in early modern Saxony (Unpublished). In: Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. New Orleans. Oktober 2014.
Jordan, John (October 2014). Panel: Outside the Court: Law in Daily Life (Unpublished). In: Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. New Orleans. Oktober 2014.
Jordan, John (June 2014). No Mere Gambit: Resolving Conflicts through the Court in the sixteenth-century Freiberg (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium zu Kriminalität und Strafjustiz in Vormoderne und Moderne. Evangelische Akademie Meissen. Juni 2014.
Jordan, John; Schopf, Gabi Julia (May 2014). Desirable novelties? The trade and consumption of printed cottons in early modern Switzerland (Unpublished). In: Workshop “Objects of Desire”. University of Basel. Mai 2014.
Jordan, John (April 2014). Social networks, capital, and collateral in early modern Saxony (Unpublished). In: European Social Science History Conference. Wien. April 2014.
Jordan, John; Schopf, Gabi Julia (March 2014). Cottons and Indiennes in early modern Swiss inventories (Unpublished). In: Inventories of Textiles, Textiles in Inventories Workshop. University of Vienna. März 2014.
Jordan, John (November 2013). Soziale Netzwerke, Kapital und Sicherheit: Die Bürgschaft im frühneuzeitlichen Sachsen (Unpublished). In: Colloquium – Neuere Geschichte. University of Bern. November 2013.
Jordan, John (May 2013). The Court on the Market Square: Legal Culture in Public Places (Unpublished). In: Oxford-Munster-Princeton Workshop in Early Modern History. Princeton University. Mai 2013.
Jordan, John (February 2013). The Buchfurer case: lending as an economic and social activity in sixteenth-century Freiberg (Unpublished). In: Social and Economic History Seminar. University of Oxford. Februar 2013.